Credentials are divided into originals and copies, with the original sealed and the copy unsealed. The original is signed by the head of state of the sending country, countersigned by the foreign minister, and personally submitted by the special envoy to the head of state of the permanent country. The copy bears the signatures of the head of state and the foreign minister, but there is no signature.
It means 1
Voucher: communication between countries or agreements; It also refers to the document signed by the head of state and submitted to the head of state when the country dispatches or recalls an ambassador or minister.
Biography of Sui Shu Dongyi: "In the three years of the great cause, its king Dolly Sibi sent an envoy to pay tribute ... His credentials read:' The sun rises from the son of heaven, and the son of heaven is safe everywhere' and so on."
[Song] "On the Point Set of the Northern Boundary": "Choosing differences can be set up by the near ministers, making the North Rong, and making a pact with the credentials to determine their neighbors."
San Ji, the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty: "Order Hei, assistant minister of the Ministry of War, and assistant minister of the Ministry of Rites to return to Japan."
"Ten Rites of the Clear Draft": "Prince Henry of Germany is addicted to it, and the emperor is fortunate to be the Summer Palace, Renshou Imperial Palace, Henry's official service, and the emperor comforts him."
Meaning 2
Education: National History.
"Biography of Shu Wei Gaoyou": "Please take talents and participate in the creation of credentials."
Biography of Northern History Cui Guang: "Light and Li Biao Write Credentials."
[Tang] Liu Zhiji's "Shi Tongguan Stone Slips": "Han Wei Lu Jia, Jin Song Yu Qian, Zhang Qian and Ye Fan, although not historical posts, wrote their credentials privately."
Meaning 3
Credentials: national characters.
[Yuan] Jiexi's "Hou Zou Fu Shi": "When I entered the cabinet, I was given the credentials of lin xi Yan Xue."
[Qing] Wei Yuan's "Wu Shengji Volume I": "Therefore, civil servants are ordered to use Mandarin as their credentials, without Mongolian or Chinese characters."