English [sa? N] beauty [sa? n]
Signs; Symbol; Mark; symbol
Signing an intransitive verb; symbol
Sign; signal
Call sign radio station call sign; [Communication] Call sign; Symbol; signal
Radical symbol [
Sign out; Sign away; Exit login; Sign and register to leave.
Root number root number
Operation symbol; Operating environment; operator
International sign language
Lighting signs; Lighting sign
V signV gesture; Victory mark
minus sign
Signs; Symbol; Mark; symbol
Symbol, breath, evidence, mark, movement
Signing an intransitive verb; symbol
Sign; signal
Ink, endorsement
Root: symbol
Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)
The signal is significant; Make conspicuous
Signed, signed; Signed; There are positive and negative points.
Noun (short for noun)
Signal signal; Codeword; blasting fuse
Sign guide sign
Signaling signal; flag signal
Signature signature; symbol
The signer; A person who gestures.
Signal device; Signal hand
Signal notification signal
Signal action
Signal corps; signal device
Verb (abbreviation of verb)
Signature signature; Write it down; Forecast; Indication (past participle of sign)
Signature signature; Write it down; Indication (sign form)
intransitive verb
Send a signal
Symbol is important; Important; Pretend to be an expert
transitive verb
Signal sign; signal
Representation method; Meaning; express
Signal generation ... significant; Signal; Celebrate; Emphasize this point.
Signal to make it obvious; Make famous; Send signals to ...
example sentence
The plus sign "+"indicates addition.
The symbol "+"means "add".
This is an unusual sign.
This is an unusual sign.
Please register before you leave the building.
Please register before you leave the building.