2. Open the Registry Editor window and navigate to the following branch.
HKEY _ Current _ User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \11.0 \ Outlook \ Office? Take 2003 as an example.
Office 2003 corresponds to 1 1.0, Office 2007 corresponds to 12.0 and Office 20 10 corresponds to 14.0.
3. Double-click the key value of OutlookSecureTempFolder in the details window on the right to copy the path contained in it (this is the location where Outlook stores temporary files).
Open my computer, paste the path just copied in the address bar, and press enter to check whether it is valid.
5. If the above key value does not exist or the address pointed to is invalid,? Outlook will create a new subdirectory under the Internet temporary files directory and put the temporary files in this new subdirectory. The name of the new subdirectory is unknown and will be generated randomly. Its format is as follows:
Windows 7\Vista
% localappdata% \ temporary Internet file \ content. Outlook (Outlook 20 10\2007)
% localappdata% \ temporary Internet files \ (Outlook 2003)
Windows XP
% USERPROFILE% \ Set temporary Internet files \ content locally. Outlook (Outlook 20 10\2007)
% USERPROFILE% \ Set temporary Internet files locally \ (Outlook 2003)
6. You can solve this problem by creating a new OutlookSecureTempFolder value.
In the blank space of the details window on the right side of the security main project, right-click New-String Value.
7. Name the new value OutlookSecureTempFolder.
8. Double-click to open, enter the found path in the numerical data box, and click OK to save the modification.