Legend has it that Zhang Bangchang, a traitor in the Song Dynasty, was from Dalongwan, Dongguang County, which is consistent with the records in Dongguang County Records. But if you want to ask in Dalongwan Village, no one will admit it. Probably from the ancestors of this village, I have been jealous of this matter. Song Qinzong's prime minister, Zhang Bangchang, was a puppet emperor for thirty-three days. Because he was unable to rule the resistance of the Jiangnan people, he was abolished by the Jin people. After the Southern Dynasties, the thief did not die, but also buttered up Song Gaozong and offered his adopted daughter and incense to the emperor. After He Xiang entered the palace, Zhao Gou fell in love with him and spent all his time managing state affairs. Soon, the nomads from the army reached the city gate, and the emergency information of the army could not be sent to the emperor. Because Hexiang told eunuchs not to send letters inside. Nomads from the door, such as Zhao Gou fled from the back door in a panic. Adan hurriedly fled and was caught by the nomads from the army. He Xiang, dressed as a demon, knelt in front of Jin Wushu and said with a good accent, "My concubine wanted to pester Zhao Gou until the fourth prince came ..." When Jin Wushu took a closer look, she was really beautiful, and she liked her a little and wanted to keep her. But then I thought, no, Hexiang, this is a betrayal for glory, and staying is a disaster, so I ordered to kill it. Because of what Zhang Bangchang's father and daughter did, the courtiers were dissatisfied and the people complained. Ever since she became emperor, Queen Meng hated him, saying that he had bewitched the emperor with incense and ordered him to be killed. Zhao Gou sympathized with Zhang Bangchang, but there was nothing he could do because of the unanimous opposition inside and outside the palace. Zhang Bangchang announced before: "Zhang Bangchang's death will not implicate the nine clansmen." Zhang Bangchang was finally executed in Changsha, Hunan.