Be sure to take good care of your credit card abroad, and many places can use it without a password. Sign your name on the back as soon as you get the card. It is best to write down the bank card number and 24-hour service telephone number elsewhere, and report the loss immediately if it is lost. Remember to apply for a credit card in advance, usually you can't get it out at that time.
2, cash: bring less but be sure to bring. Don't exceed the limit set by the customs, in case it is found, it will be very troublesome If you bring large bills, you should get a local card and deposit it immediately at your destination. Going to the store to buy small things with big money will be despised and rejected.
3, clothing: petite girls might as well bring more clothes and shoes from China. Students who wear L in China may only wear S in Europe. Pants and bras are especially hard to buy. H& is also very popular abroad. M, Zara. The Swiss love sports very much. Skiing, mountain climbing. Sportswear is essential, you'd better take one.
4. Drugs. You should always take medicines such as anti-inflammatory drugs for colds. Ou can't wait to see the doctor. It is common to wait for two or three hours in the emergency department. It is even more troublesome to communicate with the doctor when you are anxious and uncomfortable. Students who wear glasses should bring an extra pair for emergencies.
Don't forget to bring the adapter. It is best to take a universal plug when traveling to other countries. Don't forget the patch panel and battery. Switzerland is not a European standard. Neither is German. Remember to buy a Swiss standard plug, and the bull has it. It's best to buy a diamond with a slightly flat head, because the socket here is sometimes concave.
6, toiletries. You can bring more toothbrushes, and there are more choices for electric toothbrushes. Toothpaste seems to be ok.
7. Pockets: There are still many thefts in Europe, and the probability that things in backpacks and satchels are stolen is at least 50%. So don't put things like passports in backpacks, satchels and bags.