In addition, there may be some compatibility problems between different software platforms, which may also lead to problems when copying and pasting text between different applications.
In order to solve this problem, you can try the following methods:
1. After copying the text in the nail, paste it into a plain text editor (such as Notepad), and then copy and paste it from the plain text editor into Word. This can delete the special formats and styles in the text, making it easier for Word to correctly analyze and display.
2. After copying the text in the nail art, select the Paste Special option in Word and paste it as plain text. This ensures that the pasted text does not have any special format or style.
If the above method still doesn't work, you can try to copy and paste the text by saving it as a plain text file and then opening the file in Word.
In a Word, nailing and Word are different applications, and there may be some compatibility problems between them, resulting in an exception when copying and pasting text. This problem can be solved by taking some extra steps, such as deleting special formats or styles, or pasting in plain text.