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About programming, c++ language.
Some summary lists of C++ frameworks, libraries and resources, including: standard libraries, Web application frameworks, artificial intelligence, databases, image processing, machine learning, logging, code analysis, etc. Little friends in need can collect it! C++ standard library, including STL container, algorithm and function. C++ standard library: it is a collection of classes and functions, written in the core language, and is also a part of C++ISO's own standards. Standard template library: standard template library c POSIX library: C standard library specification of POSIX system ISO c++ Standards Committee: c++ Standards Committee.

C++ general framework and library Apache C++ standard library: it is a collection of a series of basic components such as algorithms, containers and iterators. ASL :Adobe source code library provides peer review and portable C++ source code library. Boost: A collection of a large number of general C++ libraries. BDE: It comes from the development environment of Bloomberg Information Lab. Cinder: an open source development community that provides professional quality creative coding. Cxxomfort: A lightweight library, which only contains header files and transplants some new features of C++ 1 1 to C++03. Dlib: A universal cross-platform C++ library designed by contract programming and modern C++ technology. EASTL :EA-STL Part ffead-cpp: enterprise application development framework Folly: open source C++ library JUCE: all-inclusive C++ class library for developing cross-platform software libPhenom: event framework for building high-performance and highly scalable systems. The design of libsource: Loki: C+++library, which is a multi-platform tool library written with c++1event-driven LIBU: C, is used for real-time video streaming and high-performance network applications, including the realization of general design patterns and idioms. MiLi: A small C++ library containing only header files openFrameworks: Develop a C++ toolkit for creative coding. Qt: Cross-platform application and user interface framework Reason: Cross-platform framework makes it easier for developers to use Java. Net and Python, also meet their needs for C++ performance and advantages. ROOT: A series of object-oriented frameworks with all functions, which can process and analyze a large amount of data very efficiently and are used by European Atomic Energy Research Institute. STLport: STXXL, the representative version of STL, is a standard template library for very large data sets. Ultimate++ :C++: C++ Cross-platform Rapid Application Development Framework Windows Template Library: C++ Library Yom1:C++1/Open multiple methods to develop Windows applications and UI components.

Btsk: an entry tool for evolutionary objects and game behavior trees: based on templates, ANSI C++ evolutionary computing library can help you to write your own random optimization algorithm very quickly. Neu: C++ 1 1 framework, programming language set, used to create a multi-purpose software system for artificial intelligence applications.

Boost. Asio: A cross-platform C++ library for network and underlying I/O programming. Libev: Full-featured, high-performance time loop, slightly imitating libevent, but not as limited as libevent, and also fixing some bugs. Libevent: event notification library libuv: cross-platform asynchronous I/O.

Audio, sound, music and digital music library FMOD: an easy-to-use cross-platform audio engine and audio content game creation tool. Maximilian:c+++ audio and music digital signal processing library OpenAL: open source audio library-cross-platform audio API Opus: totally open, royalty-free, highly universal audio codec Speex: free codec, abandoned by Opus Tonic:c+++ Easy-to-use and efficient audio synthesis Vorbis: Ogg Vorbis is a totally open, non-proprietary and royalty-free universal compressed audio format.

Bioinformatics, genomics and biotechnology libsequence: a C++ library for representing and analyzing population genetic data. SeqAn: focuses on the algorithms and data structures of biological data sequence analysis. Vcflib: A C++ library for parsing and processing VCF files. Wham: directly test the genetic structure variation of BAM file.

Compression and archive library bzip2: a completely free, free patent and high-quality data compression doboz: a compression library that can quickly decompress PhysicsFS: a library that provides abstract access to various archives, mainly used for video games, and the design inspiration comes from Quake3' s file subsystem. Ka KArchive: A library for creating, reading, writing and manipulating files such as zip and tar. It provides transparent compression and decompression of data through a series of subclasses of QIODevice, using gzip format. LZ4: Very fast compression algorithm LZHAM: Lossless compression of the database, the compression ratio is close to LZMA, but the decompression speed is much faster. Lzma: the default and universal compression method of 7z format. LZMAT: and its fast real-time lossless data compression library miniz: single C source file, compression/expansion compression library, using zlib compatible API, ZIP archive reading and writing, PNG writing mode. Minizip:Zlib latest bug fix, supporting PKWARE disk spanning, AES encryption and IO buffering. Snappy: fast compression and decompression ZLib: very compact data stream compression library ZZIPlib: provide read access for ZIP archive.

Concurrent execution and multithreading acceleration. Compute:OpenCL Bolt's C++GPU computing library: C++ template library optimized for GPU c++ React:c++ reactive programming library 1 1 TBB: Intel thread building module Libcls. Ph: GPU accelerated SPH fluid simulation library based on OpenCL: OpenMP: OpenMP API thrust: parallel algorithm library similar to C++ standard template library HPX: universal C++ runtime system for parallel and distributed applications of any scale: VexCL: C++ vector expression template library for OpenCL/CUDA.

C++ B-tree: Based on the B-tree data structure, realize the template library of the command storage container. Hashmaps: Implementation of Open Addressable Hashtable Algorithm in C++

Bcrypt: a cross-platform file encryption tool. Encrypted files can be ported to all supported operating systems and processors. Bee Crypt: Botan: C++ Crypto++: Free C++ libraries related to encryption schemes. Complete implementation of GnuTLS: SSL, libgcrypt libressl: a free SSL/DTLS protocol, which belongs to a branch of 20 14 OpenSSL: a very comprehensive, modular and portable encryption tool library: an encryption library based on NaCI, which is stubborn and easy to use. OpenSSL, the encryption library at the bottom of Nettle, is a powerful, commercial and fully functional open source encryption library. Micro AES 128 in C language: A compact and portable encryption algorithm of AES 128ESB is implemented in C language.

Keywords database, SQL server, ODBC Drivers and Tools hiberlite: C+++Object Relationship Mapping for Sqlite3 Hiredis: A very simple C client library for Redis Database Level DB: Fast Key Value Repository LMDB: Embedded Key Value Storage Meeting the Four Basic Elements of Database MySQL++:C++ Wrapped by MySQL RocksDB of C API: Fast Quickly store the embedded key value Sqlite from Facebook: a fully embedded and fully functional relational database with only a few hundred KB, which can be correctly included in your project.

Debugging library, memory and resource leak detection, unit test enhancement. Test: Boost. Test:Boost library Catch: A very fashionable, C++ native framework, which only contains header files and is used for unit testing, test-driven development and behavior-driven development. CppUnit: C++ test framework transplanted from JUnit: CTest:CMake test driver: googletest: Google C++ test framework ig-debugheap: multi-platform debug heap for tracking memory errors: libtap: test memtrack written in c language is used to track memory points in C++. Using microprofile- cross-platform network, this paper tries to analyze minUnit: a mini unit test framework written in C, using only two macros Remotery: a single C file analyzer for web view UnitTest++ and a lightweight C++ unit test framework.

Cocos2d-x: A cross-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, presentations and other graphic applications. Grit: A community project aimed at establishing a free game engine and realizing an open-world 3D game. Irrlicht: Polycode, an open-source high-performance real-time #D engine written in C++ language: an open-source framework for creating games in c++ (binding with Lua).

CEGUI: a flexible cross-platform GUI library FLTK: a fast and lightweight cross-platform C++GUI toolkit. GTK+: a cross-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces gtkmm: the official C++ interface of GTK+, a popular GUI library. Imgui: Minimally Dependent Instant Mode Graphical User Interface libRocket :libRocket is a C++ HTML/CSS game interface middleware MyGUI: fast, flexible, Simple GUI Ncurses: terminal user interface QCustomPlot: Qt drawing control Qwt has no more dependence: Qt control QwtPlot3D is user-oriented and technical application: A functional C++ programming library based on Qt/OpenGL essentially provides a set of 3D controls OtterUI :OtterUI is a user interface development solution for embedded systems and interactive entertainment software. PDCurses is a public graphic function library wxWidgets C++ library containing source code and precompiled library, which allows developers to create applications for platforms such as widows, Mac OS X and Linux by using a code library.

Bgfx: cross-platform rendering library Cairo: a 2D graphics library supporting various output devices, a small 3D rendering and animation engine magnum C++ 1 1 and OpenGL 2D/3D graphics engine Horde3D, a scene-oriented and real-time one written in C++, A flexible 3D rendering engine (not a game engine) OpenSceneGraph has a high-performance open source 3D graphics toolkit Panda3D, which is used for 3D rendering and game development framework, and is written in Python and C++. Skia is a complete 2D graphics library for drawing text, graphics and images. Urho3d is a cross-platform rendering and game engine.

Boost. GIL: general image library CImg: small open source C++ toolkit for image processing CxImage: image processing and conversion library for loading, saving, displaying and converting. The image formats that can be processed include BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, MNG, ICO, PCX, TGA, WMF, WBMP, JBG, J2k. FreeImage: an open source library that supports common picture formats and other formats required by multimedia applications. GDCM: grassroots DICOM library ITK: cross-platform open source image analysis system Magic K++:C++ interface of ImageMagick program Magick WND: C++ interface of ImageMagick program OpenCV: open source computer vision class library tessera. CT-OCR: OCR engine VIGRA: General C++ computer vision library VTK for image analysis: an open source free software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization. Finally, for programmers who study programming or want to be promoted at work, if you want to improve your programming ability better, it will help you improve your level! The author may be able to help you here ~ programming learning book sharing: programming learning video sharing: sharing (source code, project actual combat video, project notes, basic introductory tutorial) Welcome to switch to learning programming partners, learn with more materials, and grow faster than yourself!