Try the following repair methods: operating system Win7 64-bit
1. Download IE version 1 1. After installation, restart the computer.
2. Open IE browser-> Tools-> IE option-> Security->; User level ... reset to intermediate->; good
3. Open IE browser-> Tools-> IE option-> Security->; User level ... Confirm that the security zone is medium-> good
4. Open IE browser-> Tools-> IE option-> Content-> Certificate-> Trusted root certification authorities->; Import (certificate import wizard appears) > Next > Browse ... > (certificate file path) such as C: \ Program files (x86) \ Siemens \ Automation \ Portal V13 \ Bin \ CA _ step7 >, Open > Next > Place all certificates in the following location > Browse ... Trusted root certification authority > local computer >; OK> Next > End > Import Successfully > OK.
5. Inspection and verification: select C: \ program files (x86) \ Siemens \ automation \ Portal V13 \ bin \ Siemens. Automation.basics.dll, and right-click >; Attribute > digital signature > Siemens TIA portal v13 > Details > displays "This digital signature is OK!" , indicating OK.
Reference: TIA Portal V 13 Installation