The size of the product image: width 500*height 500 pixels, size within 120KB, requires JPG or GIF format, upload the image on the product release page.
The size of the store logo image: 100 pixels wide * 100 pixels high, within 80K in size, supports JPG or GIF format, and can be dynamic or static images. Upload steps: "Manage My Shop" - "Basic Settings" - "Store Logo" - "Browse" - "Confirm"
Size of baby description image: no special requirements, can be 500* wide as needed The height is 500 pixels and the size is within 100K, so that the picture can be opened faster. JPG or GIF format is required, either static or dynamic. Upload the picture to the electronic photo album and then copy it to the product page.
Dimensions of bulletin board images: no more than 480 pixels in width, no limit on length, no more than 120KB in GIF or JPG format, either dynamic or static. Upload "Manage My Store" - "Basic Settings" - "Bulletin Board" - "OK".
Baby category picture size: width not exceeding 1165, length not limited, size within 50KB, GIF or JPG format is required, dynamic or static can be used, first upload the picture to the electronic album to get a shortened URL Enter "Manage My Store" - "Basic Settings" - "Baby Category"
Want Want avatar picture size: width 120*height 120 pixels, size within 100KB, format is JPG or GIF, dynamic or static Both are available.
Forum avatar picture size: maximum width 120*height 120 pixels, size within 100KB, GIF or JPG format, dynamic or static pictures are acceptable. The upload method is "My Taobao" - "Personal Space" - "Modify Information" - "Upload New Avatar".
Forum signature file image size: width 468*height 60 pixels, size within 100KB, JPG or GIF format, dynamic or static, upload to "My Taobao"-"Personal Space