(1) Start Outlook Express 6 and click the New Mail button in the toolbar to open the New Mail window. Enter the signature you want to do, and insert the picture where you want to insert the picture, which is the LOGO. Then choose Save As, choose the folder to save, choose the saving type as HTML file, enter a file name such as Signature.htm, and then click Save.
Then you find your saved "signature" file, choose the opening method, open it with notepad, and find the line src= "...", which is the address of the picture. Now this address is wrong. Change it to the address of the picture you want to insert. For example, if the picture you want to insert is in the folder D:\ E-mail, you can change this line to: src="D:\ E-mail \ your picture name. Jpg ",remember to add. Jpg, otherwise it will be crossed when it comes out. Save after modification.
Then, you can refer to this modified HTML file in your signature settings to display the image logo you inserted.
I made this. Just try it.