Recently, many users who use win 10 have responded, and often open the software and pop up a warning prompt: "You want to allow this application from an unknown publisher to change your device". In fact, this is called UAC (User Account Control), which is a new technology introduced by Microsoft in Windows Vista to improve system security. Let's talk about what UAC is. Generally speaking, when you run some software, UAC will ask you to authorize it to run.
If you don't want it to pop up, you can follow the following steps to solve it:
1. First clear all files under c: \ Windows \ Software Distribution \ Download.
2. Then enter "windows powershell" in the Cortana search box, and right-click "windows powershell runs as an administrator" or "win+x can also open windows powershell".
3. Copy and paste the following command to run, get-appxpackage-all users | foreach {add-appxpackage-disable development mode-register "$ ($ _. install location)\ app xmanifest . XML " }。
Or get-appxpackage |% {add-appxpackage-disable development mode-register "$ ($ _. install location)\ app xmanifest . XML "-verbose }。