Let me talk about the use of some related network programs that come with the M$ TERM system.
In the operating system of M$, several commands/programs related to network security are: ping \ winipcfg \ tracert \ net \ at \ netstat. Let me get to the point slowly:
1.ping: This is one of the most useful commands in TCP/IP protocol.
It sends a series of data packets to another system, and then the system sends back a response itself. This utility is very useful for finding remote hosts. The result it returns indicates whether it can reach the host and how long it takes for the host to send a return packet.
Usage: ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v tos]
[-r count] [-s count] [[-j host list] | [-k host list]]
[-w timeout] target list
-t ping the specified host until it is interrupted. (Ping all the time, unless it is stopped artificially)
-a resolves the address to a host name (translates IP to a host name)
-n count the number of echo requests to send.
-l size send buffer size. (Packet size)
-f sets the no segmentation flag in the packet.
-I want to live. (time)
-Service type. (service type)
-r count records the hop count of the route.
Count timestamp of -s count hops.
-j host-list is routed along the loose source of host-list.
-k host-list strict source routing along the host-list.
-w timeout The timeout (in milliseconds) for waiting for each reply.
For example, you may know the command # ping-f-S65000 * * *. * * * * * * is still the command used in the previous stage when people scolded Americans for ping to death (of course, this will only cause our own network congestion).
In fact, this command is mainly used to see the speed of the other party's reaction. If you ping, the result is a request timeout. Then I'm afraid you don't need to find this host at all It's beyond your scope.
This is a small tool to look at your IP address. Win98 comes with it, and IP can be seen in NT's network monitor. There's another one called ... I think it's called IPCONFIG. It's not very useful. I almost forgot ... There are many such things on the Internet, but since it comes with you, why do you need to ask for it, not to mention whether there is Trojan in what hackers download online? In addition, if ha, sorry, digress, let's go on: you can upload some commonly used and classic tools to the Internet as backup. When you want to work in an Internet cafe or company, you can download them directly, which will be a complete toolkit.
This thing is quite simple, just enter the command directly under DOS, and there are no parameters.
3.tracert: This is a utility to verify the remote host path.
Usage: tracert [-d] [-h maximum hops] [-j host list] [-w timeout] target name.
-d does not resolve addresses to host names. (Do not convert IP to host name)
-h maximum _ hops The maximum number of hops to search for the target.
-j host-list is routed along the loose source of host-list.
-w timeout The number of milliseconds of waiting timeout for each reply.
The simplest usage is tracert hostname, where hostname is the name or IP address of the computer whose path you want to trace. TRACERT will return the packet to each IP address to reach the final destination. Do you know how to use it?
Let me briefly explain: track the route to 210.142.438+092.438+030 at most:
The first line: *&; ^%&; * This is where I go out (Oh, I hate to say this &; )
Line 4: Are you going abroad soon?
Line 9: Ah! This is Japanese territory. ...
4. Net: This is an amazing thing. Keep your eyes open if you can't use it.
The syntax of this command is: The available commands include:
Net account net contribution net share
Network computer network help message network startup
Network Configuration Network Local Group Network Statistics
Network Configuration Server Network Name Network Stop
Network Configuration Workstation Network Pause Network Time
Network continues network printing network use.
Network file network sends network users
Network Group Network Session Network View
NET help service lists the network services that users can start.
NET HELP syntax explains how to read nethelp syntax lines.
The NET HELP command | MORE is used to display help screen by screen.
I won't explain them one by one-it will tire my fingers. Let's start with two commonly used commands.
A.net landscape
The syntax of this command is:
Network View [\ \ Computer Name |/Domain [:Domain Name]]
Network view/network: NW[\ \ computer name]
NET VIEW is used to display a list of * * * resources on the computer. When this command is used without options, it displays a list of computers in the current domain or network.
\\computername refers to the computer whose * * * resources users want to browse.
/DOMAIN:domainname specifies the domain where users want to browse valid computers. If the domain name is omitted, all domains on the LAN will be displayed.
/NETWORK:NW shows all available servers on the NetWare network. If a computer name is specified, resources available on that computer in the NetWare network will be displayed.
For example, if you know a remote computer. * * *. * * If the resource * * * has been opened, you can run NetView \ * * * * * * * *.
Used in b.net
The syntax of this command is: net use[ device name | *] [\ \ computer name \ share name [\ volume] [password | *]]
[/User: [domain name \] user name]
[[/DELETE]|[/PERSISTENT:{ Yes | No}]]
NET uses [device name | *] [password | *]] [/HOME]
NET USE is used to connect the computer with the resources enjoyed by * * *, or to cut off the connection between the computer and the resources enjoyed by * * * *. When this command is used without options, it lists the connections of the computer.
Devicename specifies the name of the connected resource or the device to be disconnected. There are two types of device names: disk drive (D: to Z:) and printer (LPT 1: to LPT3:). Enter an asterisk instead of the specified device name to assign the next available device name.
\\computername refers to the name of the computer that controls the * * * resource. If the computer name contains empty characters, enclose the double backslash (\ \) and the computer name in quotation marks (""). The computer name can contain 1 to 15 characters.
\sharename refers to the network name of * * * shared resources.
\ \volumeSpecifies the NetWare volume on the server. Users must install the customer service of Netware (Windows NT workstation) or the gateway service of Netware (Windows NT server) and connect it with the NetWare server.
Password refers to the password needed to access * * * resources.
* Password prompt. When you enter a password at the password prompt, the password is not displayed.
Specify a different user name when /USER connects.
The domain name specifies another domain. If the domain is the default, the currently logged-in domain will be used.
User Name Specifies the login user name.
/HOME connects users to their home directories.
/DELETE cancels the network connection and deletes the connection from the permanent connection list.
/PERSISTENT controls the use of permanent network connections. Its default value is the most recently used setting.
Yes, save the connections when they are generated and restore them the next time you log in.
No Do not save the connection being generated or subsequent connections; The existing connection will be restored at the next login. You can use the /DELETE option switch to delete a permanent connection.
PS: If you see a person in the post of the Green Corps two days ago, it is different from this command, which also shows a general idea:
Enter file://\ \ * *. * *. * * *. * * * \ c $ is in the browser.
Then, the content of the C disk you enjoy online will be displayed, just like the FTP site you see in your browser. You might as well give it a try, or you can try to draw inferences from others. ...
5.at: Schedule certain commands and programs to run at specific dates and times.
Before running the AT command, the scheduled service must be started. Listen, if you buy stocks now, you have to sell them now. I just learned the net command, so I won't elaborate on this start command. Check the help file by yourself and explore the usage of various commands.
c:\ & gt; Net start schedule
The plan is starting the service. .....
The Schedulw service started successfully.
In [\ \ computer name] [[id] [/DELETE] | /DELETE [/YES]]
At [\ \ computer name] time [/interactive]
[/EVERY:date[, ...] |/Next: date [,...]] "Command"
\\computername specifies a remote computer. If this parameter is omitted, the command will be scheduled to run on this computer.
Id the identification number assigned to the scheduling command.
/delete the command to delete the plan. If the logo is omitted, all scheduled commands on the computer will be deleted.
/yes is used to delete all jobs, and you don't want to display confirmation information when deleting.
Time Specifies the time when the command runs.
Interactive allows jobs to interact with users through the desktop at run time.
/every:date[, ...] specifies to run the command on a certain day (or days) every week or month.
If the date is omitted, it will run on this day of each month by default.
/next:date[, ...] specifies to run the command on the next specified date (for example, next Wednesday).
If the date is omitted, it will run on this day of each month by default.
"command" Windows NT command or batch file to run.
Knowing how to use AT, let's see how to run ntsrv.exe on a remote NT:
1 Log in to the target server with an administrator. The method is: net use \ \ x.x.x \ IPC $ "adminpwd"/user: "adminuser".
2 use ntsrv.exe to remotely start: netsvc \\x.x.x.x schedule /start.
3 Use AT.EXE to set the program to run on a remote server regularly. Of course, the fastest running speed is ideal, so you can use letmein.exe to get the server time, and then:
Ntsrv.exe time \ \ x. x. x 00:00/ port: 6432 1
Among them, 00:00 should be changed to the specific time when letmein.exe comes back+a little capacity. After a while, start netbus.exe locally, and type the ip address or the host name of the destination server to connect! For example, in the first method, if you want to run something similar to a virus on the destination server, you can upload all kinds of "big pills" to the destination server with the upload function of netbus, and then enter the full path with the "startup program" of netbus, and it's ok! The second method is to start the remote telnet service by using the "App redirect" function of netbus, as follows: Click "App redirect" in netbus and type "c: \ > Winnt\system32\cmd.exe ",the port is: 432 1, start the service, and then run it locally: nc x.x.x.x 432 1, and the dos startup screen appears, indicating that the connection is successful:
microsoft windows
(c) Copyright 1985- 1996 Microsoft Corporation.
c:\ & gt;
Note: here is a short passage from KILLUSA-don't ask me for a reward. ^
4.netstat This is a utility tool to observe the network connection status.
It can check the current IP connection status and verify the service on the system after judging that your basic communication is going on. This service includes checking incoming traffic and/or verifying that you are creating a session with a remote site, which can be easily done. You can also see many tools such as X-netstat on the Internet. Based on WIN, it is more intuitive and has no more functions. The specific usage of this command is as follows:
Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections.
NETSTAT[-a][-e][-n][-s][-p proto][-r][interval]
-a shows all connections and listening ports.
-e Displays Ethernet statistics. This can be used in combination with-s.
Options. (shows Ethernet connection, which can be used with -s)
-n Displays the address and port number as numbers.
-p proto shows the connection of the protocol specified by proto; prototype of a machine
It may be TCP or UDP. If used with the -s option to display
According to the statistics of each protocol, proto may be TCP, UDP or IP.
-r displays the routing table.
-s displays statistics for each protocol. By default, the statistics are
Display for TCP, UDP and IP; The p option can be used to specify
The default subset.
Interval redisplays the selected statistics and pauses the interval in seconds.
Between each presentation. Press CTRL+C to stop redisplay.
Statistics. If omitted, netstat will print the current
Configure information once. (Interval is to set the refresh time, pause within the interval, and press CTRL+C to stop ...)
This is a program that I run when my computer is not connected to the network. The first column is the protocol, the second column is the local address, the third column is the IP address of the host or user connected to you (the number after the colon is the port number), and the last column is the status. I often use this command with -n and -a parameters. Readers can refer to it.
Run program run command
Accessibility option access.cpl
Add hardware wizard hdwwiz.cpl
Add or remove appwiz.cpl program.
Management tool control management tool
Automatically update wuaucpl.cpl
Bluetooth file transfer wizard fsquirt
Calculator calc
Certificate management console certmgr.msc
Character mapping table charmap
Disk checking tool chkdsk
Clipbook viewer clipbrd
Command prompt cmd
Component service dcomcnfg
Computer management
Date and time attribute timedate.cpl
DDE*** Enjoy ddeshare.
Development and management of equipment manager
Direct X control panel (if installed) * directx.cpl
Direct x-ray diagnostic tool dxdiag
Disk cleaning tool cleanmgr
Disk defragmenter dfrg.msc
Disk management diskmgmt.msc
Disk partition manager diskpart
Display property control desktop
Show properties desktop. cpl
Displays the color of the appearance tab control of the property.
Dr Watson's system diagnostic tool drwtsn32
Driver Verifier Manager Verifier
Event viewer eventvwr.msc
File signature verification
Quickly find findfast.cpl
Folder options control folders.
Font folder controls fonts.
Font folder font
Freecell, a neutral card game.
Game control joy.cpl
Group Policy Editor (XP Professional Edition) gpedit.msc
Game of hearts mshearts
Indexing service ciadv.msc
Internet property inetcpl.cpl
IP Configuration Utility (Display Connection Configuration) ipconfig /all
IP configuration utility (display DNS cache contents) ipconfig /displaydns
IP configuration utility (delete DNS cache content) ipconfig /flushdns
IP configuration utility (release all (or specified) dynamic IP addresses assigned by DHCP to the adapter) ipconfig /release.
IP Configuration Utility (reassign IP addresses for all adapters) ipconfig /renew
IP configuration utility (refresh DHCP and re-register DNS) ipconfig /registerdns
IP configuration utility (displaying DHCP class id) ipconfig/showclassid
IP configuration utility (modify DHCP class id) ipconfig/setclassid
Java control panel (if installed) jpicpl32.cpl
Java control panel (if installed) javaws
Keyboard properties control keyboard.
Local security settings secpol.msc
Local users and groups lusrmgr.msc
Log off from Windows
Microsoft chat program winchat
Mine-sweeping game winmine
Mouse properties control the mouse.
Mouse property main.cpl
Network connection control network connection
Network connection ncpa.cpl
Network installation wizard netsetup.cpl
Notepad Notepad
Nview Desktop Manager (if installed) nvtuicpl.cpl
Object wrapper
ODBC data source manager odbccp32.cpl
On-screen keyboard osk
AC3 decoder (if installed) ac3filter.cpl
Password attribute password.cpl
Performance perfmon.msc
Performance perfmon
Phone and modem options
Power option property powercfg.cpl
Printers and fax control printers
Printer folder printer
TrueType word-making program eudcedit
Quicktime (if installed) QuickTime.cpl
Regional and language options
Registry editor
Registry editor regedit32
Remote desktop mstsc
Removable storage ntmsmgr.msc
Removable storage operation request ntmsoprq.msc
Result Set of Policy (XP Professional Edition) rsop.msc
Scanners and cameras sticpl.cpl
Task planning controls scheduling tasks.
Windows security center wscui.cpl
* * * Enjoy the fsmgmt.msc folder.
Turn off Windows. turn it off.
Sound and audio device properties mmsys.cpl
Spider card game spider
Cliconfg, an SQL client client network utility.
System configuration editor
System configuration utility msconfig
System file checking tool (scan now) sfc /scannow
System file checker (scan at next startup) sfc /scanonce
System file checking tool (scanning at every startup) sfc /scanboot
System File Checker (Restore Default Settings) sfc /revert
System file checker (clear file cache) sfc /purgecache
System file checking tool (set cache size =x) sfc /cachesize=x
System property sysdm.cpl
Task manager taskmgr
User account management nusrmgr.cpl
Assistant tool manager utilman
Windows firewall. cpl
Window magnifier to enlarge
Windows management architecture wmimgmt.msc
Windows system security tool syskey
Run Windows update wupdmgr.
Roaming Windows XP tourstart
Wordpad writing