is the first type cast using angle brackets (<; string> SomeValue).length
The second one uses the as keyword. Length
TS uses let and const to declare variables, and it has a block-level scope (curly bracket scope)
Use the principle of least privilege. All variables except those you plan to modify should be deconstructed with const
const {a, b} = {a: first ,second] = [1, b: 1,2}
You can add the default value {a,b=first ,second] = [1}
... The operator has the function of expansion
let first =
let a. It can be called cramming or structural subtype.
an interface can declare optional attributes, and the implementation does not necessarily need to have such attributes
interface ISquare{
color? :string;
width? :number;
Some attributes can only be assigned when the object is instantiated
Interface point {
Readonly x: number;
readonly y:number;
let p:point = {x:first ,second] = [1,y:first ,second] = [1}
pfirst ,second] = [1.x=5 //error
ReadonlyArray< T> Type can create a read-only array
let r: readonlyarray <; number> =
r [] = 1,2//error
readonly vs const
If the object is restricted, const is used; if the object is restricted, readonly is used
In general, the implementation of the interface needs to meet all the attributes just covered. However, sometimes there is a need to dynamically add additional attributes
Just like languages like java
extends keywords: type java
refers to the parent class through the super keyword (this refers to this class). This example also demonstrates how to override the method of the parent class in subclasses
Members whose private modifiers can only be accessed in this class
public * * * Modifiers can be accessed everywhere
protected modifiers can be accessed in inherited classes
readonly decorated read-only properties must be initialized in declarations or constructors
Generally used as the base class of derived classes and cannot be instantiated. The difference between an abstract class and an interface is that the abstract class has more details of its members.
The abstract keyword is used to define the abstract class and the line drawing method.
Subclasses inherit the abstract class and can rewrite the methods inside.
Define a function completely.
Function assignment is inferred according to the type without specifying a specific type.
Unknown parameters are merged into a collection.
js language, This is specified when the function is called, and this inside the function points to the object calling the function. If there is no object, it points to window. In strict mode, it is undefined
, that is, the function signature is the same, but the parameter types, number and return value types are different;
js is a dynamic type with variable parameters, so there is no such thing as overloading.
But TS can define the overloading of methods just like c#.
When creating a function or an object, the types of parameters are uncertain, or when it can be applied to multiple types, it can be defined by generics.
Unlike any, any does not restrict the types of incoming parameters at all. However, generics will constrain the type consistency of incoming parameters and return values
If generics are not constrained, all types need to be verified by operations. For example, string has the length attribute but boolean does not. If we use the length attribute directly on generics, we will report an error. Assuming that we use generic constraints to constrain that types must have the length attribute (that is, we must inherit the interface containing the length attribute), there will be no error
We hope that a variable can support multiple types at the same time, and use vertical lines to separate
this type represents a class or the interface itself.