0 1 When the phone is turned on, press and hold the power button of the phone and select "Turn off" to turn it off.
Press and hold the power button to start the machine, then press and hold the volume+button, and then press and hold the power button for a long time until the recovery interface appears.
Wait a moment before you can enter the recovery, and release the button to operate. In this mode, the volume+,-stands for up and down operation, and the power key is OK.
English Notes under Section 04 Resume Page:
-Restart the system immediately to restart the system.
—Apply sdcard: update. Zip Update using SD card root directory. Zip update system
—Erase data/restore factory settings Erase data partition and restore factory settings.
—Erase the cache partition Clear the cache partition.
-install zip from sdcard and select file update system from SDcard.
-apply sdcard: update. Zip uses the update of SD card root directory. Zip update system
-Select zip from SD card to select zip format upgrade package from SD card.
-switching signature verification switching signature verification
-Switch Scripts Asset Switch Upgrade Scripts Check
-Backup and recovery Backup and recovery
-Backup. Backup
-Restore and restore
Special tips
Before entering recovery mode, please back up important data to prevent data loss.