Try it. He confessed to you, and you don't hate it. Then you should have a crush on him, too From what you said, I can feel that you are afraid that he will not love you in the end and that he is not sincere, so you are somewhat evasive. In fact, you don't have to. He is really good to you. Seize the opportunity and give him a chance. Just like you said, try to love him. Maybe you will find that you really love him, or just regard him as your brother or good friend. This is a good opportunity. Take it. Don't waste all the time. Are you willing to give up my efforts? (* _ _ *)
Come on, give it a try. Not appropriate. You can still be good friends. Don't always think that you can't be a lover but an enemy. You have a lot in common, don't you? A promising couple.
Besides, I can remember so many small details with him. Isn't this the best evidence? You care about him, admit it.