Reasons for vertical screen of Tik Tok and A Auto Quick: Tik Tok Aauto quickent belongs to a short video platform. Short video is characterized by high speed, and users don't need to stay on the page too much. This UGC community, on the basis of satisfying the convenience of hands, allows users to get more content and have more impact. It can also improve the reading ability of users. Vertical screen can be shot with one hand, which is more convenient and can also improve the output of users.
Reasons for VUE and flashing horizontal screen: Compared with short videos, Vlog takes longer to watch. The advantage of horizontal screen is that users will not be disturbed by content other than video, and users can better immerse themselves in the content and watch more intently. From the shooting point of view, Vlog is usually shot with professional photographic equipment, mainly horizontal screen.