This function needs to be set in the BIOS, and the advanced power management settings of your motherboard must support this function, but now most motherboards fully support it, so feel free to use it.
Step one:
Press DEL to start the system, enter the BIOS, and then select "Power Management Function".
(power management settings), press enter to enter. Find "Restore on AC Power" in the power window.
Loss ",press enter, and then set its value to" POWER ON "by arrow keys.
Step two:
Select "Recover when RTC alarms" and press Enter, then set its value to "Enabled" by the arrow keys. At this time, the "Auto-power-on" option will pop up a menu with three options of "Disabled, Daily and By Date", which means "Prohibited, Daily and Specified Date". For your request, I recommend the third item, and a date and time setting will pop up.
Step 3:
Select "RTC alarm clock date" and press enter, and then set its value to "every day", which means the same operation is done every day. Similarly, set RTC alarm hours, RTC alarm minutes and RTM alarm seconds to 09, 20 and 00 respectively, that is, the startup time is 9: 20 in the morning.
(Because the BIOS of different motherboards is different, the settings of some motherboards may be a little different from the above, but just remember to find the word "wake up" in the power management, because this is an option to set the startup time. )
. autostop
If you are so busy with your work that you often forget to rest or turn off your cell phone at night, then this can help you.
Step one:
Double-click to add a task plan in the Task Plan window. Next, click Browse. In the window where the planner is selected, find the SHUTDOWN.EXE program in the directory C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 "and click the Open button.
Step two:
Set the execution time of this task to "Daily", click Next, set the start time to "16:03", click Next, enter the user name and password as required, click Finish to open the advanced properties of this task plan, and click Finish.
Step 3:
Click "Task" in the shutdown window that pops up, and then enter "C: \ Windows \ System32 \ shutdown. Exe -S -T 60 "(where -S means to turn off the computer, -T 60 means to turn off the computer automatically after 60 seconds, and the turn-off time can be set according to your own needs), click Apply, re-enter the user password, and finally click.
(If you want to cancel the automatic shutdown, just enter the "Shutdown -a" command and press Enter during the operation. )
If you want to cancel the automatic start, you still have to go in and make changes.
In addition, if your computer has a power-on password, you must modify it.
We can achieve automatic login by modifying the registry.
Step one:
Enter "REGEDIT" at runtime to open HKEY _ Local _ Machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ Current Version \ Winlogon.
Step two:
Find the "DEFAULTUSERNAME" subitem in the window on the right, and change the numerical data to the user login account name. If the key value does not exist, you can right-click to create a new string in the window on the right, and then rename "New Value # 1" to "DefaultUserName" and modify it.
Step 3:
Find the default password in the window on the right. If it doesn't exist, you can create a new one and set its key value as your password.
Step 4:
According to the above method, we create a new key named "AutoAdminLogon" in the window on the right, set its value to 1, and then exit and restart to realize automatic login.
Echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 & gt3389. Registration
echo[HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ current Control set \ Control \ Terminal Server]& gt; & gt3389. Registration
echo " fDenyTSConnections " = dword:0000000 & gt; & gt3389. Registration
echo[HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ current Control set \ Control \ Terminal Server \ Wds \ rd pwd \ Tds \ TCP]& gt; & gt3389. Registration
echo " port number " = dword:00000 d3d & gt; & gt3389. Registration
echo[HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ current Control set \ Control \ Terminal Server \ win stations \ RDP-Tcp]& gt; & gt3389. Registration
echo " port number " = dword:00000 d3d & gt; & gt3389. Registration
regedit /s 3389.reg
Saving the above text as a. bat file allows remote desktop.
Complete collection of computer commands
1.gpedit.msc-Group Policy
2.snd rec 32- recorder
3.nslookup-IP address detector
4. Explorer-Open Explorer.
5. Logout-Logout command
6.tsshutdn-60 seconds countdown shutdown command
7.lusrmgr. MSC- local users and groups MSC- local service settings
9.oobe/msoobe/a- checks whether XP is activated.
10. Notepad-Open Notepad
1 1.clean emgr- garbage disposal Start Messenger-Start Messenger service.
13. Master of Computer Management Stop Messenger-Stop Messenger service.
15. conf- Start the network conference.
16.DVD player -DVD player
17.charmap- Starts the character mapping table.
18.diskgmt.msc-disk management tool
19.calc- Start the calculator.
20. Disk defragmenter
2 1.chkdsk.exe-Chkdsk disk check
22. Device Manager
23.regsvr32/u *。 Dll- stops running the dll file.
24.drwtsn32-System Doctor
25.Rononce-P- 15 seconds off.
26. Check DirectX information.
27.regedt32-Registry Editor
28.Msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility
29.rsop.msc-group policy result set
30.mem.exe- displays the memory usage.
3 1.regedit.exe Registry
32.winchat-XP comes with local area network chat.
33. Project Manager
34.WinMSD- system information
35.Perfmon。 Computer performance monitoring program
Winver-check the Windows version.
37.sfc /scannow-Scan for errors and recover.
38.taskmgr-Task Manager (2000/XP/2003)
Winver-check the Windows version.
40.wmimgmt.msc-Open Window Management Architecture (WMI).
4 1.Wupdmgr-Windows Update
42.wscript-windows Script Host Settings
43. Wordpad
44.WinMSD- system information
45.wiaacmgr-Scanner and Camera Guide
46.winchat-XP comes with local area network chat.
47.MEM。 Displays memory usage.
48.Msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility
49.mplayer2-Simple widnows Media Player
50. Sketchpad
5 1.MSTSC- Remote Desktop Connection
52.mplayer2-Media Player
53. Magnifier tool
54.MMC- Open the console.
55. Synchronization command
56. Check DirectX information.
57.drwtsn32-System Doctor
58. Device Manager
59. Disk Defragmenter
60.diskmgmt.msc-disk management tool
6 1.dcomcnfg-Open the system component service.
62.ddeshare-open DDE*** to enjoy the settings.
63.DVD player -DVD player
64. Stop the courier service.
65. Start the messenger service.
66. Notepad-Open Notepad.
67. Guide to network management tools.
68.ntbackup-system backup and restore
69. Narrator-screen "Narrator"
70.ntmsmgr.msc-mobile storage manager
7 1.ntmsoprq.msc-mobile storage administrator operation request
72.netstat-an-(tc) command to check the interface.
73.syncapp-create a briefcase
74. System Configuration Editor
75. Document signature verification procedures
77. Create a * * * folder.
78.secpol.msc-local security policy
79. syskey-system encryption, once encrypted, it cannot be unlocked, which protects the double password of windows xp system. service settings
8 1.Sndvol32-Volume control program
82.sfc.exe system file checker
83 83.sfc /scannow-windows file protection
84.tsshutdn-60 seconds countdown shutdown command
85.tourstart-xp xp introduces XP (roaming XP program after installation).
86.taskmgr- Task Manager
87.eventvwr-Event Viewer
88.EUDCEDIT- word formation program
89. Explorer-Open Explorer.
90. Packager-Object Packager
9 1.perfmon.msc-computer performance monitoring program
92. Project Manager
93.regedit.exe Registry
94.rsop.msc-group policy result set
95.regedt32-Registry Editor
96.Rononce-P- 15 seconds off.
97.Regsvr32/u *。 Stop running the dll file.
98. Zippfldr.dll-Cancel postal code support.
99.cmd.exe command prompt
100.chkdsk.exe-chkdsk disk check
10 1. certmgr. MSC- certificate management tool
102.calc- Start the calculator.
103.charmap- Starts the character mapping table.
104.Cliconfg-SQL Server Client Network Utility
105.clipbrd- Clipboard Viewer
106. conf- Start the network conference.
Computer management
108.clean emgr- garbage disposal
109. ciav. MSC- indexing service program
1 10.OSK- Open the on-screen keyboard.
111.odbcad32-odbc data source manager
112.oobe/msoobe/a-Check whether XP is activated.
1 13. lusrmgr. MSC- local users and groups
1 14. Logout command
1 15.iExpress- Trojan binding tool, which comes with the system.
1 16.nslookup-IP address detector
117.fsmgmt.msc-* * * Enjoy the folder manager.
1 18.uti liman- assistant tool manager
1 19. gpedit. MSC- group policy
Content of construction safety management agreement 1
Party A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Party B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _