Personally, I think the font color code is better:
#e0ba4b6 bright green
#e0e8de5 Bright blue
#e6f00c7 Bright purple
#ed7ffff#c0b38ba blue outside and blue inside.
# effc9d8 # cf30768 External red and internal red
# effffb8 # C9F0800External yellow, internal red
# efff 00 # g 1 1 cc3f is yellow outside and blue inside.
#ecfffd9#c066644 green outside and green inside.
# effffff # gf0fff5 Gradient red and white.
# efffff # gfffff00Gradient white and red
# efffff # gff6f00Gradient white and red
#e0e8de5#c00ffff sky blue
# E0E8DE5 # C33FF99External blue and internal green
#e0e8de5#Y is blue outside and yellow inside.
#e6f00c7#c00ffff sapphire blue
#e0ba4b6#c00ffff emerald
The more commonly used codes are
# EAF 0 CCA # b+ Text font color modification:
#R indicates that the font at the back is red.
#G indicates that the font at the back is green.
#B indicates that the font at the back is blue.
#K indicates that the font at the back is black.
#Y indicates that the font at the back is yellow.
#W indicates that the font at the back is white.
# c+ six numbers or A-F letters to customize the color,
Example: c008000= dark green.
#gaf0cce indicates that the text changes from RGB code af0 to cce.
#e0000FF Tianlong Silver Blue Font
It's very sunny,
Work hard, hehe!
It's black inside and white outside.
#ecccccc#K#b is quite clean.
It would be strange if it wasn't white inside and black outside.
If you put #b in front of the color, the font will flash. If you add #u, it will be underlined.
You can type #b+ in front, but the #c in the second color code is changed to # e.
This is more beautiful.