Basketball Rules
Chapter 1 Competition
Article 1 Definition
1.1 Basketball Game
Basketball Game It is played by two teams, each team has 5 players. The goal of each team is to score at the other team's basket and prevent the other team from scoring.
Basketball games are managed by referees, scoreboard personnel and technical representatives.
1.2 Basket: Our team/opponent
The basket attacked by a certain team is the opponent's basket, and the basket defended by a certain team is our own basket.
1.3 Winner of the match
The team with more points at the end of the match time will be the winner of the match.
(All rights reserved by China Basketball Referee Network, please indicate if reprinted)
Chapter 2 Courts and Equipment
Article 2 Courts
2.2 Playing Field
The playing field should be a flat, solid and obstacle-free surface (Figure 1). Its dimensions are 28 meters long and 15 meters wide, measured from the inner edge of the boundary line.
For the purpose of organizing and competing, the national federation has the right to approve existing competition venues with a minimum size of 26 meters long and 14 meters wide.
2.2 Lines
All lines should be drawn in the same color (preferably white), 5 cm wide and clearly visible.
2.2.1 Boundary lines
The playing field is bounded by two end lines (on the short side) and two side lines (on the long side). These lines are not part of the playing field.
Any Chinese obstacle basketball referee, including the netball player, and anyone seated at the team table should be at least 2 meters away from the playing field.
2.2.2 Center line, center circle and semicircle
The center line should be marked from the midpoint of the two side lines and parallel to the two end lines. It extends 15cm beyond each sideline.
The center circle should be marked in the center of the playing field with a radius of 1.80 meters (measured from the outer edge of the circle). If the inside of the center circle is colored, it must be the same color as the inside of the restricted area.
A semicircle shall be marked on the playing field with a radius of 1.80 meters (measured from the outer edge of the circle) and its center at the midpoint of the two free throw lines (Figure 2).
2.2.3 Free Throw Lines and Restricted Areas
The free throw line shall be drawn parallel to each end line. It shall be 5.80 meters from the inner edge of the end line to its outermost edge and its length shall be 3.60 meters. Its midpoint should fall on an imaginary line connecting the midpoints of the two end lines.
The restricted area is a ground area marked on the playing field. It consists of the end line, the free throw line and two starting lines (the outer edge of the drawn line is 3 meters away from the midpoint of the end line) and ends with the outer edge of the free throw line. limited by the line. With the exception of the end lines, these lines are part of the restricted area. The restricted area can be colored, but it must be the same color as the center circle.
The rebounding positions along both sides of the restricted area reserved for players during free throws should be marked as shown in Figure 2.
2.2.3 3-point shooting area
The 3-point shooting area of ??a certain team (Figure 1 and Figure 3) is the area restricted by the following conditions except the area near the opponent's basket. The entire playing field ground area outside. These conditions include:
* Two parallel lines are drawn from the end line perpendicular to the end line, with their outer edges 6.25 meters apart from the intersection of the center vertical line of the opponent's basket and the ground. The distance between the intersection point and the midpoint of the inner edge of the end line is 1.575 meters.
* Taking the same point specified above as the center of the circle, draw a semicircle with a radius of 6.25 meters (measured to the outer edge of the arc) to intersect the two parallel lines.
2.2.5 Team bench area
The team bench area (Figure 1) should be marked outside the court on the same side of the scorer's table as the team.
Each area is bounded by a line extending outward from the end lines of at least 2 meters long and another line 5 meters from the center line at right angles to the side lines and at least 2 meters long.
There must be 14 seats in the team bench area for coaches, substitute basketball players, and referees and netizens. Any other personnel should be at least 2 meters behind the team bench.
2.3 The location of the recording table and replacement chairs (Figure 4)
Article 3 Equipment
The following equipment is required:
*Block parts, including:
——Basket including pressure-resistant rim and net;
——Backboard support structure (including dressing).
*Game clock.
*24 seconds to install.
*A stopwatch or suitable (visible) device (not a game clock) for use in time-outs.
*Two separate, apparently distinct and very loud signals.
*Record table.
*Player foul sign.
*Team foul sign.
*Alternate owning indicators.
*Competition floor.
*Competition stadium.
*Adequate lighting.
For a more detailed description of basketball equipment, see the "Basketball Equipment Appendix" (FIBA).
Chapter 3 Team
Article 4 Team
4.1 Definition
4.1.1 When a team member A member of the team who has been recognized as a member of a team and is eligible to participate is a member of a team that has been recognized as a member of the team in accordance with the rules of the competition organizing department (including those governing age limits).
4.1.2 A team member is eligible to participate when his name has been entered on the score sheet before the start of the game and he has neither been disqualified nor committed 5 fouls. team members.
4.1.3 During playing time, a team member:
* is a team member when he is on the playing field and is eligible to play.
*A substitute when he is not on the playing field but is eligible to play.
* An ejected player when he has committed 5 fouls and is no longer eligible to play.
4.1.4 During breaks in play, all eligible team members are considered players.
4.2 Regulations
4.2.1 Each team shall be composed according to the following requirements;
* No more than 12 team members who are eligible to participate, including one Captain.
*A coach, and an assistant coach if the team needs it.
*Up to 5 team members with specialized duties can sit on the team's bench, such as team leaders, doctors, physiotherapists, statisticians, and translators.
4.2.2 During the game time, each team should have 5 players on the field who can be substituted.
4.2.3 A substitute becomes a player and a player becomes a substitute:
* When the referee calls a substitute into the playing field.
*When a substitute player requests a substitution from the scorer's table during a registered time-out or game break.
4.3 Clothing
4.3.1 The clothing of team members shall be composed according to the following requirements:
*The main color of the front and back of the vest is the same.
All players must tuck their vests into their playing shorts. One-piece clothing is allowed.
* Crewneck shirts (regardless of style) may not be worn under a vest unless the team member has written consent from a doctor. If such permission is granted, the color of the crewneck must be the same as the primary color of the vest.
*The main color of the shorts should be the same on the front and back, but not necessarily the same color as the tank top.
*Leggings longer than shorts are allowed as long as they are the same color as the shorts.
4.3.2 Each team member shall wear a jersey with a number on the front and back. The clear solid-color number is clearly different from the color of the jersey.
The number should be clearly visible and:
*The number on the back should be at least 10 centimeters clear.
*The number on the front chest should be at least 10cm high.
*Numbers should be at least 2cm wide.
*Teams should use numbers from one to 15. The National Federation reserves the right to approve any other numbers up to two digits for the purpose of organizing the competition.
*Members of the same team should not wear the same number.
*Any advertising or signage should be at least 5cm away from the number.
Dk; 43.3 The team must have at least two sets of vests, and:
The first team (home team) ranked tenth in the order book should wear light-colored vests with a heart (preferably white).
The second team (away team) ranked tenth in the E* order book should wear dark vests.
*However, if both teams involved in the match agree, they may swap the colors of their vests.
44 X Other Equipment
441 All equipment used by the team members must meet the competition requirements. Any equipment designed to increase a player's height or reach, or to gain unfair advantage in any other way, is not allowed.
442 Team members should not wear equipment (items) that may cause injury to other team members O
*The following items are not allowed:
Fingers, hands, wrists , elbow or hip protectors, modules or covers made of leather, plastic, soft plastic, metal or any other hard material, even if covered with a soft dressing.
—Items that can cut or cause scratches (nails must be cut short) O
Headdresses, hair accessories and jewelry.
*The following items are allowed:
-Shoulder, upper thigh or calf protective equipment, if the material is adequately bandaged.
—Properly bandaged knee brace.
One-to-one nose protector, even made of hard materials.
————Glasses that do not pose a danger to other team members.
The maximum width of the headband is 5 seats and 10 seats, and it is made of solid-color cotton, soft plastic or rubber that will not cause scratches.
443 Any other equipment not explicitly mentioned in this article. Must be approved by the FIBA ??Technical Committee.
5f5$ Player: Injured
51 In the event of an injury to a player, the referee can stop the game.
gs. 2. If the ball is live when the injury occurs, the referee shall not call the ball until the team in control of the track has made a field goal, lost control of the ball, stopped the offense, or the ball has become dead. If and when it is necessary to protect an injured player, the referee may interrupt the game immediately.
D53 If the injured player is unable to play immediately (approximately 15 seconds) or if he receives treatment, he must be replaced, and the team must continue the game with less than 5 players.
D54 Coaches, assistant coaches, substitutes and team members may enter the playing field with the permission of the referee and take care of the injured player before he plays.
D53 If the doctor determines that the injured player needs immediate treatment, the doctor may enter the playing field without the referee's permission.
DS Stone During the game, any team that is bleeding or has a wound must be replaced. This player can only return to the court after the bleeding has stopped and the affected part or wound has been fully and safely bandaged.
During the same stoppage period, any team requests a timeout to be registered. If an injured player or any player who is bleeding or has a wound recovers, that player may continue playing.
57 If a free throw has been awarded to an injured player, it must be taken by his substitute. The substitute cannot be substituted until he has participated in the game until the next clock-running period of the game.
58 A player who has been designated by the coach to play at the start of the game may be substituted in the event of injury. In this case, the opponent also has the right to substitute the same number of players if they wish to do so.
Chapter 6 Captain: Responsibilities and Powers
61 A captain is a player who represents his team on the field. During the game, he can contact the referee for information. This must be done courteously and only when the ball has become dead and the game clock has stopped.
62 The captain can serve as a coach.
63 If ??a team protests the result of a game and signs the score sheet in the box marked "Team Protest Captain's signature, the captain shall notify the referee immediately at the end of the game.
Article 7 Coaches: Responsibilities and Powers
71 At least q minutes before the scheduled start of a game, each coach or his representative shall submit the names of the team members who are eligible to participate in that game. and the corresponding numbers and team captains.
The list of coaches and assistant coaches is given to the scorer.
All team members whose names are entered on the score sheet are entitled to participate in the game, even if they arrive after the game has started.
72 At least 10 minutes before the game, each coach should confirm by signing the record sheet L the names of their team members, the corresponding numbers and the names of the coaches. They should also indicate the five players who will start the game. ‘Team A’s coach should provide this information first.
73 Only coaches and assistant coaches (and substitutes and team personnel), etc., are permitted to be in and remain in their team bench areas, except as otherwise provided in these Rules.
74 A coach or assistant coach may go to the scorer's table during a game to obtain statistics only when the ball becomes dead and the game clock is stopped.
73 Only coaches are allowed to remain standing during games. During games, he may speak to his players as long as he remains within their team bench area.
76 If there is an assistant coach, his name must be on the flagman record sheet before the start of the game (he does not have to sign). If a coach is unable to continue working for any reason, he shall assume all the duties and powers of a coach. D
77 When the captain leaves the playing field, the coach should call the referee the number of the player who is the captain on the field. 1
7 stones If there is no coach or if the coach cannot continue to work and there is no other assistant coach on the score sheet (because the latter cannot continue to work), the team captain shall act as coach. If the captain must leave the playing field, he may continue to serve as a coach.
However, if he must leave after a disqualifying foul, or if he is unable to coach due to injury, his substitute substitute becomes coach.
In all cases where Rule 79 does not determine the free throw shooter, the coach shall designate the free throw shooter. D
Chapter 4 General Rules of the Game
No. 8$ Game Time, Tie Score and Decisive Lake
sl Game Should consist of 4 periods of 10 minutes each
82 Between period 1 and period 2 (first half)
Period 3 and period 4 ( There shall be a 2-minute break between the first half and each decisive period.
83 The half-time break shall be 15 minutes.
84 There shall be a 20-minute game break period before the scheduled start of the game.
85 A game break period begins;
*The first minute before the scheduled start of the game;
*When the game clock signal sounds to end a quarter.
86 A game break period ends;
*At the beginning of the 1st quarter, when the ball is on the jump ball.
*At the beginning of all other quarters, when the ball touches a court player or is lawfully touched by a player in the throw-in zone. O
87 If the score is tied
at the end of the 4th quarter, one or more 5-minute periods are required to continue the game in order to break the tie. D< /p>
88 If a foul occurs on or just before the end of the game clock signal, the final free throw shall be taken at the end of the game time.
89 If this is the free throw. The result requires a final period, then all fouls that occur after the end of the game time are deemed to have occurred during the game break, and free throws should be executed before the start of the decisive period.
gi In a jump ball, the first period begins when the ball is legally tapped by a jump ball player 1
92 Throw. After foul play, all other quarters begin when the ball touches a player or is legally touched by a player on the field g
93 If a team has fewer than five players on the field ready to play, The game cannot be started al
94 For all games, the first team named in the order book (the home team) shall have the ball facing the playing field from the left team bench and its own ball Basket O
However, if both teams agree, they may swap team benches and H back to form a basket.
9.5 Before the 1st and 3rd quarters, the team has the right to conduct pre-game preparation activities in the half of the court where the opponent's basket is located. In the second half of the game, the teams should exchange ball B.
97 In all tiebreakers, teams shall continue the game toward the same basket as the one with the highest score in the 4th quarter.
9 Stones A period, extra period or game shall end when the signal ending the game time is sounded.
The status of the 10th ball
101 The ball can be live or dead.
102 $ becomes a live ball when
*In a jump ball, the ball is legally tapped by a team player.
*During a free throw, the free throw shooter can handle the ball.
; *When the ball is in the player's boundary and the player in the player's boundary who moves the ball can handle the ball.
103 $ will be awarded when:
* Any field goal or free throw is mid-inning.
*The ball is a live ball and the referee whistles.
*If the ball is obviously not going to enter the basket during a free throw, it should be
if there is another free throw;
—Another (more) times) during free throws.
One-by-one further penalties (free throws and l or throw-ins)
Answer: Basketball Champion - Children's Level 10 -3 16:03
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It cannot be explained clearly in one sentence. I will only say foul play here. The main ones are space definition and cylinder rules. Your division cannot invade other people's airspace. Just like between countries, the United States cannot fly planes over China's airspace at will. There are more rules in the half-court than in the full-court. In addition to the full-court rules, there is also the requirement to control the ball out of the three-point line. After a score is scored, the scoring team serves.
Commenter: A Peng Lei - Probation Level 1
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Add 5 more bounty points, one *** is 25 points.
Commenter: Basketball Champion - Assistant Level 2
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Thank you for adding 20 points to me!
Commenter: Basketball Champion - Assistant Level 2
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Other answers*** 12
You can search it yourself, there is no need to come here to ask
Answer: yanggen111 - Magic Apprentice 1 Level 9-26 20:08
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You can search anywhere on Baidu, it’s too long and difficult to copy!!
Answer: LQ Yingzai - Trainee Magician Level 2 9-26 21:44
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Even if I say it, you won’t be able to absorb it all at once. I suggest Find a basketball textbook!
Read it in detail, add practice, and slowly understand, absorb, and digest it!!
Reference: Personal experience~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Answer: zhuzhengkang - Probation Level 9-27 02:23
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Basketball competition rules include: 1. Competition, 2. Dimensions and equipment, 3. referee. Records desk personnel and technical representatives and their responsibilities,4. Team, 5. General Rules of Competition, 6. Violations (player out of bounds and ball out of bounds; dribbling; walking with the ball; 3 seconds; closely guarded player; 8 seconds; 24 seconds; ball returned to the backcourt; interference in scoring and ball interference), 7. Fouls (contact; personal foul; double foul; unsportsmanlike foul; disqualifying foul; code of conduct; technical foul; fighting), 8. General regulations. For details, please see the Chinese Basketball Association’s review.
Just study the "Basketball Competition Rules" published by Guangming Daily Publishing House seriously!
Answer: limglu - Xiucai Level 2 9-27 10:11
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It’s too complicated, I can’t explain it in one or two sentences
Answer: Sunset x1 - Tongsheng Level 1 9-27 15:56
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Basketball Rules
(1) Competition venue
The size of a standard basketball competition venue should be 28 meters long by 15 meters wide on a smooth wooden floor or stone floor.
(2) Basketball Board
There is a basketball board at the bottom line of the basketball court. The size is 1.8 meters by 1.05 meters. There is a basket and a net on the ball board.
The basket frame is made of metal, orange, and has a diameter of 45 meters.
The net is hooked on the ball frame, which allows people to clearly see whether the ball is scored or not.
The rim is nailed to the backboard to prevent the basketball from flying out of the court.
(3) Competition clothing
The basic competition clothing is a sports vest and a pair of short sports pants.
p>Each player's jersey must be numbered, usually from four to fifteen. The number on the front of the vest must be ten meters high and the number on the back must be twenty meters high.
(4) Sneakers
Sneakers are very important to athletes, so you should pay attention to the following points when buying sneakers:
1. Sneakers should be light and suitable for size
< p>2. Can be high-top or short-top shoes3. Made of canvas or soft leather
4. The soles can be shock-absorbing and flexible
5 . Non-slip
(5) Basketball
A sphere made of leather, soft rubber or artificial fiber wrapped with a rubber airbag. The circumference should be between 74.9cm and 78cm, and the weight should be Between 567g and 650g
(1) 24-second rule
1. When a player gains possession of the live ball on the court, the team must try to shoot within 24 seconds .
2. The signal of the 24-second timer indicates that the controlling team failed to shoot within 24 seconds.
A violation of this rule is a violation.
3. If the ball is touched by the opponent and the original team in possession still has possession of the ball, the 24 seconds must not be recalculated.
4. The 24-second timer must be stopped, but must not be reset.
(1) When the ball goes out of bounds, the player of the original team in control shall serve the throw-in.
(2) The staff stops the game to protect the injured player of the team in charge.
( 3) The game is stopped due to certain actions of the controlling team.
1. When the ball is in the air when shooting, if the 24-second timer beeps incorrectly: the ball has not been If a player of any team touches the ball and hits the basket, it shall be counted as a score.
2. If a player of any team touches the ball legally or the ball obviously cannot hit the basket, the ball shall become dead and a jump ball shall be awarded.
(2) 8-second violation
The offensive team must bring the ball to the frontcourt within 8 seconds, otherwise it will be a violation. Once the ball is controlled to the front, it cannot be brought to the frontcourt. Return to the backcourt, otherwise it will be considered a violation.
(3) 5-second violation
The offensive team must throw the foul ball within 5 seconds, otherwise it will be a violation.< /p>
(4) 3-second violation
No player on the offensive side can stay in the defensive penalty area for more than 3 seconds, otherwise it will be a violation.
(1) Game The time should include:
1. Each half-time of four quarters is twenty minutes, and each quarter is ten minutes. The rest time is between the first quarter and the second quarter and the third quarter and the fourth quarter. is two minutes.
2. The half-time break is ten minutes or fifteen minutes.
(2) Players commit five fouls
1. In the 4*10 minute format, when a player commits five fouls, including the total number of personal fouls and technical fouls, the player should be informed
If you have committed a violation, you should automatically withdraw from the game.
The 4X10-minute game system is 1-5 times.
(3) How to play basketball
1·Basketball It is a game played with both hands. Running with the ball, kicking or punching the ball are all illegal.
2. Kicking means using the knees or legs below the knees, or kicking or blocking the ball with the feet. Only intentional kicking is considered a violation.
3. Unintentional contact with the ball with the foot or leg shall not be considered a violation.
(4) Equality of scores and decisive period
1·When the scores are equal at the end of the second half, one or more five-minute decisive periods shall continue until the winner is determined.
2· Before the first decisive period, the basket should be re-selected.
3·Every additional decisive period, the baskets should be exchanged.
4·Every decisive period , a two-minute rest period should be given.
5. In each decisive period, the game should start with a jump ball in the center circle.
(5) Request a timeout
A. Description
When a team calls for a timeout, it shall be given one minute each time according to the following regulations:
2. In the 4x10-minute game format, each team shall be in (second quarter) ) are allowed to request 2 timeouts within the period, and 2 timeouts can be requested during the decisive period.
3. If the team that requires a timeout is ready to play before the timeout ends, the referee
Players should start the game immediately.
4. Players are allowed to leave the playing field and sit on the bench during the timeout
B. Procedure:
1. Coach Or the assistant coach has the right to request a timeout, but he must go to the scorer in person and give a special signal and clearly request a timeout.
2. The scorer must issue the call as soon as possible when the ball is dead and the game clock is stopped. A signal to notify the staff that a team is requesting a timeout.
3. The scorer must send a signal before continuing the game to notify the staff that a team is requesting a timeout, and if the staff calls a foul, the scorer must be on duty
After the official has completed the foul registration procedure with the scorer's table, the signal is sent.
4. The coach or assistant coach is allowed to request a timeout in the following situations: If the opposing team's field goal is requested by the team After the timeout, but before the shooting player leaves the ball
, the team has registered to request a timeout.
C. Restrictions:
1. When the first time When the game continues with a free throw or only one free throw, the team shall not be allowed to request a timeout. A timeout will not be allowed until the ball becomes dead again after a period of time.
2. There is no need to register a timeout if the injured player has not received observation and treatment and is ready to participate in the game immediately (about fifteen seconds).
b. Injury The player has been substituted as soon as possible.
c. A player who commits his fifth foul or is awarded a power foul is substituted within thirty seconds
d. Delay allowed by the staff.
3. An unused timeout shall not be moved to the second half or the overtime period.
Note the following points regarding requesting a timeout and should Notes to coaches and scorers:
1. The timeout should be registered under the name of the coach who requested it first, unless the timeout occurred when the opposing team made a basket without a foul.
2. After the team requests a timeout, it can only request a revocation before the scorer sends a timeout signal to notify the staff.
Player Role Explanation
Shooting Guard or Off Guard )
From the meaning of the word, it is not difficult to know that his main task is to score on the court. He is the second scorer after the small forward on the court, but he does not need to practice like a small forward. Average singles skills, because he often has his teammates help him find gaps and then shoot. But because of this, his outside accuracy and stability must be very good.
Point Guard (Point) Guard)
The point guard is the person with the most opportunities to get the ball on the court. He has to bring the ball safely from the backcourt to the frontcourt, and then pass the ball to other teammates, so that others can score. opportunities. If the small forward is the protagonist of a play, then the point guard is the director of the play.
Small Forward
The small forward is the director of the play. The most on the team
A primitive scorer, the most fundamental requirement for a small forward is to be able to score, and to score from a longer distance. As soon as the small forward receives the ball, the first thing that comes to his mind is how to put the ball into the basket, and then score, score. , and then score.
Power Forward
Almost all of his tasks on the team are hard work. He is indispensable for rebounding, defense, and position blocking. However, When it comes to shooting and scoring, he is often the last one. Therefore, the power forward can be regarded as the most inconspicuous role on the basketball court.
Center (Center)
As the name suggests, The central figure of a team. He spends most of his time in the penalty area to work hard and to sell his body. He is the pivot of the team in both offense and defense, so he is called the center.
< p>Reference material: beyondcy - Assistant Level 2 9- 27 17:12
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International Basketball United Basketball Rules FIBA2000 Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Fouls
Article 42 Fouls
42.1 A foul is a violation of the rules and involves physical contact with an opponent's player and/or unsportsmanlike conduct.
42.2 Rules
A foul is registered against the offender and subsequently punished in accordance with the Rules.
Article 43 Contact
43.1 Definition
43.1.1 In a basketball game, 10 players move quickly in a limited space. Physical contact is inevitable.
43.1.2 In determining whether to penalize such contact, the referee shall in each instance focus and consider the following basic principles:
* The spirit and intent of the rule and the integrity of the game need.
*Use consistency in the concept of "favorable/unfavorable"; referees should not attempt to penalize incidental physical contact by unnecessarily interrupting the flow of the game and where such contact does not confer responsibility interests of the team members. Nor did he put his opponents at a disadvantage.
*Use common sense and consistency in every game; remember the abilities of the players involved as well as their attitudes and behaviors during the game.
* Maintain a balanced consistency between game control and game flow; have a "feel" for what the players are trying to do and what is called the right call for the game.
Article 44 Personal Foul
44.1 Definition
44.1.1 A personal foul is a foul committed by a player and involves illegal contact with an opponent's player, regardless of whether the ball is Live ball or dead ball.
A player may not pull by extending his hands, arms, elbows, shoulders, hips, legs, knees, or feet, nor by bending his body into an "abnormal" position (beyond his cylinder). , block, push, pull, trip, or prevent the opponent's players from advancing; nor may they indulge in any rough or violent movements.
44.1.2 Blocking is illegal physical contact that prevents the progress of an opponent with or without the ball.
44.1.3 A bump is a physical contact with or without the ball that pushes or moves against an opponent's torso.
44.1.4 Illegal defense from behind is physical contact between a defensive player and an opponent from behind. The mere fact that a defensive player is trying to win the ball does not justify contact from behind.
44.l.5 Pulling is physical contact that interferes with the freedom of movement of an opposing player.
Such contact (pulling) can occur anywhere on the body.
44.l.6 An illegal screen is an illegal attempt to delay or prevent an opponent who is not in control of the ball from reaching a desired position on the court.
44.1.7 Illegal hand use occurs when a defensive player is on guard and places his hands on and maintains contact with an opponent with or without the ball to prevent his progress.
44.1.8 A push is physical contact that occurs when a player uses any part of his or her body to force or attempt to move an opponent who may or may not be in control of the ball.
44.2 Penalty
A personal foul shall be charged against the offender in all cases. In addition:
44.2.1 If a foul occurs against a player who is not taking the action to shoot,
* the game will be restarted with a throw-in by the non-offending team at the point closest to the violation.
*When the fouling team is in a team foul penalty state, Article 55 (Team Foul: Penalty) shall apply.
44.2.2 If a foul occurs against a player who is shooting,
*If the shot is successful, a point will be scored and 1 free throw will be awarded.
*An unsuccessful shot from the 2-point shooting area shall be awarded 2 free throws.
*Unsuccessful shots from the 3-point shooting area shall be awarded 3 free throws.
*A player is fouled when or just before the game clock signal sounds to indicate the end of any quarter or decisive period, or when the 24-second device signal sounds, while the ball is still there. In the hands of a player, subsequent successful shots will not count for points. 2 or 3 free throws should be awarded.
44.3 Cylinder Principle
The cylinder principle is defined as a player standing on the ground occupying the space within an imaginary cylinder. It includes the space above the player and is limited by:
* Fronted by the palms of the hands.
*The back is by the buttocks, and
*The sides are by the arms and the outside of the legs.
The hands and feet can be extended in front of the torso, and the arms at the elbows should not be bent beyond the position of the feet, so the front legs and hands should be raised. The distance between his feet should be proportional to his height.
44.4 Vertical Principle
44.4.1 On the basketball court, each player has the right to occupy any position (cylinder) on the court that is not already occupied by an opponent's player.
44.4.2 This principle protects the floor space occupied by the player and the space above him when he jumps vertically within this space.
44.4.3 Once a player leaves his vertical position (cylinder)
Actually, I've been thinking about it for a long time. It doesn't matter how much is behind except Iron Man. Iron Man appears in the last three films, so you