In real life, a name is a symbol of a citizen and a formal expression of his will and personality.
Signature should pay attention to two issues:
First, in addition to the legal name on the ID card, some people may have multiple names for others to address, such as nicknames, birth names, aliases, previous names and so on. From a legal point of view, the use of names other than legal names may cause controversy, and it is necessary to further prove that names are equivalent to actors;
Second, the popular artistic signature, a signature that can't recognize words, how to clearly define the identity of the actor in law? Therefore, a clear and identifiable signature is the basic element of law.
To affix/affix/affix a seal (to ...)
In civil activities, there are countless people who privately carve seals. Compared with signature, the legal risk of stamping is great.
First, if the private seal has not been registered by the relevant departments, it will have no credibility;
Second, the private seal is separated from the person, unlike the signature, which is "like a person" because of different personal handwriting, so it is difficult to determine whether the private seal under the cover represents the meaning of the person;
Third, the private seal is easy to forge, so the parties may claim that what the other party says has nothing to do with them.
Press the handprint
Modern society generally does not use fingerprints alone unless the parties can't write. There is no doubt about the advantages of fingerprints in identifying identity, because everyone's fingerprints are absolutely unique, but they need to be identified by high technology, so their defects can not be ignored, and fingerprints are not easy to reflect the free will of individuals. Like the old society, the last step of extorting a confession by torture is to "press" a person's fingerprints on the charges.
In addition, it is worth noting that it is difficult for people with weak legal awareness to consider the legal significance of the signature of the legal representative in personal and legal person lending. When the borrower's signature on the IOU is the signature of the legal representative, and the money actually entered the company's basic account at that time, the lender naturally chose an individual to claim rights for the borrower, because the company was heavily in debt, and the shareholders and legal representative of the company claimed that the personal signature was an act of evading personal debts on behalf of the company. The money also went into the company account, and the company should be the debtor. Therefore, in order to avoid disputes, it is best for both parties to further clarify the identity of the signature subject, whether it is as a legal representative, an individual or both. If you are a legal representative, you'd better affix the official seal of the company.
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