Intersecting arcs.
Aa area (measured area) L line (drawn line)
Array la layer (create layer)
Att attdef (define attribute) le qleader (quick leader label)
Ate attedit (edit attribute) length (lengthen)
B block (definition block) li list (list)
Bh bhatch lt line type (set line type)
Brdisconnect lts ltscale.
C circle m moves
Ch attribute ma matchprop (attribute matching)
Cha chamfer me measurement
Col color (change the color of the object) mi mirror (mirror)
Co copy (copy) ml mline (draw multiple lines)
D dimstyle (set column style) mt mtext (multi-line text)
Dal dimaligned o offset.
Dan dimangular op option (system settings)
Dba dimbaseline os osnap (object capture)
Dce dimcenter p pan (view panning)
Dco dimcontinue (continuous dimension) pe pedit (complex line editing)
Dddidim diameter line (composite line)
Delete dimension (dimension editing) purchasing point (drawing point)
Di dist pol polygon (drawing regular polygon)
Div split preview (view preview)
Dli dimlinear print (print)
Do donut (circle) r redraw (redraw)
Dordim ordinal number (coordinate annotation) regeneration (regeneration)
Dov dimoverride rec rectangle
Dr. draw order()ren rename (rename)
turning radius
Ds data setting s extension
Dt dtext (dynamic text) sc zoom (zoom)
E erasure serial number capture (grid point capture)
Ed ddedit() spl spline (drawing spline curve)
El ellipse spe splinekit (edit spline curve)
Expand st style (set text style)
Exit exits multiline text (multiline text)
Exp Export to Toolbar (Call Toolbar)
F fillet tr trimming
Group G United Nations unit (setting unit)
Hatchedit (shadow editing) w wblock (block saving)
I Insert (Insert Block) Z Zoom (View Zoom)
Imp import (import)
There are many CAD tips (using cad2006 shortcuts)
Author: zzlong52 1 date of publication: March 23, 2006, hits: 598.
[color = dark blue] [/color] [size = 4] [/size] AutoCAD provides many commands, only 20% of which are commonly used in drawing. When using keyboard to input commands, some commonly used commands are long, such as BHATCH and EXPLODE, and there are many keystrokes when inputting, which affects the drawing speed. Although Auto CAD provides a perfect menu and toolbar input method, only by mastering the shortcut command input method provided by AutoCAD can we improve the drawing speed.
In the process of studying AutoCAD design, training and teaching, the author has accumulated some experience in the use and management of shortcut commands, which is now summarized for your reference when using AutoCAD 2000.
I. Overview:
The so-called shortcut command is a shortcut defined by AutoCAD to improve the drawing speed. It uses one or several simple letters instead of common commands, so that we don't have to memorize many long commands, and we don't have to search for hiding in menus and toolbars in order to execute a command. All defined shortcut commands are saved in ACAD. PGP file in the SUPPORT subdirectory under AutoCAD installation directory. We can define our common shortcut commands by modifying the contents of this file.
Whenever we create or open an AutoCAD drawing file, CAD itself will automatically search the support path under the installation directory, find and read the ACAD. PGP file. When AutoCAD is running, we can use the shortcut commands defined in ACAD. PGP file completes an operation through the command line. For example, if we want to draw a straight line, we just need to enter the letter "L" on the command line.
Second, the naming rules of shortcut commands
1, shortcut commands are usually the first or the first two letters of the English word of the command, and some are the first three letters.
For example, the shortcut command for Line is "l"; The shortcut command for copying is "co"; The shortcut command for line LTScale is "LTS".
In use, try to use the first letter of the command. If not, use the first two letters, and use the first three letters at most. In other words, AutoCAD shortcut commands generally do not exceed three letters. If the command cannot use the first three letters, you can only enter the complete command.
2. Another shortcut command usually consists of "Ctrl key+one letter" or is defined by function key F 1~F8. For example, CTRL+"N", CTRL+"O", CTRL+"S" and CTRL+"P" respectively mean creating, opening, saving and printing files; F3 stands for "Object Capture".
3. If the initials of all commands are the same, then the common commands take the first letter, and other commands can be represented by the first two or three letters. For example, "r" means repainting, and "ra" means repainting; ; For example, "l" stands for straight line, "LT" stands for line type and "LTS" stands for LTScale.
4. Some exceptions need to be remembered, such as "DDEDIT" is not "DD" but "ED"; And "AA" means area, "T" means multi-line text, and "X" means explosion.
Third, the definition of shortcut command
As mentioned earlier, all shortcut commands defined by AutoCAD are saved in ACAD. PGP file. ACAD。 PGP is a plain text file. Users can EDIT it with ASC text editor (such as Edit in DOS) or directly with Notepad in WINDOWS attachment. Users can add some shortcuts of Auto CAD commands to the file by themselves.
Usually, shortcut commands use one or two easy-to-remember letters and use them instead of the full name of the command. Shortcut command definition format is as follows:
The name of the shortcut command, * the full name of the command
Such as: CO, * COPY
That is, after typing the shortcut command, type a comma and the full name of the command replaced by the shortcut command. AutoCAD commands must be prefixed with an asterisk.
refer to
Chen Tong et al., Introduction and Improvement of AutoCAD 2000 Chinese Version, Tsinghua University Publishing House, published in July 2000.
Attachment: Common shortcut commands
1, object characteristics
ADC, *ADCENTER (design center "ctrl+2")
CH, MO * attribute (modify attribute "ctrl+ 1")
MA, *MATCHPROP (attribute matching)
ST, * style (text style)
COL, *COLOR (set color)
LA, * layer (layer operation)
LT, * line type (linear)
LTS, *LTSCALE (linear scale)
LW, *LWEIGHT (line width)
United Nations, * unit (graphic unit)
ATT, * attribute definition
ATE, *ATTEDIT (edit attribute)
BO, * boundary (boundary creation, including the creation of closed polylines and regions)
AL, *ALIGN (alignment)
Quit, * quit
EXP, *EXPORT (output files in other formats)
IMP, * import (input file)
OP, PR * options (custom CAD settings)
Print, * Drawing (Print)
PU, * Purge (garbage removal)
R, * redraw (regeneration)
SN, * snap (snap grid)
DS, *DSETTINGS (set polar axis tracking)
OS, *OSNAP (set capture mode)
Preview, * Preview (Print Preview)
To the * TOOLBAR.
V, * view (named view)
AA, * area (area)
Di, *DIST (distance)
Li, * list (display graphic data information)
2, drawing command:
PO, * point (point)
L, * line (line)
XL, *XLINE (ray)
PL, *PLINE (polyline)
ML, * multiline (multiline)
SPL, * spline (spline curve)
POL, * polygon (regular polygon)
REC, * rectangle (rectangle)
C, * circle (circle)
One, * arc (arc)
DO, * doughnut (ring)
EL, * ellipse (ellipse)
REG, *REGION (region)
MT, * multiline text (multiline text)
T, * multiline text (multiline text)
B, * block (block definition)
I, * insert (insert block)
W, *WBLOCK (definition block file)
DIV, *DIVIDE (equal division)
H, *BHATCH (filling)
3, modify the command:
CO, * copy (copy)
Meter, * mirror (mirror)
AR, * array (array)
O, * OFFSET (offset)
RO, * rotate (rotate)
M, * move (move)
E, DEL key *ERASE (delete)
X, * explosion (decomposition)
TR, *TRIM (trim)
LEN, * LENGTHEN (straight line extension)
SC, *SCALE (zoom)
BR, *BREAK (interrupt)
CHA, * chamfer (chamfer)
F, * fillet (round)
PE, *PEDIT (polyline editing)
Edit, * Edit (Modify Text)
4, window scaling:
P, * Pan (translated)
Z+ space+space, * real-time zoom
Z, * local amplification
Z+P, * returns to the previous view.
Z+e, * shows the whole picture.
5, dimensioning:
DLI, *DIMLINEAR (linear dimension)
DAL, *DIMALIGNED (aligned size)
DRA, *DIMRADIUS (radius marker)
DDI, *DIMDIAMETER (diameter mark)
DAN, *DIMANGULAR (angular dimension)
DCE, *DIMCENTER (center size)
DOR, * dim ordinate (point label)
Tolerance * Tolerance (dimensional tolerance)
LE, *QLEADER (quick label)
DBA, *DIMBASELINE (baseline comment)
DCO, *DIMCONTINUE (continuous dimension)
D, *DIMSTYLE (dimension style)
DED, *DIMEDIT (edit comment)
DOV, *DIMOVERRIDE (replace label system variable)
(B) commonly used CTRL shortcut keys
Ctrl+ 1 * attribute (modify attribute)
CTRL+2 * Advertisement Center (Design Center)
CTRL+O * open (open file)
Ctrl+n, M *NEW (new file)
CTRL+P * print (print file)
CTRL+S * save (save file)
CTRL+Z * Undo (Abandon)
Ctrl+x * cut clip (cut)
Ctrl+c * copy clip (copy)
Ctrl+v * Paste Clip (Paste)
CTRL+B * snap (grid snap)
CTRL+F *OSNAP (object capture)
CTRL+G * grid (grid)
Ctrl+l * orthogonal (orthogonal)
Ctrl+w * (object tracking)
Ctrl+u * (polar axis)
(3) Common function keys
F 1 * help (help)
F2 * (text window)
F3 * Object Capture
F7 * Grip (Grid)
F8 * orthogonal (orthogonal)
(4) Self-summary
1, moving: m (moving)
2. Copy: co, CP (copy)
3. Straight line: L (straight line)
4. Arc: an (arc)
5. ROtation: ro (rotation)
6. Eraser: E (Erase)
7. Zoom: SC (Zoom)
8. Interrupt: TR (fine tuning)
9. EXtension: ex (extension)
10, circle: c (circle)
1 1, hatch: h (hatch)
12, mirror image: m (mirror image)
13, offset: o (offset)
14. Face
15, fillet: f (fillet)
16, font: t (text)
17, decomposition (EXplosion): ex (expansion)
18, text style: ST (stretching)
19.:D marking style (dimstyle)
20. RECtangle: rec (rectangle)
2 1, format brush: horse (matchstick)
22. mark: DI (distance)
23. write block: w (write block)
24. Object capture: F3
25. Orthogonal: F8
26. Text window: F2
27. Grid: F7
28. Capture: F9
29. Polar axis: F 10
30. Object tracking: F 1 1
3 1, dynamic input: F 12
Selection set in cad:
Shift is used for reverse selection.
When the selected object appears, F-Fence is used to edit a set of lines.
F-fillet alone represents the intersection of two straight lines, that is, the command of fillet can also achieve this function.
Wp-WP-W polygon window, select the command and then enter it to select all the objects in the polygon.
In the window of CP-CP-C polygon, select the command and enter it, and select all the objects that the polygon touches.
The left-to-right selection box is internal, and the right-to-left contact is determined by the system variable pickauto( 1).
Si-Select an object. Once multiple objects are selected, this command will not appear again.
Select multiple objects.
Rpt (you can also use find) to replace fonts uniformly.
L-last selects the last drawn object.
P-previous automatically selects the last object created in the collection, that is, selects the previous collection.
Remove Removes an object from the selection set, which is determined by the system variable pickadd( 1) and used with shift.
Add Adding an object to the selection set is determined by the system variable pickadd( 1), which is the default setting of the system and the same as shift.
Select all, but you can't select objects with layers turned off.
G-GroupSelect a group of objects (enter the group name), and select objects with the same group name to establish and operate the group.
Automatic is used for automatic selection and is the default selection set of the system.
Uodo undoes the latest selected object from the selection set.
Trace and draw wide lines
The filling method of fillmode line width is also the visibility of various filling methods.
Pedit optimizes multi-line segments, changes the attributes of lines, and synthesizes line segments into entities.
Width of peditwid polyline
Fill style of text Fill text: 0 or 1. If it is zero when printed, the entity's windows font displays an outline.
The display pixel of textqlty text is quality: how many pixels is truetype font?
Find can find the replacement batch text.
Changes can also change the properties of text or objects.
Txtexp fried text
Alignment Align datum fill pattern
Multiline drawing
Modify and edit multiple lines
Mlstyle multiline format, draw several multilines.
Sketch or sign, and then disappear.
Qleader can mark chamfers.
Dim: Update can update dimensions.
Dimsho redisplays annotations, system variables on or off, and dynamic changes.
2 is a subscript.
2 is a superscript.
Zoom. The 5x view is reduced by half.
Zoom. 1x view is reduced to one tenth.
Yx represents the coordinate of yx, which is related to the second scale of pc. 1: 500 is pc, and 1: 2 is PC.
Cr represents the AB coordinate, which is related to the second proportion of pc. 1: 500 is pc, and 1: 2 is PC.
Br When cutting an object, enter @ to cut from the middle, and there is no division in the middle.
Arctext first selects an arc, and then enters text along the arc.
The Dimzin system variable is preferably set to 8. At this time, the default value in dimensioning will not have several trailing zeros, so it is very convenient and quick for users to accept the default value directly.
1-trcut command and ex extend command can not only operate disjoint line segments, but also cut and expand text, splines and regions as edges by relying on system variables projmode and edgemode. Project mode: 0 ... true 3d mode, 1 ... projected to the current UCS plane (missing
Province), 2 ... Projected to the current view plane. Edge mode: 0 ... Use regular, non-extended edges (default) to extend edges to natural boundaries. 1 ...
2—— In AutoCAD, when you click the mouse, sometimes an intersection mark is generated, which can be eliminated by using the BLIPMODE command and entering OFF at the prompt line.
3-mi mirror object, which depends on the system variable MIRRTEXT to control whether to mirror the text, 1 ... text is mirrored and rotated, and 0 ... text is not mirrored, but translated.
4-me places the node on the object with a specified distance. The shapes of these nodes (markers) are determined by the system variable PDMODE and the sizes are determined by the system variable PDSIZE. In div and DIVIDE commands and MEASURE commands, the size and shape of the placement point are controlled by system variables PDSIZE and PDMODE.
5——ucs, for the method of marking rotation coordinates, enter ucs, select New (n), select the following X/Y/Z to indicate that you can choose around that axis at will, and then mark the coordinates with yx.
6 —— In CAD fonts, the large font h z t x t uses t x t, indicating the first-level reinforcement,&; Represents secondary reinforcement, %% 202 represents a square, and %% 203 represents a cube.
7-simplicity. Shx, = Grade I rebar symbol,&; = symbol of secondary reinforcement, {= symbol of square,} = symbol of cube.
In Layer Management, there is a printing option. If this option cannot be selected, the print preview will not appear. In cad2004, some graphics can be modified conveniently and effectively by using extended commands.
Object capture command:
End endpoint
Each vertical point
Nea nearest point
Real intersection point
Imaginary intersection point
Cen circle center
Tangent point
Nod your head and make a real point.
Quadrant and Quadrant of Quadrant Circle
Di measuring distance
The coordinates of the id measuring point
Aa measurement area
Massprop measures volume
Li view object properties
A * arc arc
AR, * array object
BR, *BREAK Cut an object, and after entering @, you can cut a point or use the f command to cut a point. The same is true.
C, *CIRCLE draw a circle
CH, *PROPERTIES property box
CHA, * chamfer is at right angle.
DCO, * dim continues to label continuously.
Di, *DIST measuring distance
DIV, *DIVIDE and so on.
DO, *DONUT draw solid points and circles.
DT, *TEXT Enter a single line of text.
E, * Erase delete object
Edit edit font
For example, *EXTEND extends to objects, or to disjoint edges or segments.
F, * fillet
G, *GROUP groups objects, and the grouped objects cannot be exploded. When selecting, you can use the G command to select the whole group.
H, *BHATCH filling
Me, * Insert Quick Insert
L, * line underline
LE, *QLEADER lead labeling, chamfering.
LEN, * LENGTHEN are used to lengthen or shorten straight lines, polylines, elliptical arcs and circular arcs.
Li, * List View Properties
LS, * list view properties
LW, * l weight
Horse, *MATCHPROP feature matching
M, * moving moving objects
ME, *MEASURE places the node at a specified distance on the object.
MI, * mirror mirror object
MO, * property property box
Enter multiple lines of text.
O, * offset
OP, * options cad options
P, * translation moves the view.
PE, *PEDIT edit line width
PR, *PROPERTIES property box
PU, * Purge fault block or useless layer
R, * redraw
RE, *REGEN redrawing
RO, * rotate rotating object
S, * Stretch Stretch Object
SC, *SCALE scales the object proportionally.
T, * multiline text multiline text
Filling mode of TI, *TILEMODE font
Go to, * Toolbar cad Toolbar
TR, * Trim cut, which can be used to cut two disjoint lines (cut with boundary E). It is common in ex extension after pressing shift.
United Nations * unit
W, *WBLOCK write block
X, * decomposition decomposition object
Z, * zoom window