The driver and his wife have only one daughter, Wang. For two people, their daughter's car accident made them very depressed, and the white-haired man sent away his relatives. The driver's wife had some mental problems for this reason and then lost her job. The driver, with his own diligence, also succeeded in becoming a bus driver of No.45 from a big truck driver, which is also a doubt about his daughter's death. Two outstanding people remember destruction.
In the driver's wife's mouth, the daughter got off for a reason. She also asked the little girl on the No.45 bus if hooligans harassed them, which made many people believe that Wang suddenly ordered to get off because hooligans harassed them. In fact, there is no direct evidence. The first point is that the driver's wife heard about it in the toilet, but later found that there was no one in the toilet. It can be seen that the driver's wife probably wants to go out because she wants to make an excuse for her daughter's death.
Moreover, there is supervision on the bus. If the couple are confused about the cause of Wang's death, it is not easy for him to sign his name so smartly according to the driver's love for his daughter. At that time, on the No.45 bus, although Wang got off accidentally, there was no problem with the bus and the supervision on the bus was good. Of course, the couple saw the supervision. If Wang really got off the bus because of hooliganism, then the police wouldn't comment like this, which shows that Wang didn't get off the bus because of hooliganism at all.
Wang's death caused great harm to the couple. In the driver's mind, his daughter's last call was to himself, but it was a pity for him that he couldn't get through because of work. At the same time, he felt very guilty, especially the driver's wife. She refused to attribute her daughter's death to a simple road traffic accident and thought of hooliganism to fool herself. In the long run, she can't tell the truth herself, but all the direct evidence is there.