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Ball New Goal English Vocabulary List

Word list "New Target English" for eighth grade ***515 words

a few a little; some

a lot of a lot; a lot

abroad adv. to go abroad; abroad; go abroad

accordion accordion

achievement n.achievement; merit

add v. add; increase; Add

admire v. Appreciation; admiration; envy

advice n. Advice; advice; suggestion

aeronautics n. Aeronautics

aerospace n. The Earth’s atmosphere and the space outside it; space

after class

ago adv.…before

air n. air; air; Atmosphere

airline n. airline

alive adj. alive; alive

although conj.=though although; even though; even though

amount n.Total amount; total number; quantity

anything n./pron. (used in negative sentences and questions) (no matter what)

aquarium n. aquarium


arm n. arm; arm

as for; about

at home at home

at school at school

at the moment; now

at the same time

athlete n. athlete; athlete

athletic adj. physically fit; physically strong

autograph n. autograph

away adv. go far away; at a distance

babysit v. temporarily employed to take care of (baby)

back n. back; spine

backache n. backache

badminton n. badminton game


ance n. balance; equilibrium state; coordination

balanced adj. balanced; coordinated

bargain n. cheap things; bargains

barn n. barn

baseball game baseball game

be going to; plan

be good at; do well in...

bean n. beans; broad beans; leguminous plants

beef n. beef

begin with start with...

bet v. (bet, bet) bet

bicycle n. bicycle; two-wheeled bicycle

bill n. bill; invoice

blender n. (US) juice machine; blender


body n. body; body; flesh

borrow v. borrow; borrow; borrow

both prep. both; both

bowl n. Bowl; bowl

Brazilian adj. Brazilian; Brazilian

bread n. Bread

British adj. British; British

build v. (built, built) build; build; building

bus station bus station

bus stop bus *** bus station

by prep. pass (indicates the route of tourism, transportation, etc.)

by boat take a boat

cake n.cake; pastry

calendar n .calendar; calendar

calm adj.calm; worry-free

capital; capital


change v. change; change

check n. (US) = bill; invoice

Chicago n. Chicago (Northeastern Illinois, USA)


n. (Slender strips cut from apples, potatoes, etc.); slices

chocolate n. Chocolate

Chopin n. Chopin; Polish composer; pianist

chopsticks n. (pl.) Chopsticks

chore n. Chores; chores; (especially) daily ordinary work

cinema n. Cinema

cinnamon n. cinnamon

circle n. prototype; circle; ring

client n. client; party; client

close adj. close; Close

close to close to; close

coffee n. coffee

cola n. cola

cold n. cold; cold

college n. Higher education institution; junior college; college

Columbia n. Colombia (place name)

comfortable adj. comfortable; comfortable

common n.*** the same; ***some

communicate v. communicate; communicate

complain v. complain; complain; complain; dissatisfaction


computer science

cool v. to cool down; to cool down; to cool down; to calm down

cost n. price; cost

could kEd, kJd aux.v. (past tense of can) can; can

countable adj. countable; countable

countryside n. rural; countryside; countryside

course a dish or snack

crazy adj. crazy; fanatical

creative adj. creative

cruel adj .cruel; cruel

crust n. (a piece of bread crust; the dough shell of cakes

custom n.custom; habit

customer n. customer; patron

cut up


dairy n.dairy product

daytime n. daytime; daytime

decide v. decision; determination; solution

decide on decision

delight n. joy; happiness; pleasure

dentist n. dentist

depend v. dependence; rely on

depend on depend on; depend on

diet n. diet; diet

difference n. different; difference; difference

diner n. (American) looks like a dining car restaurant; snack bar

discuss v. discussion; discussion

dish n. plate; plate; dish; dish

distance n. distance; distance

do expresses emphasis (located before the actual verb)

do the shopping shopping; shopping

drama n. script; drama

dream n. dream; dream; fantasy

duck n. duck; duck meat

dull adj. boring; boring; monotonous

dumpling n. Dumplings; steamed or boiled dough with meat or vegetables

ear n. ears

earn v. earn; earn

eat out to eat out

economics n. Economics

editor n. Editor

elder adj. (referring to family members) older ones

elementary adj. Elementary; primary; preliminary

elementary school primary school

else adv. In addition; other

end n. End; exhaust; to... The end

energy n. energy; vitality; ability

engineer n. engineer

enough adj. sufficient; sufficient

enter v

.Join; participate; enter

entree n. (US) main course

even if even if; even if

ever adv. once; once

everyone pron. everyone; everyone

exchange student exchange student

eye n. eyes

face n. face; face

farm n. farm

farthest adj./adv. (superlative of far) the farthest (place)

fashion show fashion show

fast adj. Fast; rapid

fast food fast food

fat n. fat; fat meat

favor n. favor; act of kindness


fax n.fax

feed v. (fed, fed) give food; feed

feel v. (felt, felt) feel; feel; touch; grope

fiction n. novel; fictional thing; fabricated story

fill with fill with...

finally adv. finally; finally

fish n. fish

fishing n. fishing; fishing

fit adj. strong; healthy

flavor n. taste; taste; flavor

fold v. fold; fold up

foot n. (pl.feet) foot; foot; foot

forbid v. (forbade or forbad, forbidden ) prohibited; not allowed

forest n. forest area; forest

forget v. (forgot, forgotten or forgotten) forget; forget

freeze v. (froze , frozen) freeze; solidify

get back come back

get to arrive

giant n. (used as an attributive) giant or giant object


n. Gift; gift

give v. (gave, given) to give; to give

go away to leave

go camping to go camping

go fishing Go fishing

go swimming Go swimming

goldfish n. Goldfish

golf v./n. (Play) golf

golfer n. Golf player

grandchild n. grandson (female); grandson (female)

Greece n. Greece

Greek adj. /n. Greek; Greek (of); Greek (of)

grow v. (grew, grown) growth; development; growth; becoming

grow up ; grow up

habit n. habit; habit

half n. half; half

hang out (slang) often haunt; loiter

hardly adv. Hardly; almost none

hate v. Hate; hate

have v. Get (disease); suffer from (disease)

have a cold catch a cold

have a good time have fun

Hawaii n.Hawaii (American state name)

head n. head; head

Headache n. Headache

heal v. Treatment; cure; recovery

health n. Health; health condition

herb n. Herb Plants; herbs; vanilla

hey int. (used to draw attention, express surprise or inquiry) Hey; hello

hiccup v./n. burp

hilltop n. the top of the mountain

historical adj. historical; related to history

hold v. (held, held) hold; hold; grasp

hole n.hole; hole; pit


n. Stay at home

honey n. Honey

Hong Kong Hong Kong

honor n. Honor; reputation

horse n. Horse

how many

however adv./conj. However; still

hum v. humming; humming

hungry adj. hungry

ice hockey ice hockey

ice skating skating

idea n. plan; strategy; idea; thought; opinion; thought

ice skating skating

idea n. p>

ill adj. sick; unhealthy

illness n. disease; sick; unhealthy

important adj. important; significant; serious

improve v. improve; improve; improve

in common ***different; ***some

in the middle of In the middle; in the center

India n. India

Indian adj./n. Indian; Indian (of)

ingredient n. (cooking) material; raw material; ingredient

instruction n. instruction; command

instrument n. appliance; tool; musical instrument

intellectual adj. understanding; intelligent

interest n. Interest; hobby

Internet n. Network; Internet

interviewer n. interviewer

into prep. (indicating inward action or direction) into...

invite v. invitation; request

Italian adj./n.Italian; Italian/language (of)

journalist n. Journalists; journalists; newspaper and magazine writers

junk n. discarded old things; rags

junk food junk food


n. (Australia) kangaroo

keep v. (kept, kept) to maintain a certain state

keep fit to stay healthy

key n. prompt; clue ; Keywords

kilometer n. Kilometer; kilometer

kind of a little bit

knife n. (handled) knife

lake n. Lake; lake

lamb n. Lamb; lamb; lamb meat

last v. (a certain state) continues; continues (a period of time)

laugh v. laugh; laugh; laugh

laundry n. clothes to be washed; laundry

leader n. leader

leave for leave to go somewhere

leg n. leg; leg

lesson n. lesson; course

lettuce n. lettuce; lettuce

lie v. (lay, lain) lie down; lie down; (something) lies flat somewhere

life life; lifelong; life

lively adj. alive; lively

look after care; look after

loud adj. loud; noisy

loving adj. loving

lucky adj. Lucky

main adj. Main; most important

main course staple food; main course

major v. major; specialization


major in specialization; major

make a difference make the results different; important

make the bed make the bed

management n. management; management

manner n. (pl.) behavior; politeness

map n. map

match n. competition; competition

matter n. thing; problem; error


n. Mayonnaise; mayonnaise

meeting n. meeting; collection

melt v. melt; melt

menu n. menu

middle n. middle; center; middle

might aux.v. (past tense of may) possible; can; allow

mile n. mile

milk n. milk

mind v. pay attention; pay attention

mineral adj. mineral; containing minerals; mixed with minerals n. mineral

mineral water n. Mineral water

minute n. minute

miss v. miss; miss

mix v. mix; mix together

mix up mix together

moment n. moment; moment

monument n. memorial; monument; memorial hall

most of most

move v. move; move; start

move away move away

must aux. v. must; must

mustard n. mustard; mustard sauce

name after named after

nature n. natural; nature

neck n. neck; neck

negative adj. negative; negative

newspaper n. newspaper

noise n. sound; noise; noise

noodle n. (often pl.) noodles

north n. (attributive) northern; northern

North America North America

northern adj. in the north; northern

nose n. nose

not really actually not (or not; not)

noun n. noun

now adv. now; currently

nut n. nut

nutrition n. nutrition; nutrition

octopus n. octopus

of course

oil n. (various) oils; oil

on a farm

once adv. once

opposite adj. Opposite; On the contrary

ourselves pron.ourselves

out of from the inside out; outside of the

outback adj./n. (especially Australia ) inland (of); inland (of)

outstanding adj. outstanding; outstanding

oven n. oven; oven

own adj. /pron. own

palace n. luxury building; royal palace; palace

Paris n. Paris (the capital of France)

part-time adj. part-time

past prep. Exceed in time; after; after...

pasta (Italian) Pasta (such as macaroni, thin noodles, wontons, etc.)

pay for to pay for...

peel v. peel; peel (the skin of fruit, etc.)

performer n. actor; performer; performer

pianist n. pianist; pianist

piece n. (artwork, music); piece; first

pilot n. pilot; pilot

pizza n. (Italian) pizza

plan n./v. plan; design; planning

plate n. plate; plate

play soccer kick (British) football

play with with...

poisonous adj. poisonous; harmful

pond n. pond

poor adj. poor; poor

popper n. popcorn machine

popular adj. Popular; popular; popular

positive adj. Positive; constructive; affirmative

pot n. Pot; pot; basin; pot

Positive adj. p>

pour v. pour; pour; water

prefer v. like...more than...; prefer...

present adj. present; existing

primavera adj. Ding's

product n. product; product

professional adj. professional; professional

program n. program list ; (computer) program

programmer n. computer programmer; programmer

protein n. protein

province n. province; place

quality n. quality; trait

quick adj. fast; quickly

quite adv. very; very; completely; thoroughly

radio n. Radio; radio; radio broadcast

radio station; radio station

reader n. reader

receive v. accept; receive; receive


recipe n. cooking method; recipe

record n. record; (especially the highest record in sports)

region n. place; region

relax v. to relax; to relax

relish n. condiment; condiment

rent v. to rent; to rent out

resolution n. determination; What you are determined to do

rest v. rest

result n. result; achievement

retire v. (make) retire; retire; retire

return v. come back; return; return

rice n. rice; rice

rich adj. rich; rich; rich

right adj. Right; correct


roast v./n. Roast; broil; bake

rocket n. rocket; sky cannon

rude adj. rude; rude

sandwich n. sandwich

sauce n. sauce; soy sauce

save v. storage; savings

schoolwork n. study; homework

screen n. screen; screen; fluorescent screen

sea n. sea; ocean

seal n. seal

seat n. seat

seldom adv. Rarely; not often

send v. (sent, sent) send; send; send; send; call

serve serve (customer); go up (Dishes), etc.

service n. (in hotels, etc.) serving food, drinks, servants, etc.

share v.***have;***use


shark n. shark

show v. (showed, shown or shown) show; show

shrimp n. shrimp

sick adj .Unwell; sick

sightseeing n. Sightseeing; sightseeing

single n. (tennis, table tennis, etc.) singles competition

sit v.( sat, sat) sit; sit

skateboarding n. skateboarding

skater skater

skating n. skating; skating

slice n. thin slices

smoothie n. (beautiful mouth) mixed drinks (made with food, ice cubes, etc.)

snack n. snacks; fast food

snake n. snake

sneeze v./n. sneeze

somewhere adv. somewhere; to somewhere

song n. song

sore adj. painful

sound like listen

Looks like

souvenir n. memorial; souvenir

space n. space; space; distance

speaking n. speaking; spoken language

special n. (special dishes on the restaurant menu)

specialize v. become or become an expert; specialize in; specialize in research

spider n. Spider

stand for represents; expresses

start with starts with...

starter n. (main English) first course

steakhouse n.steakhouse

sticky adj. sticky; sticky

still adv. however; but

stomach n. stomach; stomach

stomachache n. stomachache ; Abdominal pain; stomachache

stop n. station

strange adj. strange; wonderful; strange

straw n. straw; wheat straw

stray v. stay away; get lost; digress

stress v. put pressure on; cause tension n. pressure; tension

subway n. subway; underground train

success n. success

such adj. similar; equal; such

sugar n. sugar; sucrose

sweep v.( swept, swept) sweeping; cleaning; clearing

swimming pool swimming pool

table tennis n. table tennis

take care of; take care of

take out take out

take photos take photos

talented adj. Talented; genius?

team n. sports competition team

teaspoon n. teaspoon

teenager n. teenager (boys and girls between thirteen and nineteen)


n. Territory; region

Thai adj./n. Thai (of); Thai (of); Thailand

than conj. Than (followed by the second part of the comparison )

the day after tomorrow

the Great Wall

theater n. theater; theater

their pron. it (him , her) their

think about; thinking

thirsty adj. Thirsty; making people thirsty

though conj. Although; even if; even though

throat n. Throat; throat; throat

throughout prep. throughout; throughout

Tibet n. Tibet

till prep. to …when; until

time n. times; times

tip n. tip; reward

toe n. toe

together adv. together; *** in the same place

tomorrow n. tomorrow; tomorrow

tooth n. tooth

toothache n. toothache

top n. top; upper part

topping n. something added to (cake, etc.)

tourist n. tourist; tourist

town n. town; town; town

train n. train

translate v. translation