Create a simple project, a Winform form, containing a background picture.
Add a test program to the. Reticular reflector.
After selecting the test program, right-click and select Export.
Problem phenomenon: cardinal number. Auto-range mode = auto-range mode. Font; The code in the method "InitializeComponent" is generated by the designer and should not be modified manually. Please delete all changes, and then try to reopen the designer.
Solution: All controls in the System.Windows.Forms. namespace need a complete namespace declaration.
Example: base.autoscale mode = mode.font;
Symptom of the problem: The variable "manager" is undeclared or never assigned.
Treatment method:
1) First, convert the resource file into a resx resource file, and name it as the corresponding *. Cs file and put it in the same directory as the corresponding *. Cs code (for example, compile Windows Forms Application1.form1.resources into Form 1.resx). Compiler tool is resgen.exe(XP) under c: \ program files (x86) \ Microsoft sdks \ windows (win7 \ win8), and c: \ program files \ Microsoft sdks \ windows \ v7.0a \ bin.
CMD command format: resgen *. Resources *. Resx, as follows:
Note: After generating the resx resource file, exclude the corresponding *. Cs file and add it again to map. The resx file is added to the project.
2) replace the object manager (replace the variable name) in the InitializeComponent method with resources.
Symptoms of the problem: system. Resources. MissingManifestResourceException: No resources applicable to the specified culture or non-specific culture were found. Please ensure that "" has been correctly embedded or linked to assembly "xxxx" at compile time, or that all necessary satellite assemblies can be loaded and fully signed.
Solution: just add the resources of the picture again.