The template is as follows: Proof of Rights Ownership () The work was independently created by me (ID card information) and completed on () year () month () day. I enjoy full copyright to the work. This is to certify that the copyright owner is: (signature) year, month and day
Legal basis:
"Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 11 Copyright belongs to the author, unless otherwise provided in this law.
The natural person who creates a work is the author.
For works hosted by a legal person or unincorporated organization, created on behalf of the will of a legal person or unincorporated organization, and for which the legal person or unincorporated organization assumes responsibility, the legal person or unincorporated organization shall be regarded as the author.
Update 1: girl ... girl ... girl. ..
Update 2: The most important thing is to listen! Good words take precedence as the be