I. Description of the problem
After developing the ios version of the app. Yes. Ipa files and. Plist files need to be packaged and uploaded for users to download and install online. The user installation process is briefly described as follows:
First, get the download address. Pass safari or scan QR code plist. Then the browser will automatically jump to this address to download and read. plist。 (The address that the user jumps to is the download address. plist。 ) this process obviously uses/ekwing.plist "class =" mobile-IOs "> <; /a & gt;
However, starting from ios7. 1, users need to use/register an account to install the app. Then, support is enabled)
& lt string & gt/ekwing.ipa < /string & gt;
4. To sum up, download. Plist uses the https protocol, while. Ipa uses http protocol. After modification, you can apply ios6, ios7, ios7. 1 for testing.
4. Thanks to Qiniu Cloud Storage
Thanks to Qiniu Cloud Storage for providing free service. But there is no anti-theft chain at present. I hope to add anti-theft chain function.
5. Error in https protocol prompt when installing app in ios7. 1.
The application cannot be installed because the certificate is invalid.
& lt warning & gt:[ error]: unable to load non-https list URL: http:/
& lt Warning & gt: Unable to load the download list, misunderstanding: Errordomain = sserrordomaincode =128 "Unable to connect" userinfo = 0x1669d990 {nsrlocalized description = unable to connect}
& lt warning & gt: nsurlconnection/cfurlconnection http load failed (kcfstream domainssl, -98 13).
& lt Warning & gt: The download manifest could not be loaded, and a basic error occurred: Errordomain = nsurralererrordomaincode =-1202 "Unable to connect to storage" userinfo = 0x166bc640 {nsrlocalized. Description= Unable to connect to the store, nslocatedcoverysuggestion = Do you still want to connect to this server? , nslocatedfallureson = Unable to establish a secure connection. Please check the date and time settings. , nserrorfailingurlstringkey = https:/, insullyingerror = 0x165b37e0 "The certificate of this server is invalid. You may be connecting to a server disguised as "192.5438+068.438+0.22", which will threaten the security of your confidential information. ,NSURLErrorFailingURLPeerTrustErrorKey = & lt; sectrusref:0x 166 b 83 e 0 & gt; ,NSErrorFailingURLKey = https:// 192. 168. 1.22/ek wing . plist }