In an ever-progressing society, the use of agreements has become the norm in daily life, and signing an agreement is one of the most effective legal basis. Does anyone know the format of the agreement? The following are the surgical protocols I have collected for everyone. They are for reference only. Let’s take a look. Surgery Agreement 1
1. Anesthesia accident, cardiac and respiratory arrest, drug anaphylactic shock.
2. During the operation, vein transplantation from other parts is required or extensive vascular damage is found during the operation, and replantation is unconditional.
3. The phalanges may need to be shortened during the operation, and joint fusion may be performed if necessary.
4. Vascular crisis occurs after surgery and requires another surgical exploration.
5. Postoperative finger necrosis requires secondary surgical resection.
6. Postoperative wound infection.
7. Postoperative tendon adhesion and poor recovery of finger movement function.
8. Postoperative nerve recovery is poor, and finger sensory function recovery is poor.
9. The appearance of the fingers after surgery is poor.
10. Postoperative fracture delayed healing or non-union.
11. Tourniquet and urinary catheter complications occur.
12. Other unforeseen adverse events occur. Surgery Agreement 2
Department: _____________
Bed number: _____________
Hospital number: ___________
Name: _____________
Gender: _____________
Age: _____________
Date of admission: _________
Date of surgery: _________
Preoperative diagnosis: Necessity of surgery.
Planned surgery: _________.
Anesthesia method: _________.
The following complications may occur during and after surgery, which should be explained to family members.
1. Anesthesia accident.
2. Accidents and complications that may occur during the operation.
(1) Intraoperative bleeding, severe shock or even death.
(2) Inadvertently injuring the organs (solid and hollow organs) surrounding the lesion.
(3) Abnormalities are found during the operation, such as tumors, damage to large blood vessels and surrounding organs, and severe intra-abdominal adhesions that require conversion to laparotomy.
3. Possible complications after surgery.
(1) Puncture infection.
(2) Postoperative intra-abdominal bleeding, blood transfusion or secondary surgery if necessary.
(3) Bile leakage, intestinal fistula, etc.
(4) Adhesive intestinal infarction.
4. Hidden diseases may be induced during and after surgery.
5. Others.
The above complications can occur during or after surgery, and in severe cases they can be life-threatening or even fatal. If the above complications occur, we hope that the patient and his family will understand and assist in treatment. If you agree to the surgery, please sign it as a basis.
Family member’s signature and relationship with the patient: _______ Opinion: ___________
Patient’s signature: ____________________ Opinion: ____________
Physician’s signature: ___________________ Opinion: _____________
Surgical Agreement 3 on ____month_____day ____
Abortion is one of the remedies for failed family planning. Due to the complexity of medical work, some cases may still occur. Unavoidable complications and medical accidents that are difficult to predict and prevent, such as:
1. Incomplete uterine aspiration;
2. Uterine perforation and bleeding;
3. Empty suction and leakage;
4. Uterine infection, secondary infertility;
5. Artificial abortion syndrome;
6. Amniotic fluid Embolism, gas embolism;
7. Simultaneous intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy, intrauterine pregnancy was aspirated, but no extrauterine pregnancy was found;
8. Postoperative intrauterine adhesions, Cervical adhesions, etc.;
9. Other accidents.
For the above situation, the patient and his family expressed their understanding and agreed to the operation. Please sign as evidence.
Name of the patient: Patient or family member (please specify the relationship):
Year, month, day, surgery agreement 4
Name of the animal to be operated on:
Name of the animal requiring surgery:
Operation time:
Chief surgeon:
1. Accidents that may occur during the operation
Due to the different physical conditions of various animals, especially sick animals, special physical conditions. A few animals have special sensitive constitutions. You may encounter corresponding problems and risks before and during the operation, such as anesthesia accidents, cardiac arrest, death from postoperative hemorrhage and shock, death from various infections, death from allergies, etc. Some risks only have prevention and treatment methods, but it is impossible to completely avoid them. In short, there are certain risks in surgery.
What needs to be emphasized about caesarean section surgery is:
1. Anesthesia accidents and allergies may cause cardiac and respiratory arrest, requiring rescue or even death.
2. Cause bleeding during and after surgery, or even cause massive bleeding, leading to hemorrhagic shock and death.
3. Shock and death during the operation due to various medical histories (heart disease, etc.).
4. Allergies to various drugs lead to shock and death during surgery.
5. Major organ failure, leading to shock and death.
6. Death from shock caused by water and electrolyte imbalance.
7. Improper postoperative care can lead to serious infection and eventually death.
8. Due to the need for surgery, some organ functions may be lost (infertility, etc.)
9. Due to dystocia combined with other serious infections, surgery is not suitable, and dogs The owner strongly requested to do it, which eventually resulted in death.
10. Death due to major mistakes by the doctor during the operation.
2. Responsibilities of both parties
Due to the serious consequences caused by the above reasons, the responsibilities of the hospital and the dog owner are described as follows:
1. The dog owner should bear all medical expenses.
3 If the situation mentioned in Article 10 occurs: death due to major mistakes by the doctor during the operation (error in medication, etc.). The hospital will compensate the dog owner at 120% of the price of the dog.
4. If the situation mentioned in Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 occurs, the operation is interrupted and the sick dog dies within 24 hours. The hospital will compensate the dog owner at 20% of the dog's price. The rest is the responsibility of the dog owner.
5. The hospital does not assume any responsibility if the situations described in Articles 7, 8, and 9 occur. It is the responsibility of the dog owner.
6. If the dog dies 72 hours after the operation due to any reason, the hospital will compensate the dog owner at 15% of the dog price.
Seal (signature) of the dog owner: _________ Seal (signature) of the hospital: _________
_______year____month____day_________year____month Date of ____
Signing place: _____________ Signing place: _____________
Attachment: Fee standards
1. Shearing and disinfection before surgery is 30.00 yuan/time; 2. Preoperative preventive hemostasis is 15 yuan/time; 3. General anesthesia 80/time;
4. Local anesthesia 40/each time; 5. The basic operation fee is 200.00 yuan/time; 6. Surgical suture (absorbable) 30.00 yuan/root; 7. Other charges: For each fetus dissected out, the operation fee will be increased by RMB 30.00; 8. Surgical risk fee: 10% of the dog price; 9. Postoperative care fee: average 80.0 yuan per day. (usually 7 days). Surgery Agreement 5
Name ______ Gender ___ Age _____ Department _____ Bed number ____ Hospital number _______
Dear patient:
You are seeing a doctor due to ____________________________. The initial diagnosis/clinical diagnosis is _______________________________. It is planned to undergo ____________________________________________ surgery in order to achieve the purpose and expected effect of ____________________________________________.
This surgery is an effective diagnosis and treatment method and is generally safe, but it also has certain traumatic and risky aspects. In addition to giving you a verbal explanation, the doctor will also sign an informed consent form with you. Please read the following carefully and carefully consider whether to undergo the surgery.
□ 1. Anesthesia methods and complications (with anesthesia informed consent attached);
□ 2. Cardiovascular accidents, cardiac and respiratory arrest; cerebrovascular accidents;
□ 3. Damage to the common carotid artery, causing massive bleeding, requiring blood transfusion or even life-threatening;
□ 4. Damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve, superior laryngeal nerve, parathyroid gland, vagus nerve, and brachial plexus;
□ p>
□ 5. Damage to lymphatic vessels, pleural roof, sympathetic nerve, phrenic nerve and other surrounding tissues and organs;
□ 6. Combined radical resection of thyroid cancer may remove: sternocleidomastoid muscle, cervical Internal vein, accessory nerve, great auricular nerve, etc.;
□ 7. Postoperative dyspnea and suffocation, tracheotomy if necessary;
□ 8. Massive bleeding at the surgical site: wound Infection, dehiscence;
□ 9. Hiccup, cough, lung infection;
□ 10. Stress peptic ulcer;
□ 11 , Heart, brain and kidney function damage;
□ 12. Hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, hyperthyroid crisis;
□ 13. Hypoesthesia and numbness of the skin in the surgical area; Valve necrosis, etc.;
□ 14. Due to the limitations of the current medical level or examination results, unexpected complications may occur;
□ 15. Once complications occur, it may Aggravating the condition, prolonging the hospitalization time, increasing hospitalization expenses, some requiring re-operation, and in severe cases, it can cause the death of the patient;
□ 16. The tumor has local recurrence, cervical lymph node metastasis or distant metastasis after surgery
□ 17. Determine whether to perform further radiotherapy, chemotherapy or other treatments based on the pathological results and clinical examination results after surgery;
□ 18. Other unpredictable accidents and Risks;
□ 19. Risks if you do not agree to perform the operation:
When performing the above operations, we will strictly abide by the relevant technical operating specifications and diagnosis and treatment routines, and make adequate preparations Preparatory work to prevent and reduce the occurrence of the above adverse phenomena. If the above situation occurs, we will actively take corresponding measures for treatment.
Patient’s opinion:
We have carefully listened to the doctor’s introduction to the patient’s condition and treatment, read the above information in detail, and fully understood the doctor’s explanation and informed consent. The contents of the ticked items (***__ items). After careful consideration, I agree/disagree to undergo the surgery and am willing to bear the corresponding risks and costs.
Patient signatory: Relationship to patient:
Address: Telephone: Date: year, month, day, hour
Physician: Date: year, month, day, hour Surgery Agreement Book 6
1. Anesthesia accident, cardiac and respiratory arrest, drug anaphylactic shock;
2. During the operation, it was found that the nerves, blood vessels and other tissues were seriously damaged and there was no condition for replantation, so the finger needed to be amputated;
3. Vascular damage was extensive during the operation, requiring vein transplantation;
4. During the operation, the bone needs to be shortened, and joint fusion may be performed if necessary;
5. Vascular crisis occurs after surgery and requires surgical exploration again;
6. Postoperative necrosis of the replanted finger requires secondary surgical resection;
7. Postoperative wound infection, suppuration, non-healing or delayed wound healing;
8. Postoperative replantation of the finger body was complicated by osteomyelitis;
9. Postoperative nerve recovery is poor, and finger sensory function recovery is poor;
10. Postoperative tendon adhesion and poor recovery of finger movement function;
11. Postoperative fracture delayed healing or nonunion;
12. The appearance of the replanted finger after surgery is poor;
13. Tourniquet and urinary catheter complications occur;
14. It is difficult to predict the occurrence of other non-iatrogenic adverse accidents. Surgery Agreement 7
1. Anesthesia accidents, abnormal fluctuations in vital signs during and after surgery, and even heartbeat and respiratory arrest.
2. During the operation, there may be a lot of bleeding in the soft tissue and bone marrow cavity, or there may be massive bleeding due to accidental damage to blood vessels, leading to shock or even death.
3. Peripheral nerves may be damaged due to accidents during the operation, resulting in worsening of sensory and motor dysfunction symptoms.
4. Heart, lung, liver, kidney and other organ failure may occur during or after the operation, which may be complicated by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents, and serious complications such as fat embolism syndrome and emergency ulcer may occur.
5. If the fracture is fragmented or severely displaced, anatomical reduction may not be possible during the operation, resulting in limb deformity that may not be completely corrected. During the operation, efforts must be made to restore the stress axis and axial stability of the limb; postoperative auxiliary external fixation or traction treatment may be required.
6. The surgical plan may be changed during the operation depending on the situation.
7. The soft tissue damage at the trauma site is severe. After surgery, the soft tissue at the trauma site may be complicated by ischemia and necrosis, and the incision may ooze and bleed, resulting in delayed healing or non-healing of the incision, which may require a second surgical treatment.
8. The soft tissue damage at the traumatic site is severe, and postoperative trauma and surgical sites may be complicated by soft tissue infection, the formation of ulcers, sinus tracts, and even soft tissue defects or traumatic osteomyelitis.
9. Postoperative tissue scar formation at the surgical site causes local tissue adhesion in tendons, muscle bellies, nerves, blood vessels, bones and skin, leading to limb contracture and compression of nerves and blood vessels, resulting in sensory and motor dysfunction and blood supply disorder in the affected limb. , and there may be dull pain or discomfort at the trauma or surgical site.
10. The soft tissue damage at the trauma site is severe and may be complicated by ischemic muscle contracture or heterotopic ossification.
11. If the fracture is severe and the trauma involves the joint, it is very likely to be complicated by traumatic arthritis, joint stiffness or avascular osteonecrosis.
12. Complications such as accumulation pneumonia, bedsores, disuse osteoporosis, thromboangiitis obliterans, and urinary tract infections may occur due to long-term bed rest after surgery.
13. Postoperative fractures may have delayed healing or nonunion. A thick callus may form after the fracture heals.
14. If bone is grafted during surgery, healing may be delayed or may not heal after surgery, and the bone graft block may shift. The bone removal site may be painful.
15. There will inevitably be scar formation at the incision or wound after surgery, and may even form proliferative scars or keloids.
16. Improper functional exercise or premature weight bearing (holding) may cause internal fixation to loosen, fall off or break.
17. Postoperative refracture at the trauma site may occur due to compression or disuse osteoporosis, or other accidental violence.
18. Indoor plants are at your own expense.
19. Other unpredictable serious situations or unexpected but unavoidable accidents occur, leading to aggravation of the condition.
20. The bone pin nail track of the external fixator may be secondary to infection, or even secondary osteomyelitis of the fixed bone. Symptoms such as pain and bleeding may occur at the nail track, and the surrounding soft tissue may even be secondary to necrosis. Surgery Agreement 8
The owner of this dog (cat) is: The dog (cat)
Due to the disease, surgical treatment is required. During the surgical treatment, the following accidents may occur: In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, the two parties have agreed as follows:
1. Accidental death caused by anesthesia allergy.
2. Due to the lack of heart monitors and ventilators, animals may die suddenly due to cardiac arrest or respiratory failure during anesthesia and surgery.
3. Accidental death caused by massive blood loss and other reasons during the operation due to changes in the tissue properties of the surgical site.
4. Due to the complicated condition, there are postoperative complications and certain sequelae.
5. The animal wakes up after the operation and the operation is completed. Postoperative care is left to the owner. Because surgery is extremely risky, if the above situation occurs, the veterinary hospital will take prompt and active rescue measures, but accidental death of animals is still inevitable. Therefore, if the above accidental death occurs and it is a normal death of the animal, the animal hospital will not be held responsible. Surgical treatment can only be performed after the owner agrees and signs.
Dog (cat) owner:
Veterinary hospital (stamped)
Year, month and day surgery agreement 9
Party A: Korean Korean technical representative party (hereinafter referred to as Party A)
Party B: (hereinafter referred to as Party B)
After friendly negotiation between Party A and Party B in the spirit of equality, voluntariness, mutual benefit, honesty and trustworthiness, ** * Based on the principle of common development, the following cooperation agreement has been reached:
1. Both parties *** jointly carry out Korean-style six-dimensional face-lifting surgery, Korean-style rhinoplasty, Korean-style double eyelid surgery, Korean-style eye bag surgery, Korean-style mandibular surgery Technique, Korean-style rich face, Korean-style eyebrow surgery, Korean-style apple skin.
2. Party A is the technical operation implementer, and Party B is the technology promotion and development party.
3. Party A is responsible for operating the customer’s surgery and ensuring the efficacy and safety of the surgery.
4. Party B is responsible for the promotion, development and publicity of technology, ensuring customer quality and collecting fees.
5. Party A will provide a qualified professional team and medical staff and ensure that the results required by the customer are normal, and issue written medical orders and precautions after oral medical orders after surgery.
6. Party B shall provide Party A with corresponding customer resources and meet the market customer requirements agreed by both parties.
7. The charging standards for carrying out the project have been agreed upon by both parties as follows:
1. The Korean-style six-dimensional face-lifting and slimming surgery is divided into six parts, (neck, mandible, two sides). Cheeks, apples of cheeks, chin, crow’s feet, forehead);
2. The basic fee is 100,000 yuan for each part, and 600,000 yuan for the entire face;
3. Beauty director For boarding cases, the price is 30,000 yuan per part and 50,000 yuan for the whole body.
4. In special circumstances, with the agreement of both parties, if the position is no less than 80,000 yuan per position, 50% of the profits can still be distributed between the two parties;
5. If the customer charges standard fees If an agreement cannot be reached and the amount is less than 80,000 yuan, Party B will automatically reduce the profit distribution by 5% based on a unit of 5,000 yuan. If the price is less than 60,000 yuan per part, Party A has the right to choose to give up the surgery.
8. Other Korean surgical technical cooperation fee standards:
1. Korean apple muscle surgery 100,000 yuan; 2. Korean mandibular surgery 100,000 yuan; 3. Korean wealth and honor Face 100,000 yuan;
4. Korean rhinoplasty 80,000 yuan; 5. Korean double eyelid surgery 30,000 yuan; 6. Korean eye bag surgery 30,000 yuan;
7. Korean style 30,000 yuan for beauty eyebrow surgery.
9. If the profit distribution of other Korean-style technical cooperation reaches the standard, the profit distribution between the two parties will be 50%. If both parties agree to operate the operation at a 20% discount on the basis of the standard fee, they can also pay 50% each. % of the profit distribution plan is implemented. If the charging standard is lower than the 20% discount, Party B's profit will be automatically reduced by 5%. If the charging standard is lower than the standard charging standard of 35%, Party A has the right to give up the surgery.
10. Bearing and allocation of other expenses:
1. Party A will arrange for the expert team to arrive at the designated location and transportation expenses required by Party B;
2. Party B is responsible for all arrangements after Party A arrives (board, accommodation and return transportation costs)
11. Charging method
1. After the customer confirms the surgery, Party B shall charge the customer A surgical appointment deposit of 50% to 30% of the standard charges;
2. After collecting the appointment deposit, if the customer unilaterally terminates the surgical agreement due to his own reasons, the collected appointment deposit can be used as Party A or Party B’s compensation for operating the project. The losses caused will be compensated in full (based on the receipt), and the remainder can be returned to the customer.
12. Settlement method: After the surgical operation is completed, Party B shall promptly settle and pay the profits due to Party A to Party B before Party A leaves, and shall not default for any reason. If there is a breach of contract, Party A has the right to unilaterally terminate the cooperative relationship and maintain the right to pursue the arrears accordingly.
13. Party A and Party B have the responsibility and obligation to keep the projects and terms of cooperation between the two parties confidential in advance and shall not provide them to third parties in any form.
14. If there are unfinished matters during the execution of the contract between the two parties, the two parties shall negotiate and resolve them in a timely manner. The terms reached shall be a supplementary component of this contract and have the same legal effect. If the negotiation fails and involves litigation, Prosecutions may be made to local courts.
15. This contract is made in two copies, with each party holding one copy. It will take effect on the date of signature.
Party A: South Korean technical representative Party B:
Party A’s signature: Party B’s signature:
Date: Date: Surgery Agreement 10
Patient’s name________Gender______Age______ Address___________________
Artificial abortion is a method of artificial termination of pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy. It is a uterine cavity operation and may occur during the implementation. The following complications will occur and are related to individual factors. Among them, the incidence rate of cervical intrauterine adhesions can reach 0.91%~1.87%. The consequences of cervical intrauterine adhesions can cause amenorrhea or reduced menstrual flow, cyclic abdominal pain, and endometriosis. Position syndrome, secondary infertility and pregnancy abnormalities (such as miscarriage, premature birth, intrauterine fetal death, etc.).
1. Artificial abortion syndrome: often occurs during surgery. Symptoms can be mild or severe, manifesting as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, palpitation, pale face, cold sweats, or shock in severe cases.
2. Remaining uterine cavity tissue: If the pregnancy is few days, implantation is late or it is located in the uterine horn, causing leakage. Changes in the position, shape, and properties of the uterus or multiple abortions, medical abortions, or scarring of the uterus make the operation difficult, which can cause tissue residue. If the tissue residue can affect uterine contraction, cause bleeding, infection, etc., dilation and curettage must be performed again.
3. Uterine suction hole, uterine rupture, massive bleeding, uterus removal if necessary. It may also occur in cases of uterine malformation, scarred uterus, pregnancy during lactation, a history of multiple uterine cavity operations, special uterine position or other reasons.
4. Massive bleeding: Uterine fibroids combined with pregnancy, deformed uterus, excessive residual tissue in the uterine cavity that will become organized, expired abortion, molar pregnancy, etc. can easily cause massive bleeding during abortion and curettage.
5. Cervical or uterine cavity adhesions: Artificial abortion is operated by a negative pressure aspirator, which may damage the cervix or uterine cavity endometrium during the operation. Genital inflammation or postoperative infection may occur easily. The more abortions there are, the higher the incidence.
6. Infertility: A small number of menstrual disorders or cervical and intrauterine adhesions occur after abortion, excessive endometrial damage, endometritis caused by postoperative infection, pelvic fallopian tube inflammatory obstruction, etc. Infertility.
7. Doctor’s advice:
(1) Pay attention to rest and increase nutrition.
(2) Contraception and no sexual intercourse for one month.
(3) No bathing or swimming for one month.
(4) Oral antibiotics to prevent infection.
(5) Routine follow-up consultations are recommended after surgery.
_______ In the above situation, _______ surgery, please ask the patient or family member to sign ____________.
Telephone number:
Home address:
Year, month and day surgery agreement 11
1. Anesthesia accident during the operation, cardiac and respiratory arrest. Stop, drug anaphylactic shock
2. Corresponding blood vessels and nerves are damaged during anatomical separation during the operation
3. Anatomical variation is found during the operation, and the surgical incision needs to be extended or the range of skin flap removal needs to be changed. , extend the operation time
4. Change the surgical method according to the specific situation during the operation
5. Vascular crisis occurs after surgery and requires surgical exploration again;
6. Postoperative wound infection, partial necrosis of the skin flap, delayed or non-healing of the wound
7. Postoperative skin flap All necrosis requires secondary surgery (skin grafting or secondary skin flap transplantation)
8. The postoperative skin flap is pigmented, bloated, and poor in appearance, requiring another plastic surgery
9. Postoperative flap sensation recovery is poor and the skin is not wear-resistant
10. Donor site wound infection, suppuration, non-healing or delayed wound healing, skin graft necrosis
11. Donor site Scar formation affects the appearance, hyperesthesia, pain, and scar contracture affect the function of the donor site
12. Pedicle cutting surgery is required about 3 weeks after the pedicled flap operation. Surgical protocol 12
1. Intraoperative anesthesia accident, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, drug anaphylactic shock;
2. Injury to corresponding blood vessels and nerves of the foot during intraoperative anatomy and separation
3. Surgery According to the specific situation, the surgical method is changed
4. During the operation, anatomical variation of the foot blood vessels was found, which required a vein graft to bridge it
5. Vascular crisis occurs after surgery and requires surgical exploration again;
6. Postoperative necrosis of the reconstructed finger requires a second-stage surgical resection
7. Postoperative wound infection, suppuration, non-healing or delayed wound healing;
8. Postoperative finger body reconstruction is complicated by osteomyelitis; delayed healing or non-union of fractures; osteoporosis or bone resorption necrosis;
9. Postoperative nerve recovery is poor, and the sensory function of the reconstructed fingers is poorly restored;
10. Postoperative tendon adhesion and poor recovery of motor function of the reconstructed fingers;
11. The appearance of the reconstructed finger after surgery is poor and requires multiple plastic surgeries
12. Wound infection and suppuration at the foot donor site, non-healing or delayed healing of the wound, and skin graft necrosis
13. Foot donor site Hypersensitivity and pain in the area, affecting walking stability
14. After toe transplantation in the donor area of ??the foot, it affects the aesthetics. Surgery protocol 13
1. Anesthesia accident, cardiac and respiratory arrest , drug-induced anaphylactic shock.
2. The phalanges may need to be shortened during the operation, and joint fusion may be performed if necessary.
3. Vascular crisis occurs after surgery and requires another surgical exploration.
4. Postoperative hand necrosis requires secondary surgical resection.
5. Postoperative wound infection.
6. Postoperative tendon adhesion and poor recovery of finger movement function.
7. Nerve damage, poor postoperative recovery, and poor recovery of finger sensory function.
8. Tourniquet and urinary catheter complications occur.
9. Other unforeseen adverse events occur. Surgery Agreement 14
Name: Age:
Reproductive history: Past medical history:
Drug allergy history: Preoperative diagnosis:
Artificial abortion under general anesthesia (painless abortion) is a surgery that uses artificial abortion combined with anesthesia technology to terminate pregnancy within 10 weeks of pregnancy. It is a remedial measure for women after unexpected pregnancy. Although this technology can Terminate pregnancy and reduce the pain of the recipient during surgery, but existing medical technology cannot completely avoid it. During and after painless abortion, a few complications may occur, and a very small number of patients may have the risk of surgical or anesthesia accidents. .
1. Possible complications of painless abortion include:
1. Complications of artificial abortion: heavy bleeding, incomplete abortion, infection, and abortion syndrome may occur during the operation. , irregular vaginal bleeding, abnormal menstruation, amenorrhea, secondary infertility, etc. after uterine perforation.
2. Complications of anesthesia: Anesthesia accident (respiratory and cardiac arrest, drug anaphylactic shock, serious damage to the heart, liver, kidney and other organs).
3. Nausea and vomiting may occur during and after the operation, which may occasionally lead to suffocation.
4. The patient is restless and has delayed recovery after surgery.
5. Other unpredictable complications of surgery and anesthesia.
2. In order to reduce the occurrence of anesthesia complications, you are required to do the following:
1. Please fast for 6 hours and drink for 4 hours before surgery.
2. Provide relevant medical history truthfully, including whether there are serious organic diseases, etc.
3. Precautions after surgery:
1. Patients can leave the hospital accompanied by their family members only after they meet the discharge standards.
2. Do not drink, drive, climb, or operate complex instruments within 24 hours after anesthesia.
3. It is not advisable to eat within 3 hours after anesthesia, and lactating women are not allowed to breastfeed for 6 hours after anesthesia.
4. Anesthesia can only make the patient comfortable and painless during the operation, but it cannot guarantee the postoperative uterine pain that a very small number of people may experience after artificial abortion.
5. Others:
I voluntarily request a painless abortion, express my understanding of the complications and accidents that may occur during the operation, and am willing to bear the additional cost of a painless abortion. medical expenses.
Signature of patient and/or family members: Signature of doctor (obstetrics and gynecology or anesthesiology department):
Date: Date: Surgery Agreement 15
Name: Gender: Age:
Telephone: Address:
Name of surgery: Date:
(1) Due to the different aesthetics of each person, although the doctor tried his best No matter how hard you try, you may still not be able to meet your respective requirements, and unsatisfactory results and complications may occur, sometimes requiring another surgery for revision. Patients should understand and acknowledge this.
(2) The patient’s recovery period from swelling at the surgical site ranges from 1 to 3 months in mild cases and more than half a year in severe cases. Similarly, the growth and recovery of scars at the surgical site also takes 3 months or more than half a year. During this period the surgical results are unparalleled.
(3) Patients with mental disorders, scarring constitution, etc. are not suitable for surgery. The surgeon will not be responsible for any abnormalities caused by concealing medical history.
(4) Tissue substitutes such as silicone rubber used in cosmetic surgeries may cause rejection reactions. This situation is difficult for doctors and patients to predict. It is caused by differences in the patient’s physical constitution and has nothing to do with the surgery. Patients should Seek medical treatment promptly and don’t get hung up on it for no reason.
(5) Photographs must be taken before and after cosmetic surgery and the doctor has the right to communicate and publish the information on the surgery.
(6) Special instructions for the operation: (State all possible complications of the operation)
(7) The above terms and special instructions for the operation, The patient (including family members) has carefully studied the procedure, and has fully understood and acknowledged the risks and unexpected complications. After careful consideration, he voluntarily accepted the surgery and assumed certain risks.
Patient or family member’s signature: Doctor’s signature: