Ukey is not recognized when the postal savings online banking transfers money.
Hello, it may be because the operating system used is WIN7, and the way to install the control is to directly execute the control add-in that pops up on the web page. Please completely uninstall the old online banking control. The file deletion paths are: c: \ windows \ system32 \ drivers \ peckp.sys and c: \ program files \ psbcibs security suite 2.3. Please ensure that all files specified above have been deleted before reinstalling. Then try to download the latest password security control, and click the red font "Download password security control" on the login page of personal webpage. If the browser prevents the pop-up window when installing the password control, please click the yellow prompt box at the top of the browser page and select Run Plug-in to install. Download the security control installation package again, extract the obtained file compressed package to obtain the security control installation file, then right-click the installation file, use the "Run as Administrator" installation method to run the installation file, and then install the password control according to the prompt steps. I hope I can help you.