accwiz.exe & gt; Accessibility wizard, which guides you to set up the machine according to the mobile requirements. Accessibility wizard
acsetups.exe & gt; ACS installs DCOM server executable file.
actmovie.exe & gt; Direct display installation tool Direct display installation tool.
append.exe & gt; Allows the program to open the data in the specified directory as if they were in the current directory. Allows the program to open data in the specified directory.
arp.exe & gt; Network Display and Modify IP- Hardware Addresses Displays and changes the corresponding list of IP and hardware physical addresses of the computer.
at.exe & gt; At is a scheduling utility, which is also included in UNIX, and is used to schedule running tasks.
atmadm.exe & gt; Displays the statistics of the ATM call manager. ATM Call Manager Statistics
attrib.exe & gt; Display and modify the properties of files and folders Display and change the properties of files and folders.
autochk.exe & gt; Used to check and repair the windows file system.
autoconv.exe & gt; Automatic file system conversion during reboot, and automatic system conversion during startup.
autofmt.exe & gt; The file formatting process is automatically performed during the restart, and the process is formatted during the startup.
autolfn.exe & gt; Use long file name format for formatting long file names.
bootok.exe & gt; The startup of the registry accepts applications.
bootvrfy.exe & gt; Bootvrfy.exe, a program included in Windows 2000, will inform the system that it started successfully. Bootvrfy.exe can run on a local or remote computer. Notification of successful startup.
cacls.exe & gt; Displays or modifies the access control list (ACL) of a file. Display and edit acls.
calc.exe & gt; Windows calculator calculator
cdplayer.exe & gt; Windows CD player CD player
change.exe & gt; Change the {User | Port | Login} query related to the terminal server.
charmap.exe & gt; charmap
chglogon.exe & gt; Same as using Change Login to start or stop session recording.
chgport.exe & gt; Same as changing a port (Terminal Services) by using Change Port.
chgusr.exe & gt; Same as changing users (Terminal Services) by using Change User.
chkdsk.exe & gt; Check the hard disk error simulator to ScanDisk 3. You must specify a drive letter disk checker.
chkntfs.exe & gt; Same as using chkdsk, but for NTFS NTFS disk checker.
cidaemon.exe & gt; Ci file service component constitutes Ci file service.
cipher.exe & gt; Displays or changes the encryption of directories [files] on NTFS partitions. Displays or changes encrypted files or directories on NTFS.
cisvc.exe & gt; Content indexing-it is a content indexing service for I indexing content.
ckcnv.exe & gt; Cookie converter converts cookies
cleanmgr.exe & gt; Disk cleaning, popularity and windows 98 disk cleaning
cliconfg.exe & gt; Sql server Client Network Utility Sql Client Network Tool
clipbrd.exe & gt; The local Clipboard Viewer will allow you to connect to other Clipboard Clipbook Viewers.
clipsrv.exe & gt; Start the clipboard server to run the clipboard service.
clspack.exe & gt; The Clpack used to create the system package file list creates the system file list.
cluster.exe & gt; Show clusters in a domain Show clusters in that domain.
_cmd_。 Exe> famous command prompt has nothing to say!
cmdl32.exe & gt; Connection manager automatically downloads automatic download connection management.
cmmgr32.exe & gt; Connection manager
cmmon32.exe & gt; Connection Manager Monitor Connection Manager Monitor
cmstp.exe & gt; Connection Manager Profile Manager Connection Manager Profile Installer
comclust.exe & gt; About Cluster Server Cluster
comp.exe & gt; Comcluster add, delete or join a cluster. Compare the contents of two files and filesets *
compact.exe & gt; Displays or changes file compression on NTFS partitions. Displays or changes the compression status of files on NTFS partitions.
conime.exe & gt; Console IME IME console
control.exe & gt; Start the control panel control panel
convert.exe & gt; Convert file system to NTFS Convert file system to NTFS.
convlog.exe & gt; Convert msis log file to NCSA format.
cprofile.exe & gt; Copy configuration file to change display mode.
cscript.exe & gt; Compare the Ms windows script host version 5. 1 with this host version.
csrss.exe & gt; Client server runtime process client server runtime process
csvde.exe & gt; Comma Separated Variable Import/Export Utility Solar to Solar Format Converter
dbgtrace.exe & gt; Related to terminal server
dcomcnfg.exe & gt; Displays the current DCOM configuration. DCOM configuration properties.
dcphelp.exe & gt; ?
dcpromo.exe & gt; Upgrade domain controller to ADSI ad installation wizard
ddeshare.exe & gt; Display DDE share on local or remote computer
ddmprxy.exe & gt;
debug.exe & gt; Run the program testing and editing tool DEBUG. It's debugging!
dfrgfat.exe & gt; File system FAT partition disk defragmenter
dfrgntfs.exe & gt; Defragmenter for defragmenting NTFS file system NTFS partition disk
dfs_cmd_。 Exe> configure Dfs tree.
dfsinit.exe & gt; Distributed file system initialization Distributed file system initialization
dfssvc.exe & gt; Distributed file system server
diantz.exe & gt; MS CABinet manufacturer makes cab file.
diskperf.exe & gt; Start physical disk performance counters Disk performance counters
dllhost.exe & gt; DLLHOST is used in all versions of Windows 2000. DLLHOST is the hedost process of all COM+ applications. The main process of all COM+ applications.
dllhst3g.exe & gt;
dmadmin.exe & gt; Disk management service
dmremote.exe & gt; Part of the disk management service.
dns.exe & gt; application program
doskey.exe & gt; Call the windows command line and create macro command line to create macros.
dosx.exe & gt; DOS extender DOS extension
dplaysvr.exe & gt; The Direct Play Assistant runs Help directly.
drwatson.exe & gt; Dr. Watson's error detection for the fault detector in 2000.
drwtsn32.exe & gt; Display and configuration management of Dr Watson for 2000 viewer and configuration manager.
dtcsetup.exe & gt; Install MDTC
dvdplay.exe & gt; Windows 2000 DVD player DVD playback
dxdiag.exe & gt; Direct-X diagnostic tool
edlin.exe & gt; Line-oriented text editor. Command line text editor (has a long history! )
edlin.exe & gt; Line-oriented text editor. Command line text editor (has a long history! )
esentutl.exe & gt; MS database utility
eudcedit.exe & gt; Private character editor Ture Type word-making program
eventvwr.exe & gt; Windows 2000 Event Viewer Event Viewer
evnt_cmd_。 Exe> trap converter event; Configuration tool
evntwin.exe & gt; Event set by trap converter
exe2bin.exe & gt; Convert EXE file to binary format.
expand.exe & gt; Expand the compressed and decompressed file.
extrac32.exe & gt; CAB file extraction utility solution cab tool
fastopen.exe & gt; Quickly open and track the location of files on the hard disk, and store the information in memory for quick access. Quick access to hard disk files in memory.
faxcover.exe & gt; Fax Cover Editor Fax Cover Editor
faxqueue.exe & gt; Show Fax Queue Show Fax Queue
faxsend.exe & gt; Fax Wizard for Sending Faxes Send Fax Wizard
faxsvc.exe & gt; Start the fax server and start the fax service.
fc.exe & gt; Compare two files or two groups of files and their differences to compare the differences between two files.
find.exe & gt; Search for text strings in one or more files to find text lines in the files.
findstr.exe & gt; Search for a string in a file and find a line in a file.
finger.exe & gt; Find a user and display the statistics of the user Find a user and display the statistics.
fixmapi.exe & gt; Repair MAPI file repair mapi file
flattemp.exe & gt; Enable or disable temporary directories Allow or disable temporary file directories.
fontview.exe & gt; Show fonts in font file Show fonts in font file.
forcedos.exe & gt; Force the file to start in DOS mode. Force the file to run in dos mode.
freecell.exe & gt; The popular Windows game freecell.
ftp.exe & gt; The file transfer protocol used to transfer files through a network connection is FTP.
gdi.exe & gt; Graphics device interface graphic interface driver
grovel.exe & gt;
grpconv.exe & gt; Program administrators group converter converter administrators group
help.exe & gt; Show Help for windows 2000 commands Show Help.
hostname.exe & gt; Displays the host name of the machine. Displays the host name of the machine.
ie4uinit.exe & gt; IE5 User Installation Tool
ieshwiz.exe & gt; Custom Folder Wizard Custom Folder Wizard
iexpress.exe & gt; Create and set up packages for installing wearable installation packages.
iisreset.exe & gt; Restart IIS management service Restart IIS service.
internat.exe & gt; Keyboard language indicator applet keyboard language indicator
ipconfig.exe & gt; Windows 2000 IP configuration. View IP configuration.
ipsecmon.exe & gt; IP security monitor
ipxroute.exe & gt; Ipx routing and source routing control program IPX routing and source routing control program
irftp.exe & gt; Set FTP for wireless communication wireless connection
ismserv.exe & gt; Inter-site messaging service installs or removes services in Service Control Manager.
jdbgmgr.exe & gt; Microsoft debugger java 4 Java4 debugger
jetconv.exe & gt; Convert jet engine database convert jet engine database.
jetpack.exe & gt; Compact Jet database. Compressed Jet database
jview.exe & gt; Java command line loader Java command line loader
krnl386.exe & gt; Core components of windows 2000
label.exe & gt; Change the drive label Change the volume label of the drive.
lcwiz.exe & gt; License compliance wizard for local or remote systems. License compliance wizard.
ldifde.exe & gt; LDIF cmd Line Manager LDIF Directory Exchange Command Line Management
licmgr.exe & gt; Terminal Server License Manager Terminal Services License Protocol Management
lights.exe & gt; Show connection status light shows connection status.
llsmgr.exe & gt; Windows 2000 License Manager 2000 License Agreement Management
llssrv.exe & gt; Start the license server Start the license agreement server.
lnkstub.exe & gt;
locator.exe & gt; Remote positioning
lodctr.exe & gt; Load perfmon counter call performance count
logoff.exe & gt; Log off the current user. Log off the user.
lpq.exe & gt; Display the status of the remote lpd queue Displays the status of the remote LPD print queue and displays print jobs sent to Unix-based servers.
lpr.exe & gt; Send a print job to a network printer. Redirect print jobs to printers on the network. Printers commonly used for Unix clients send print jobs to nt printer servers connected to printing devices.
lsass.exe & gt; LSA executables and server dlls run LSA and server dlls.
lserver.exe & gt; Specify the new DNS domain of the default server Specify the new DNS domain of the default server.
macfile.exe & gt; Manage MAC files for manage MAC files
magnify.exe & gt; Magnifier used to enlarge the current screen
makecab.exe & gt; MS CABinet manufacturer makes cab file.
mdm.exe & gt; Machine debugging manager machine debugging management
mem.exe & gt; Show the current memory status. Show the memory status.
migpwd.exe & gt; Migration password. Migration password
mmc.exe & gt; Microsoft management console console
mnmsrvc.exe & gt; Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing NetMeeting Remote Desktop * * *
mobsync.exe & gt; Manage synchronization. Synchronize the directory manager.