Initial's classic quotation is: abigbluepapaarth with hisinitalia sureid redintheconner From: A.Uttley Initial means the initials of n. (word); Start; Original text; Prefix; Sign your initials. The first is the initial synonym
I. Interpretation of Ying Ying Click here for initial details.
Noun: the first letter of a word (especially a person's name); " herefusedtoputtheinitialsFRSafterhisname "
Adjective: Occurring at the beginning "TookTheInitialSteptoWardreconciliation"
Verb: abbreviation of markwithone
Second, the dictionary explanation
InAM, starting with the first letter in American English, initial 1+0. initial
The initial response was very good ...
The initial response was very good.
For example, aimofthisinitialmeetinging clarifies the problem.
The objective of this preparatory meeting is to clarify these issues.
2. initials (of name) (for example, MichaelDennisStocks is abbreviated as M.D.S)
initialsarethecapitalletters which begineachwordofaname。 For example, if your full name is michaeldenisstocks, your initials will be M.D.S
Initial meaning
For example ... asilverperchecarwithherinitial sjbontheside.
A silver Porsche sports car with her initials JB printed on the body.
Sign with your initials.
If someone has a formal document, they write their initial unit, for example, they indicate that they have accepted it.
Interpretation of initials
For example: would you mind initiatingthisvoucher? ...
Please sign your initials on the voucher.
For example, the agreement was signed in June.
The agreement was initialled in June.
Third, examples
This is a piece of writing paper with his initials on it.
After heinitialcheers, Noiseofthecrowdbegantodiaway as groups started to play.
After the initial cheers, the band began to play, and the noise of people gradually disappeared.
We passed the preliminary examination stage.
The word "hour" is pronounced without nitialaspirate.
The initial letter h of the word hour is not aspirated.
sheinitialedahandbraphand gaveittathyoungman。
She embroidered her initials on the handkerchief and gave it to the young man.
Fourth, lexical collocation.
Used as adjective (adj.) ~+the first letter of a noun (of a magazine), initialmoney, initialpoint, starting point, initialvelocity, initial speed v.
at the bank
I want to open a savings account.
I want to open a savings account. Can you tell me how to deal with it?
Initial meaning
B: ok, you have tofilleoutthisform and letseetreedentification cardsordocuments.
Ok, you must fill out this form first, and then show me three kinds of documents.
I brought my driver's license, press card and passport. Will they?
I have a driver's license, membership card and passport. Are these all right?
B: Let me see. Yes, they're fine.
Let me see. Yes, these will do.
Initial meaning
What is a minimum deposit account?
What's the minimum deposit in my account?
b:youcan depositaninitialamountoftendollars。
The account opening amount can be 10 yuan.
A: Thank you.
Thank you.
Business English
A: Good morning, Mr. Smith.
Good morning, Mr Smith. I brought the contract you've been waiting for. Please read the draft again.
B: OK. Please sit down. Which do you prefer, China tea or coffee?
Ok, please sit down. What would you like to drink, China tea or coffee?
Initial online translation
A: Thank you. I like Chinese food very much.
I'd like a cup of China tea, please.
B: Here you are.
This is tea.
A: Are you finished?
Have you finished reading it?
B: Yes. I have a question about article 8. Did we agree to these terms?
I quit. I have a question about article 8. Are these the conditions we agreed to?
A: OK. Let's leave now.
Ok, let's have a look.
b: 10 percent down and thebalanceatthetimeofshipment? That's what I mean.
Pay 10% in cash, and will the balance be paid at the time of delivery? That's what I'm saying.
The antonym of the first letter
Yes, I think that's where we live.
Yes, I think we did that.
B: I'll check it out in five minutes.
I need a few more minutes to check my notes.
A: Is that right?
Yes, that's right.
Yes, that's right.
Initial meaning
It's good. Canwesignthemrightaway?
All right. Can we sign the contract now?
B: Certainly, Shandan Pen.
Of course. Please give me the pen.
A: Here you are.
Here you are.
B: Where do I sign?
Where can I sign?
Here, on the last page. We will sign two originals, each in Chinese and English, both languages are equally authentic.
Here it is, the last page. We will sign two originals in Chinese and English respectively. Both are effective.
B: OK. Is fatal?
All right. so this is it?
A: No. Excuse me, are you alsoinitialthishangeongpage 2?
No, can you sign your initials on the second page?
B: I want to come to a successful conclusion.
I am glad that our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.
Initial meaning
I hope we can have further business dealings.
I hope this transaction will further develop our trade.
Initial translation
Now all we have to do is shake hands.
Ok, let's celebrate.
Yes, let's go out for another drink to celebrate.
That's a good idea.
That's a good idea.
Sixth, etymological explanation.
☆ 1526 entered English directly from Latin initialis, which means the original text. Synonyms related to initials
First, primitive, main
Related antonyms of initials
Final, final
Related adjacent words of the first letter
initialize,inergy,initialor,initial,initialgap,InitialRI,initialqi,initialese,initial。 , initialization, initialization
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