After I enter the application, let him run, press the Home button to exit directly, then run it according to other applications, and then press the original application and he will reinstall it.
Esc key: exit key. The abbreviation of English Escape means escape, export, etc. In Chinese. The main function of a computer application is to quit the program. For example, if we want to quit while playing a game, just press this button. Tab key: table key. Maybe people use this key less. It is the abbreviation of Table, which means table in Chinese. The application in computer mainly plays the role of equidistant movement in Word processing software (such as Word). For example, when we are dealing with tables, we don't need to use the space bar to move one by one, just press this key to move equidistantly, so we call it table key. Caps lock key: caps lock key. English is the abbreviation of Capital Lock. Used to enter more uppercase English characters. It is a round key, and when you press it again, it will revert to lowercase. When capitalization starts, the Caps lock indicator on the keyboard will light up. Note that Chinese input method is invalid in uppercase. Shift key: conversion key. English means "transformation". Used to convert case keys, and can also work with other keys. For example, to enter the @ of an email, just press Shift+2 in English. Ctrl key: control key. English is the abbreviation of Control, and Chinese means control. Need to be used with other keys or mouse. For example, when using the mouse in Windows, we can select multiple discontinuous objects. Alt key: optional key. English is optional, which means you can choose. It needs to be combined with other keys to achieve the operation purpose. For example, you can hold down Ctrl+ Alt+Del at the same time to restart the computer. Enter key: Enter key, which means "Enter" in English. It is the most used key, so it is designed as a large key on the keyboard, like the shape of a pistol, which is convenient for the little finger to hit the key. The main function is to execute a command, which is a line feed function in word processing software. F 1 ~ F 12 key: function key. English Function means "function" in Chinese. In different software, it plays the role of the corresponding function defined for it, and can also work with other keys. For example, clicking F 1 in common software is a help function. Print screen/system Rq key: print screen key or print screen key. It captures the screen. After pressing, the display content of the current screen is saved in the clipboard. You can print the contents on the screen. Scroll lock key: screen scroll lock. You can lock the scroll bar. Scroll locks are very useful in the DOS era. Due to the display technology at that time, the screen was limited to displaying words with a width of 80 characters and a length of 25 lines. When reading a document, it is very convenient to use this key to scroll the page. With the development of technology, after entering the Windows era, the function of the scroll key is getting smaller and smaller, but it is still useful in Excel: if you use the page turning key (such as Page Up and Page Down) when the scroll lock is closed, the selected cell area will move accordingly; On the other hand, if you want to scroll without changing the selected cell, just press the scroll lock. Pause interrupt key: pause key. Pause an action or program. Such as pause printing. You can stop the execution of some programs, especially DOS programs .. Press Pause Break to pause the scrolling of information displayed in the self-check of DOS interface, then enter the operating system and press any key to continue. Press the WINDOWS logo +Pause/Break under WINDOWS to bring up the system properties. Insert key: Insert key. It is mainly used to insert characters in text editing. This is the bicycle key. Press it again and it will be rewritten. Delete key: same as delete key, delete key. Delete the selected file or content mainly in Windows or text editing software. Home key: home key. English Home means home in Chinese, that is, the original location. In the text editing software, navigate to the beginning of this line. Use the Ctrl key to navigate to the beginning of the article. End key: End key. English End means end in Chinese. In the text editing software, navigate to the end of the line. Echo with the Home key. Use Ctrl to navigate to the end of the article. Page turning key: Page turning key. Page, the meaning of the page; Up means up. Page up in the software. Page down key: Page down key. Page means page, Down means down. Echo with the Pageup key. Num Lock key: the number (keyboard) lock key. Press the first light in the upper right corner to indicate that the keyboard can be used, and then press the light to turn it off to indicate that the keyboard is not available. Ctrl+C copy. Ctrl+X cut. Ctrl+V paste. Ctrl+Z undo. Delete. Delete. Shift+Delete permanently deletes the selected item without putting it in the recycle bin. Hold down the CTRL key while dragging an item to copy the selected item. Press CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item to create a shortcut key for the selected item. F2 Renames the selected project. CTRL+ Right Arrow moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next word. CTRL+ left arrow key moves the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word. CTRL+ down arrow moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph. CTRL+ up arrow key moves the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph. CTRL+SHIFT+ any arrow key highlights a piece of text. SHIFT+ any arrow key can select multiple items in a window or desktop, or select text in a document. Ctrl+A selects everything. F3 Search for files or folders. Alt+Enter to view the properties of the selected item. Alt+F4 closes the current project or exits the current program. ALT+Enter displays the properties of the selected object. Alt+ spacebar opens the shortcut menu of the current window. Ctrl+F4 closes the current document in the program, which allows multiple documents to be opened simultaneously. Alt+Tab switches between open projects. Alt+Esc cycles through projects in the order in which they are opened. F6 cycles through window or desktop screen elements. F4 Displays a list of address columns in My Computer and Windows Explorer. Shift+F 10 displays the shortcut menu of the selected item. Alt+ spacebar displays the system menu of the current window. Ctrl+Esc displays the start menu. The underlined letters in the ALT+ menu names show the corresponding menus. The underlined letters in the command name displayed on the opened menu execute the corresponding command. F 10 activates the menu bar in the current program. The right arrow key opens the next menu on the right or opens a submenu. The left arrow key opens the next menu on the left or closes the submenu. F5 refreshes the current window. Backspace key to view the parent folder in My Computer or Windows Explorer. Esc cancels the current task. When inserting a CD into a CD-ROM drive, pressing the SHIFT key can prevent the CD from playing automatically. The dialog box shortcut Ctrl+Tab moves forward between tabs. Ctrl+Shift+Tab moves backwards between tabs. Tab moves forward between options. Shift+Tab moves backwards between options. ALT+ underlined letters execute the corresponding command or select the corresponding option. Enter executes the command corresponding to the activated option or button. Spacebar If the active option is a check box, select or clear the check box. When the arrow keys are a set of option buttons, please select a button. F 1 display help. F4 displays the items in the current list. Backspace key After selecting a folder in the Save As or Open dialog box, the parent folder will be opened. Natural keyboard shortcuts In a Microsoft natural keyboard or other compatible keyboard that contains a Windows logo key () and an application key (), you can use the following shortcut keys. Please show or hide the start menu according to the purpose. Win+BREAK displays the system properties dialog box. +D displays the desktop. +M Minimizes all windows. +Shift+M restores the minimized window. +E turn on my computer. +F Search for files or folders. Search the computer. +F 1 Display Windows Help. +L If you are connected to a network domain, please lock your computer; If you are not connected to the network domain, please switch users. +R Opens the Run dialog box. Displays the shortcut menu for the selected item. +U Open Tool Manager. For keyboard shortcuts, press and hold the SHIFT key to the right of the destination for eight seconds to turn the Filter Key on and off. ALT+SHIFT+ on the left and PRINTSCREEN on the left switch the high contrast on and off. ALT+SHIFT+ NUMLOCK on the left toggles the "mouse button" switch. Shift key switches the sticky key five times. NumLock key turns on and off the "on key" for five seconds. +U Open Tool Manager. Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts Press the destination to display the bottom of the current window. The home page displays the top of the current window. Numeric Lock+An asterisk (*) on the numeric keypad displays all subfolders of the selected folder. Numeric Lock+The plus sign (+) on the numeric keypad displays the contents of the selected folder. NUMLOCK+ minus sign (-) on the numeric keypad collapses the selected folder. The left arrow key collapses the currently selected item or selects its parent folder. When the currently selected item is collapsed, use the right arrow key or select the first subfolder. Run by pressing Start-Run, or press WIN +R, and enter: Xi% &;; R # is (in alphabetical order) ZA5. 4 ` fctacwiz- accessibility wizard ]jcdxdiag- check DirectX information o/ksobi 2 drwtsn 32- system doctor v _ y[[r "fgdevmgmt. MSC- device manager rgt #; Desk. CPL- display properties! - 1 ? Dfrg. MSC- Disk Defragmenter D 'b:: i, fqdiskgmt. MSC- Disk Management Utility V: V Vu DVD Play-DVD Player, O 9;; & ampZ _ mem。 Exe- display memory usage 6/; A8 & lt; Yw MIG wiz- file transfer wizard Y9TD 2EV? mlcfg 32 . CPL-Email in a # l } emplayer 2-Simple Widnows Media Player c)\ &; No.3 ALM paint- Sketchpad ++ Fpc+W * msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility TFA 69 mstsc- Remote Desktop Connection ewT5k, $ L Magnifier-Magnifier Utility qbndu 5 MMC- Open the console of k l hdmmsys. CPL- sound and audio equipment /6V9L = lMobsync- synchronization command L9U&>$ n ncpa. CPL- network connection V < K3 m{5V nslookup-IP address detector lel (\ hrnetstartx-startxservicejbogxt @ \ enenettopx-stop xservice.