When the bag is in your hand, you should take it to the most famous luxury second-hand consignment shop in the local area and tell the clerk that you want to check this bag, and then she will let a professional appraiser check your bag. If they are willing to accept it, it means that the package is true. If they refuse to accept it, 99.9% of it is fake. The remaining probability of 0. 1% is that domestic appraisers don't have licenses from Hong Kong, Japan, Europe and America, which is quite confusing. If they can't tell the truth from the false, they won't accept the bags in question.
But the authenticity of the invoice itself can be verified. Call the department store that sells this bag, and you can find out if there is this bill right away. It's not reliable to just look at your ID card. In short, it is not an appraiser, nor is it the sales of Chanel counters. It's really unreliable to see the authenticity.