1.What is Ionic? Ionic's ecosystem is based on Angular, a web application framework, and Cordova, a tool for building and packaging native applications. Ionic integrates HTML, CSS, JS, Angular, Cordova and other technologies to become a very powerful mobile application development platform. 2. How to set up the environment? If you want to use Ionic to build an application now, your application must have the following steps. 1>Install node.js. You can visit [nodejs official website](splash.png. Then use the following command to generate splash screen images of different sizes: $ionicresources--splash1 Step 3: Compile the Android application (here, take the Android application as an example). 1> Configure the application Signature. Use the following command to configure your signature (keystore): $keytool-genkey-v-keystoreknow_your_brew.keystore-aliasknow_your_brew-keyalgRSA-keysize2048-validity100001 Note: Please use the name of your application instead of know_your_brew. This command can generate a The new file, in this example is know_your_brew.keystore. The same keystore will be reused throughout the life cycle of the application. 2> Use Cordova to compile the application. Use the build command to compile a release version of the application: $cordovabuild The --releaseandroid1 command will generate a new apk file. It has not been signed yet. 3> Sign the application file. Now we need to use the keystore file created earlier to sign the generated unsigned version of the application: $jarsigner-verbose-sigalgSHALwithRSA-digestalgSHAL-keystoreknow_your_brew.keystoreunsigned_name.apkknow_your_brew1 Note: Please use the keystore generated file name to replace the know_your_brew example name, and replace unsigned_name.apk with the real application file name. This process will take a while, and it will take some time. Prompt for the keystore password. The command will modify the apk file and sign it.
? Nobody likes loneliness, but they don't like disappointment. A euphemism for signature. I share more information about it with you below, I hope you like it