A group of billionaires, including Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett and Ted Turner, joined Smithsonian officials last week in launching a study and record Initiatives on the history of philanthropy in the country and their role in shaping the nation.
“Extended, active, results-driven philanthropy is something that is uniquely American,” said David J. Skorton, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. A philanthropy that reflects the core values ??and character of this country. As part of the project, the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History hosted a half-day seminar exploring the impact of philanthropy on American life. ”. The Smithsonian initiative, which examines the power and impact of donations of all kinds, supports annual symposiums, exhibition presentations, and a curatorial position. Launched on the fourth anniversary of the annual Giving Tuesday
, a global donation boom fueled by social media, has founder Henry Timms, director of the 92 Street Y, a community and cultural center in New York City, as one of the special Spokesperson was present. According to Timms, more than 40,000 organizations participated this year and more than $116 million was raised.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan. Chan on Tuesday honored the birth of their daughter, Maxima, by pledging to donate 99% of his Facebook shares to a new $45 billion LLC called the Chan Zuckerburg Initiative. Questions were quickly raised about the unusual arrangement because the new entity did not have nonprofit status )
In contrast, the Smithsonian Philanthropic Initiative generated little controversy, however. The power of a philanthropic donor, witnessed by museum director John L. Gray, accepted a simple relic from an American charity - a fireman's boot
This well-worn artifact, a Muscular Dystrophy campaign sticker, and a sign used to solicit donations from motorists at stoplights were donated by Fairfax County, Virginia, Fire Rescue crews for their. Charity fundraiser sets national record
Gray also received a sign and banner from Jamie McDonald, founder of Generosity, who hosted the BMoreGivesMore campaign during Giving the Day in 2013, which raised $5.7 million earns Baltimore title of 'Most Generous City' for firefighters with scuffed and worried boots, campaign stickers for Muscular Dystrophy now available (NMAH/SI) from the Muscular Dystrophy "Boot Repair" campaign. (NMAH/SI) Donations include fire boots from Fairfax County Fire Rescue and Fairfax County professional firefighters and paramedics, as well as autographs and T-shirts from the 2013 “BMoreGivesMore” campaign. NMAH/SI)
As the lights suddenly and dramatically dim, a textile conservator unveils the fragile trio worn by Benjamin Franklin to secure the 1778 treaty of alliance with France A silk suit. This rare work of art elicited cheers from the audience, and Gray noted that it was the first of its kind ever given to anyone but Franklin himself. Known as the father of American philanthropy, Franklin helped establish America's first hospital and public subscription libraries through his pioneering efforts to raise donations from all who would benefit.
"Franklin proposed another way of thinking about human progress that proved to be more democratic, Gray reminded them: "equal, creative, and resourceful, much like the new nation itself. David Rubenstein, co-founder and co-CEO of The Carlyle Group and a member of the Smithsonian board of directors, later chaired a panel that examined philanthropy in the United States over the past century. He told Berkshire Warren Buffett, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Holdings Inc., asked about the origins of a donation pledge made by the world's richest individual and family Buffett still lives in In the same modest house in Omaha, Nebraska, that he bought in 1958, he explains, in 2010 with Bill and Melinda Gates, David Rockefeller and others in 2007 An idea developed during a severe decline in charitable giving following the financial crisis, 139 individuals and families have signed the pledge, and a rotating selection of these pledges is on display as part of the Smithsonian Philanthropy Show. out.
Preview examples announced on December 1, 2015 include a register showing 1,600 libraries funded by steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie, and British fashion designer Charles Frederick Worth as a philanthropist Marie's 1881 dress designed by Ino Pinchot.
Buffett has pledged to donate 95% of his $64 billion in assets to five charities, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He described the thinking behind his bequest.
"When we were in our 20s, my wife and I decided to give away all the money we didn't need, basically, we didn't think we needed that much," he said. "Initially, I thought my first wife would outlive me and I would do the 'stack' and she would do the 'no struggle,' but when she died first, I had to have a plan that made sense. ”
The 85-year-old Buffett also made it clear that he hopes that all his funds will be spent within 10 years after the inheritance is settled. "I don't believe in trying to figure out what the world needs," he continued,
"You're not going to look down and see what's going on?" Rubinstein asked," he quipped, <
"Actually, I'm going to look it up,
Rubinstein, estimated to be worth $2.8 billion, was convinced after reading an article detailing the average life expectancy of white men at 81 years A donation pledge was also signed.
"I realized I was two-thirds past my normal life expectancy, and I could either take all my money and bury it with it and have the executor give it away, or I could I'll give it away while I'm alive." "I realized that I was making a lot more money than I really needed and my family needed, so I started the process of donating."
Among the many projects he donated to, including post-earthquake Restoring the Washington Monument, purchasing a copy of The Grand Memorial for permanent display at the National Archives, donating panda habitats at the National Zoo, and performing repairs at George Washington's Mount Vernon and Thomas Jefferson's Monticello.
Rubinstein, along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, gives back to the Smithsonian's philanthropic initiative, which, among other things, encourages people at all levels to give back.
"My goal is to expand the concept of philanthropy beyond rich people writing checks," he said, saying money is not necessarily the only way to measure philanthropy. “It could be about your energy, your time, your ideas or your volunteerism.” KDSPE “KDSPs” In another panel, Melinda Gates explained how she and her husband, Bill, have started their foundation since 2000 Narrowing their philanthropic focus. Bill Gates, estimated to be worth more than $79 billion,
"Warren gave us great advice early on. Figure out who we are, what we care deeply about, and then define our bullseye , and the rest will go away, "I still feel bad if we don't treat lung cancer, but I know other people are doing it," Gates said. ”
“Another great piece of advice he gave was ‘fencing with a swing’. These are the legacy of society, so you have to take risks, not everything is going to work out, you're going to do some things that look stupid, and that's okay. You have to face these tough issues, and I had to learn to be unforgivable, and that's the most important lesson I've ever learned," she continued,
The Gates Foundation focuses on global health
Philanthropy has always been at the heart of the Smithsonian Institution. The institution itself was founded by an act of individual donation. The British scientist James Smithson left his legacy to the United States in 1829. "To build an institution that promotes the growth and spread of knowledge." This year marks the 250th anniversary of the Smithsonian's birth. In addition, the vast majority of the treasures in the institution's collection will be donated to the National Museum of American History. February 2, 2016 opens the first comprehensive charity exhibition entitled "Giving in America".
The preview cases currently being discussed focus on how philanthropy shaped civic culture during the Gilded Age (1870-1900) and today