The seven deadly sins refer to: gluttony, greed, laziness, lust, arrogance, envy and rage.
The Seven Deadly Sins are considered by Catholics to be the seven deadly sins that lead to eternal damnation. They have appeared repeatedly in the Bible, famous paintings, and sermons by medieval church figures.
In 1589, Peter Binsfeld associated each sin with a demon, and demons representing various sins would tempt people with the same sin.
According to Binsfeld's classification, the pairings are as follows:
Lucifer: Pride (the most beautiful archangel)
Mammon: Greed (treasure and the error of greed) God)
Asmodeus: Lust (the ancestor of the demon god who angered or lusted)
Samae: Wrath (the incarnation of anger, in the Bible Referred to as the "King of Demons")
Beelzebub: Gluttony (the Lord of Flies, referred to as the "King of Ghosts" in the Bible)
Leviathan: Jealousy (The legendary sea monster that symbolizes evil and devours everything)
Belphegor: Sloth (originally one of the Assyrian demons)