Avoid common polite addresses, such as dear? Gentlemen, how are you? Hi, honey? Sir/? Ma' am, wait Many textbooks say that you should write something like "dear" before writing an email. In fact, polite addresses such as Sirs sometimes make the recipient think that your email may be sent to many people at the same time, which may weaken the importance attached to your email.
Extended data
pay attention to
When sending an email, you need to describe one thing clearly, so that the person who receives the email knows what the email was sent in the past. When sending an email, if there is a lot of content, you can put it in the text. Just send the main points of the topic description. If you need picture information in the email content, you can put the picture in the email, so that people who receive the email can understand it better when reading.
Where attachments are needed, be sure to add them. The person who receives the email can download the attachment and check the content of the email. In the signature of the email, you can note your contact information, so that if the other party can't understand the content of the email, you can also contact by phone.