Other parameters are as follows:
Visual C# compiler options
-Output file-
/out:& lt; File > specifies the output file name (default: the basic name of the file containing the main class or the first file)
/target:exe generates console executable file (default) (abbreviation: /t:exe)
/target:winexe generates Windows executable file (abbreviation: /t:winexe)
/target:library generating library (abbreviation: /t:library)
/target:module generates modules (abbreviation: /t:module) that can be added to other assemblies.
/target:Appcontainerexe generates an appcontainer executable file (abbreviation: /t:appcontainerexe).
/target:winmdobj generates the Windows runtime intermediate file (abbreviation: /t:winmdobj) used by WinMDExp.
/doc:& lt; File > XML document file to be generated.
/platform: < string > restrict the platform on which this code can run: x86, Itanium, x64, arm, anycpu 32-bit preferred or anycpu. The default value is anycpu.
-Input file-
/recurse:& lt; Wildcard > according to the wildcard specification, all files in the current directory and subdirectories are included.
/reference:& lt; Alias > = < file > uses the given alias (abbreviation: /r) to refer to metadata in the specified assembly file.
/reference:& lt; File list > references metadata in the specified assembly file (abbreviation: /r)
/add module:& lt; File list > links the specified module to this assembly.
/link:& lt; File list > Metadata embedded in the specified interop assembly file (abbreviation: /l)
/win32 RES:& lt; File > specifies the Win32 resource file (. res)。
/win32 icon:& lt; File > use this icon to output.
/win32 manifest:& lt; File > specifies the Win32 manifest file (. xml)。
/now32manifest Win32 does not include the default win 32 manifest.
/resource:& lt; Resource information > embeds the specified resource (abbreviation: /res)
/link resource:& lt; Resource information > links the specified resource to this assembly (abbreviation: /linkres)
Resinfo's format is
-Code generation-
/debug[+|-] sends debugging information.
/debug: {full | pdbunly} specifies the debugging type ("full" is the default type, and the debugger can be attached to the running program).
/optimize[+|-] Enable optimization (abbreviation: /o)
-Errors and warnings-
/warner error [+|-] Reports all warnings as errors.
/warna serror[+|-]:& lt; Warning list > report specific warnings as errors.
/warn:& lt; N> Set the warning level (0-4) (abbreviation: /w)
/nowarn:& lt; Warning list > disable specific warning messages
/checked[+|-] Generate overflow check
/unsafe[+|-] Allow "unsafe" code
/define:& lt; Symbol list > define conditional compilation symbols (abbreviation: /d)
/lang version:& lt; String > specifies the language version mode: ISO- 1, ISO-2, 3, 4, 5 or default.
/delaysign[+|-] only uses the public * * * part of the strong name key to delay the signing of the assembly.
/keyfile:& lt; File > specify a strong name key file.
/key container:& lt; String > specifies a strong name key container.
/highentropyva [+|-] Enable ASLR with high average information.
@< file > Please read the response file for more options.
/help displays this usage information (abbreviation:/? )
/nolog cancels compiler copyright information
/noconfig does not automatically include CSC. RSP file.
/base address:& lt; Address > the base address of the library to be generated.
/bug report:& lt; File > create error report file
/code page:& lt; N> specifies the code page to use when opening the source file.
/UTF 8output outputs compiler messages in utf8 encoding format.
/main:& lt; Type > specifies the type containing the entry point (all other possible entry points are ignored) (abbreviation: /m)
The /fullpaths compiler generates fully qualified paths.
/file align:& lt; N> specifies the alignment used to output file sections.
/pdb:& lt; File > specifies the file name of debugging information (default: use. Pdb extension).
/errorendlocation outputs the row and column where each error ends.
/Preferred specifies the preferred output language name.
/nostdlib[+|-] does not reference the standard library (mscorlib.dll)
/subsystem version:& lt; String > specifies the subsystem version of this assembly.
/lib:& lt; File list > specifies an additional directory in which to search for references.
/error report:& lt; String > specifies how to handle internal compiler errors: prompt, send, queue, or none. The default value is queue.
/appconfig:& lt; File > specifies the application configuration file that contains the assembly binding settings.
/moduleassemblyname:& lt; String > the name of the assembly to which the module belongs