When Lai Junchen saw that Di Renjie was smart enough, his vanity was satisfied. Di Renjie is notoriously rigid, and no one is afraid. Now that he is so timid, he will try others with peace of mind and send Judge Wang Deshou to continue the trial. Wang Deshou is far behind Lai Junchen. He induced De Renjie. If you want to live, you can confess another person. Di Renjie said, for God's sake, you should let me do it. After that, he hit his head on the post and his face was covered with blood. Wang Deshou, fearing that he would die in his own hands, quickly slipped away. So no one tried him, just waiting for him to be pulled out and beheaded on the day of execution. I also let my guard down on him.
Di Renjie wrote his dissatisfaction on the cloth and put it in his coat. He told Wang Deshou that it was too hot in summer and hoped that my family would take my clothes back to wash them. Wang Deshou didn't take it seriously. Di Renjie's son got a complaint and reported it to Wu Zetian. Wu Zetian then personally questioned the case of Di Renjie, and Lai Junchen said that he had pleaded guilty and had a good sleep. Wu Zetian said, I want to personally interrogate Di Renjie. Lai Junchen had Di Renjie's handwriting forged, and he wrote a thank-you form for an imperial envoy to take to see Wu Zetian. Wu Zetian said why you rebelled. D. Renjie said that if I didn't confess, I would be killed. Then why did you write a thank-you note? He said I didn't write it. Wu Zetian showed him that the original signature was forged. As a result, DE Renjie from death, was demoted to penzer county magistrate. Cheng thought about killing him, and Wu Zetian said: I don't like killing people in my life. Besides, the case of Di Renjie has been decided, and there is no need to change it.
Wu Zetian has been killing people all her life. Why did Di Renjie survive? There are three things. First of all, Di Renjie is smart and wise. He who knows the times is a hero. I didn't shout foul when I went to prison, but I confessed. I didn't fight lai junchen. Unlike many loyal ministers in the Tang Dynasty, they either complained bitterly or swore, and all died miserably. Di Renjie has worked in prison all his life, and he knows the routine there. Second, De Renjie is useful. Wu Zetian saw that Di Renjie was not involved in the rebellion and was loyal to her, so she let him go. After all, De Renjie still has some abilities, which need it.
In fact, the third important thing is that a child saved him. At that time, a prime minister named Le Sihui was executed on suspicion of rebellion. Like Di Renjie, this is an unfair case. Le Sihui has a son of 10 years old. According to Wuzhou's policy of leniency and impunity for criminals,/kloc-minors under the age of 0/6 can avoid death, so they are sent to Sinong Temple as slaves. Sinong Temple is responsible for warehousing commission. All officials in Kyoto, such as Lu Bing, Zhaohui and Chase, need everything. After the child was imprisoned in Di Renjie, he personally wrote to Wu Zetian. My father died and our family was broken. There is no point in saying anything. It's a pity that you were fooled by Lai Junchen and others. If you think what I said is wrong, you can find someone who you think is loyal and reliable to accept Lai Junchen's trial. There is no one who does not admit rebellion. When Wu Zetian heard something, he was moved, and then Di Renjie's son came to avenge his father. Wu Zetian personally interrogated Di Renjie, and Di Renjie saved his life. Don't risk your child's life to give advice. De Renjie didn't have a chance to meet Wu Zetian, and his son wouldn't have a chance to give it to Wu Zetian. He was executed as early as Le Sihui.
So why can this child give Wu Zetian a list? Supposedly, he is just a criminal and belongs to the object of surveillance. It's so easy to make a list for Wu Zetian. It can only be said that Wu Zetian's cronies and Lai Junchen did not deal with it, deliberately giving Lai Junchen a discovery ambushes. Who is this man? Either Wu Sansi or Shangguan Waner, Shangguan Waner has a large share. Shangguan Waner and Di Renjie have a good relationship. Tsui Hark's film "Di Renjie's Kingdom of Heaven" shows their friendship. Although ridiculous, it is also a postmodern deconstruction of real history. So Di Renjie can not die. It should be Shangguan Waner and Wu Sansi who speak for him. If there is no one Wu Zetian trusts most, Wu Zetian will not personally hear the case of Di Renjie. As for Wu's attempt to kill Di later, it was just the aftermath of the wind, which could not lift the waves.