Making seal: /print.php
Email address picture generation: /email.php
Barcode generation: /barcode.php
Qinqin School issues a certificate of completion:/kiss/cert.php.
Generate avatar: /service ce. aspx? TypeID= 12
Generate patchwork: /letters/
Cut out the words you need with a handful of Tatsu Yamashiro:/generators/animated/ninjatext.asp.
Generate some animated pictures of cartoon characters' dialogues:/generators/animated/Talking _ squirrel.asp.
Cigarette case generation, warning pictures can be made: /generators/ cigarette _ package/generator. cig.
Generation of email icons supporting multiple domain names: /email/
Online icon generator: /e/favicon.cgi
Supports the generation of various types of pictures, and the conditions you can choose to set are very flexible: /tchinese/
Support to generate a large number of Chinese font signature icons: /font/
Flickr magazine cover generator: /flickr/magazine.php
Dynamically generate interesting pictures:
Einstein: /einsteinform.php
Uncle Sam: /unclesamform.php
Dictionary: /dictionaryform.php
Magician:/Tool/Button Maker/
/brilliant maker/button image . PHP
/tools /buttonmaker/
Logo generation website:
. tw/Generator.aspx
Banner photo production website: /index.php
Online photo generation website://e/is.cgi.
Stereo picture generator: /html-kit/services/imge/
Image generation stamp: /PhotoStamps/? source=si0000 133 1
Personality puzzle:/jigonline/jigonline1_ sc.php.
Text LOGO:/CGI-bin/3d text. pl for generating GIF pictures online.
Making logos online, Bannar's website:
Saint. Evaluate the security of computer network: /saint/
Abacus. Intrusion prevention system: /abacus/
Firewall generator (generating simple firewall scripts online):/firewallgenerator.html.
Online ID number generator: /font/
Online help to crack patches and register machines at home and abroad: /y 1.asp
Online graphic special effects generation:/
Chat Tool Online Status Generator: