But he studied at Leeds University, and in the middle of England, the landlord may pay attention to it ...
East London, this one.
English in the central part of England, with Birmingham as the center, has a strong nasal sound. This accent is called Brummie.
The pronunciation of Liverpool in the northwest of England is rough and blunt, and this accent is called Scouse.
The accent in Newcastle, northeast England, is full of musical sense, and this accent is called Geordie.
Many vowels in Scots' English vary, and they don't curl their tongues when they pronounce "r". This accent is called Jock.
However, people from non-native English-speaking countries usually learn RP (that is, the most formal British accent used by BBC), and the English spoken by some of their outstanding learners sounds more standard than that of most British natives ... Maybe my brother learned RP. ..