Tools/Materials WPS+PS
0 1 Select the document that you need to stamp with electronic seal, and we will stamp with electronic seal when signing. Select "Insert" tab, select "Picture" to find the folder where the electronic seal file is stored, and select "Electronic Seal File"-"Open".
Then we set the picture format and select the picture tool-Surround and Align component to edit the picture. Generally, we choose the way that the picture floats on the text and is equally aligned.
In order not to hide the date and company signature, we also need to select the "Set Transparent Color" component in the picture format settings to make the picture transparent.
Finally, move the adjusted electronic seal to the position where it needs to be stamped and print it out. You're done!
In particular, it is suggested that blank A4 paper can be stamped with the company's entity seal and converted into electronic pictures, and PS software can be used for retouching.