When the channel image is displayed as white, the corresponding color ratio of the channel is100%; In the middle are different levels of gray values, corresponding to different channel color ratios.
The steps of channel matting with pscs6 are as follows:
1. First open the picture to be processed in PS.
2. Then click the channel, select the blue channel, hold down Ctrl and click the blue channel.
3. Press the shortcut key "Ctrl+2" to select RGB, return to the layer, and press "Ctrl+J" to copy, as shown in the figure, a layer 1 will be displayed.
4. Similarly, hold down the Ctrl key and click the left key to click the selected green channel. The shortcut key Ctrl+4 is to return to the layer, Ctrl+J copies the layer, and then there will be more layers 2.
5. The last red channel operation follows the same steps. After copying the three layers, hide the material layer, and finally you can see the image. Dig it out.