Method 1:
Go to d:/web/wsh: javac
Then exit the wsh directory and enter javac wsh/ under d:/wsh to compile successfully!
Method 2: By using the javac -classpath(cp) parameter.
Go to d:/web/wsh: javac
Or under d:/wsh/wsh: javac-classpath d:/web/wsh
This can also be compiled successfully!
The following methods all passed the test!
The following parameters are compiled by javac:
Usage: javac & lt source file >
-g:none does not generate any debugging information.
-g:{lines, vars, source} only generates some debugging information.
-nowarn does not generate any warnings.
-verbose outputs a message about what the compiler is doing.
-deprecation output uses the source location of the expired API.
-class path & lt; Path > specifies the location to find user class files.
-CP & lt; Path > specifies the location to find user class files.
-source path & lt; Path > specifies where to find the input source file.
-boot class path & lt; Path > overwrites the location of the boot class file.
-ext dirs & lt; Directory > the location of the extended directory in cover the installation.
-Endorser < Directory > the location of the standard path that overrides the signature.
-d & lt; Directory > specifies the location where the generated class files are stored.
-encoding < code > specifies the character encoding used by the source file.
-source & lt; Version > provides source code compatibility with the specified version.
-target & lt; Version > generates a class file for a specific virtual machine version.
-Version version information
-help outputs a summary of standard options.
-X outputs a summary of non-standard options.
-J & lt; Logo > Pass pass directly to the runtime system.