1. Your P tag is not closed, so I'll close it for you.
2. I will use dom4j to parse, add dependencies for the project or download jar packages online by myself:
& lt dependency & gt
& ltgroupId & gtdom4j & lt/groupId & gt;
& ltartifactId & gtdom4j & lt/artifact id & gt;
& lt version & gt1.6.1< /version & gt;
& lt/dependency & gt;
3. The target value you want to get is in the attribute of the last S tag. When dom4j is used for parsing, dom4j needs that ""symbol, otherwise it will report an error: org.dom4j.documentexception: Error in line 5 of the document? : The attribute value of' ca_out' associated with element type' s' cannot contain'.
& lt? Xml version =" 1.0 "encoding ="UTF-8"? & gt
& ltp & gt
& lts err flag = " 0 "/& gt;
& lts errtext = " "/& gt;
& lts ca _ out = " & amplt; State and society. gt; 0 & amplt; /STATE & amp; gt; & amplt; Error code > 0 & amplt; /error code > ”/& gt;
& lt/p & gt;
4. After parsing the attribute of ca_out, the attribute value is
& ltroot & gt
& ltSTATE & gt0 & lt/STATE & gt;
& lt error code & gt0</errorcode >
& lt/root & gt;
So we can parse it.
5. The code is as follows:
Common class test {
The public static void main(String[] args) throws an exception {
String xml = " & lt? Xml version =\" 1.0\ "encoding =\"UTF-8\"? & gt\n" +
“& ltp & gt\n" +
“& lts err flag = \ " 0 \ "/& gt; \n" +
“& lts errtext=\"\"/>\n" +
“& lts ca _ out = \ " & amplt; State and society. gt; 0 & amplt; /STATE & amp; gt; & amplt; Error code > 0 & amplt; /error code > \ "/>; \n" +
“& lt/p >; ;
SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
document doc = reader . read(new bytearray inputstream(XML . getbytes(" UTF-8 "))); //Read the xml string
element root = doc . getrootelement();
List & lt element & gt elements = root.elements ();
For (element element: element) {
attribute attribute = element . attribute(" ca _ out "); //get the ca_out node attribute.
If (property! = null) {
string ca _ out value = attribute . getvalue();
System.out.println("ca_out in ca _ out: "+ca _ outvalue+"\ n ");
//The obtained ca_out is not xml and has no root node. Add a root node to it first and convert it into standard xml before processing.
String caOutXml = "< root >;" +ca _ out value+" & lt; /root >;
document caout doc = reader . read(new bytearrayiputstream(caout XML . getbytes(" UTF-8 ")));
element caOutRoot = caoutdoc . getrootelement();
List & lt element & gtcaoutelements = caoutroot.elements ();
for(Element caout Element:caout elements){
system . out . println(caout element . getname()+" = "+caout element . gettext());
6. Operation result: