Note: the file hwinterface.sys is stored in the directory C:\Windows\System32\drivers. The known Windows XP file sizes are 3026 bytes (accounting for 83% of the total occurrence rate) and 2996 bytes.
Drivers can be started or stopped in Control Panel-Administrative Tools-Services, or controlled by other programs. The application is invisible. There are no detailed comments about this service. This is not a Windows system file. Hwinterface.sys seems to be a compressed file. The risk of technical threat is 40%, but you can also refer to the opinions of users.
Remember: hwinterface.sys can also be disguised by malicious software, especially when they exist in the c:\windows or c:\windows\system32 directory. We suggest using the security task manager to check the security status of the computer, so as to further check whether the hwinterface.sys process is really harmful.
She brushes her teeth 5 times a day! (2006 The swansong of the hidden signature)