Zhong Limei (? 200 years ago), Lu Yi Township, Hanyu County (now Lu Yi Township, Guanyun County). When Chu and Han contended, Zhong Limei was the general of Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, and made friends with Han Xin. In the fourth year of Emperor Gaozu (203 BC), he was besieged by the Han army in Xingyang East. Xiang Yu saved him, and the Han army lost. Xiang Yu pursued the victory and cut off the route for providing foodstuff for the Han army. The Han army was trapped for peace, but Wang Xiang refused. Chen Ping offered a plan to Hanwang: Wang Xiang's loyal ministers are only Yapu, Zhong Limei, Long Qie and Zhou Yin. If you can bribe lobbyists with all kinds of money to alienate their relationship between monarch and minister, and then send troops to attack, Wang Xiang will be defeated. Hanwang used this scheme. Xiang Wang was suspicious of loyal ministers, which led them to run away. Only Zhong Limei followed King Xiang. After Wang Xiang's defeat, Zhong Limei defected to Han Xin. Hanwang was jealous of Zhong Liwei and ordered Han Xin to arrest Zhong Limei, but Han Xin refused. Hanwang also used the plan to pretend to go hunting in Yunmeng and asked the princes to gather in Chen. Han Xin has concerns. It is suggested that you kill Zhong Limei and take his head to see Hanwang to ensure your safety. Han Xin and Zhong Limei discussed this matter, and Zhong Limei said: Hanwang already knows that you are going to rebel and dare not attack you because we are together. If you kill me and go to see Hanwang, you can't come back. Han Xin didn't listen to his advice, and Zhong Limei cursed Han Xin and said, "Gong is not an elder." He also said, "If I die today, I will die at will." Suicide immediately. Han Xin took his head to see Hanwang and was tied up by Hanwang and brought back to the court.