Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)
Initial, initial, initial
Noun (short for noun)
Capitalize the first letter
Initial is the first process of doing something.
For example, her initial concept was rejected by a later concept.
Initial, initial, initial
AHD:[? -n? sh"…l]
d . j .【i6ni。 *l]
k . k[! 6n! . *l]
Of, relating to, or occurring at the beginning; First of all:
Of, relating to, or occurring at the beginning; First of all:
Took the first step towards reconciliation.
Took the first step towards reconciliation.
Represents the first letter or letters of a word.
The first letter or letters of a word.
The first letter of a proper noun.
The first letter of a proper noun
Acronym: the first letter of each word that is the full name of a person as a unit:
The initials of each part of the name:
Writing paper with her initials on it.
Writing paper with her initials on it.
The first letter of a word.
Prefix: the first letter of a word
Large, usually ornate letters placed at the beginning of a chapter, section or paragraph.
The first letter of a chapter, poem or paragraph, which is large and usually decorative.
transitive verb
In.i.tialed is also called in.i.tialled in.i.till.ingin.i.till.ling in.i.tialsin.i.tials.
To mark or sign with an initial, especially for the purpose of authorization or approval.
To mark or sign with an initial, especially to express authorization or consent.
Latin initi? s
Latin initi? s
From initium[ starting] * see ei-
From the beginning [beginning] * See Synonyms at beginning
Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)
Start; initial
The initial stage of a career.
The initial stage of a career.
The initial negotiation was the basis of the subsequent agreement.
The initial talks were the basis of later agreements.
Noun (short for noun)
Capitalize the first letter (e.g. G.B.S stands for george bernard shaw)
Steven lane's initials are s.l.
Steven lane's initials are s.l.
Initialling (before the treaty is formally signed)
transitive verb
-ll-; (AmE。 )-I-
Sign one's initials
Derived from Latin alphabet