Close is an English word, a noun, verb, adjective and adverb, which means "end" when used as a noun; Close; Dead alley; The area around the cathedral; Playgrounds of some traditional public schools in Britain; Entering streets and public stairs ",when used as a verb, means" closed; Close; Close the hole or open the hole;
Combine all the parts; Stop the operation; Approaching; Surround; Open the circuit; End the speech; Close the door; Suspension of business; End; Stock closing; Deal; Close the bank account; Reduce; Insist on ...; The computer closes the file. "
When used as an adjective, it means "tight; Intimate; Direct; Comprehensive and meticulous; Close; Close; Coming soon; Sultry; Similar; Dangerous; Tragic; Strictly abide by; Cut it very short; " "occlusion", when used as an adverb, means closely; Approaching; Close to the ground
Basic usage
When used as a verb, close basically means "close, approach", which can be used as both a transitive verb and an intransitive verb.
Close can also mean "bringing close, bringing close", followed by nouns and pronouns as objects.
Close can be used as an intransitive verb or a transitive verb when it means "stop, end". When used as a transitive verb, nouns and pronouns are followed as objects.
Intimacy, when used as an adjective, basically means "close (in space and time)" and is extended to "intimate, intimate".
Close can be used as predicative or attributive in a sentence.
Close has comparative and superlative forms.
Close as a noun means "end, end". It can be used as both uncountable and countable nouns.
Phrase collocation
The conclusion of a comprehensive conclusion; Ending honorifics; Be polite at the end of the letter; Stick to the end; Keep your distance; Keep close contact; Near the cape, near, near the cape.