Feng Xuan Hakka Meng Changjun translated the original text as follows:
Original text:
The Qi people who have Feng Xuan are poor and can't live on their own, which makes them belong to Meng Changjun, and they are willing to send them to eat. Meng Changjun said, "What about guests?" Yue: "No guest is good." Say, "What can a guest do?" Yue: "The guest is incompetent." Meng Changjun laughed and accepted it: "Promise."
around you, you are humble, and you eat grass tools. After living for a long time, he leaned against the column and played his sword. He sang, "The long shovel is back! Eat no fish. " Tell me about it. Meng Changjun said, "Eating is better than being a guest at home." After living there for a while, he repeated his cymbals and sang, "Long cymbals are back!" There is no car. "
laugh at it from left to right as a warning. Meng Changjun said, "Driving for it is better than driving under the door." So he rode in his car, uncovered his sword and said to his friend, "Meng Changjun is a guest." After a while, he played his sword again and sang, "Long Tong is back!" No home. " Both sides are evil, thinking that greed is not enough. Meng Changjun asked: "Is Feng Gongyou close?" Yes, "there is an old mother." Meng Changjun makes people feed him, and he is never tired. So Feng Xuan stopped singing.
Later, Meng Changjun wrote a note and asked his guests, "Who can learn how to plan, and who can blame Xue for writing?" Feng Xuan said, "Yes." Meng Changjun was surprised and said, "Who is this?" The left and right said, "It's the return of Godfather Chang Chuan." Meng Changjun said with a smile, "The guest fruit is capable, but I have never seen it."
Please take a look at it, and Xie said, "I am tired of writing, and I am worried, but I am foolish in nature, and I am immersed in national affairs, so I offend Yu Xiansheng. Mr. Wang is not ashamed, but he wants to blame Xue for it. " Feng Xuan said, "I wish it." So he got into the car and installed it, carrying the voucher contract, and said, "What is the market against the responsibility?" Meng Changjun said, "Look at what is lacking in my family."
driven away by learning, the officials called the people to pay for it, and they came to collect the coupons. Vouchers are repeated, raised and corrected to give responsibility to the people. For burning its coupons. Long live the people.
I'm here in the morning. Meng Changjun blamed him for his illness, but he saw it in his clothes and said, "Do you accept it after you finish your duty? Come to any disease! " Say, "It's finished." "What is the market?" Feng Xuan said; "Jun's' depending on what my family has'. I stole the plan, the treasures were accumulated in your palace, the dogs and horses were outside the stables, and the beauty was filled with Chen. Those who have little in your family are righteous! Stealing the righteousness of the city. "
Meng Changjun said, "What about the market?" He said, "Today, you have only a little knowledge, and you don't love your son and his people, so you are good at it. I stole your life and gave it to the people with responsibility. Because I burned my coupons, the people called it long live. I am a minister, so I am righteous for the city. " Without saying anything, Meng Changjun said, "No, sir, stop!"
In the later years, the King of Qi called Meng Changjun, saying, "I dare not take the minister of my former king as my minister." Meng Changjun was in Xue's country, not a hundred miles away, and the people helped the old and took care of the young, and welcomed him to the middle of the road. Meng Changjun said of Feng Xuan: "What your husband has done is what you have seen today."
Feng Xuan said, "A sly rabbit has three caves, so you have to avoid its dead ear; Today, you have a cave, and you lie down without a high pillow. Please dig two caves for you. " Meng Changjun gave 5 chariots and 5 Jin of gold, and traveled to Liang in the west, saying that Hui Wang said, "Let his minister Meng Changjun go to the princes, and the princes will meet him first, and he will be rich and strong."
So the King of Liang assumed the position of superior, took his former position as the superior general, and sent an envoy to hire Meng Changjun. Feng Xuan pioneer, admonished Meng Changjun: "A thousand dollars, heavy coins also;" A hundred times, it is also obvious. I heard it. " Liang made the three evils, but Meng Changjun stuck to his words.
when the king of qi heard this, the monarch and his ministers were afraid, so he sent a teacher, one thousand Jin of gold, two carriages, and a sword to seal the book, thanking Meng Changjun, saying, "I am unlucky, and I am worshipped by the ancestral temple, and I am indulged in flattering ministers, and I am guilty of you.
I am not enough; May you care about the ancestral temple of the late king, and you will oppose the reunification of the country! " Feng Xuan admonished Meng Changjun, saying, "May the sacrificial vessel of the king be used first, and the ancestral temple be built in Xue." When the temple was completed, it was reported to Meng Changjun: "The three caves have been completed, and you are happy to have a high pillow."
Meng Changjun has been with each other for decades, and there is no harm from the fiber interface, which is also the plan of Feng Xuan.
There was a man named Feng Xuan in the State of Qi who was too poor to support himself. He asked Meng Changjun to be a diner in Meng Changjun's house. Meng Changjun asked, "What are the guests' hobbies?" Answer: "He has no hobbies." Ask again: "What talent does the guest have?" The answer is, "He has no talent." Meng Changjun accepted him with a smile and said, "All right."
The clerks around Meng Changjun gave him poor food because Meng Changjun looked down on him. After a while, Feng Xuan leaned against the pillar bullet and sang, "Go home, Chang Chuan! There is no fish for dinner. " The clerk told Meng Changjun about this situation, and Meng Changjun said, "Give him fish to eat and treat him like a diner under the door."
Not long after, (Feng Xuan) brandished his sword again and sang, "Go home, Chang Chuan! There is no car when going out. " Everyone laughed at him and told Meng Changjun about it. Meng Changjun said: "Prepare a car for him and treat him like a guest who takes a car under the door." So Feng Xuan went to visit his friend in his car, holding his sword, and said, "Meng Changjun treated me as a guest."
Soon after this, Feng Xuan brandished his sword again and sang, "Go home, Chang Chuan! There is no way to support the family! " All the clerks hate him and think he is greedy and unsatisfied. Meng Changjun asked, "Does Mr. Feng have parents?" Answered, "There is an old mother." Meng Changjun sent someone to feed her, so that she wouldn't be short of anything. So Feng Xuan never sang again.
Later, Meng Changjun issued a notice asking diners at home: "Who is familiar with accounting, can you collect debts in Xueyi for me?" Feng Xuan signed (on the notice) and wrote, "I can." Meng Changjun looked surprised and said, "Who is this?"
The clerk said, "It's the one who sings that long sword. Go home." Meng Changjun said with a smile, "The guest is really talented. I'm sorry that I didn't meet him before." He specially invited Feng Xuan to meet him and apologized to him, saying, "I was tired by some trivial matters, distracted by worries, weak and stupid by nature, trapped in state affairs and family affairs, and offended my husband." Mr. Wang is not ashamed of (my rudeness to you). Are you still interested in going to Xueyi to collect debts for me? "
Feng Xuan said, "I am willing to do it (for you)." So I prepared my horses and chariots, packed my luggage, and set off with the loan. When leaving, Feng Xuan asked, "What can I buy with all the debts?" Meng Changjun said, "Look at what I lack at home (just buy some back)."
Feng Xuan hurried to Xueyi, and sent officials to call all the people who should pay their debts to check the loan deed. After checking all the loan deeds, (Feng Xuan) stood up, gave the debt to the people under the guise of (Meng Changjun's) order, and then burned those loan deeds. Long live the cheers of the common people.
Feng Xuan kept driving back to Qi (the capital) and asked for Meng Changjun early in the morning. Meng Changjun was surprised that he came back so quickly. He dressed up to meet him and said, "Have you collected all the loans? Why are you back so fast? " Answer: "It's finished." Q: "What did you buy with it?"
Feng Xuan said, "Look at what my family lacks. I think about it privately. Your palace is full of treasures, hounds and horses are full of barns, and beautiful women are standing under the hall. What your family lacks is just righteousness. I bought you justice with my debt. " Meng Changjun asked, "What's the matter with buying righteousness?"
Answer: "Now you have a little Xue who doesn't regard the people there as his own children and care for them. Instead, he takes the opportunity to seek personal gain from them by means of businessmen. Under the guise of your orders, I gave the debt to the people, and immediately burned those loans, and the people shouted long live. This is the way I used to buy you justice. " Meng Changjun was unhappy and said, "Well, forget it, sir!"
after a year, the king of qi said to Meng Changjun, "I dare not use my former king's officials as my officials." Meng Changjun went to his fief Xue Yi. It's still a hundred miles from there, so the people will help the old and the young and meet him on the road. Meng Changjun looked back at Feng Xuan and said, "I only saw the truth that Mr. Wang bought me righteousness today." Feng Xuan said, "The sly rabbit has three caves and can only avoid death. Now that you only have one cave, you can't sleep with a pillow. Please let me dig two more caves for you. "
Meng Changjun gave Feng Xuan 5 cars and 5 Jin of gold. Go west to Liang to lobby. (Feng Xuan) said to Liang Huiwang: "Qi exiled its minister Meng Changjun to a vassal state, and the first one among the vassal States to meet him will make the country rich and the army strong." So King Hui of Liang vacated the phase, made the original phase a general, and sent an emissary with 1, kilograms of gold and 1 cars to hire Meng Changjun.
Feng Xuan drove back to Qi first, reminding Meng Changjun: "A thousand dollars is a very heavy dowry, and a hundred cars are a distinguished envoy. Qi should have heard about this situation. " The envoy of Wei made three trips back and forth, but Meng Changjun resolutely refused to go.
When the King of Qi heard these things, the monarch and his subjects became frightened, so he sent a teacher to send a thousand kilograms of gold, two floats and a sword (to Meng Changjun). I wrote a letter apologizing to Meng Changjun, saying, "I am unlucky, suffering from the misfortune of my ancestors, and I have been deceived by courtiers who please me and offended you. I am unworthy of your help; I hope you can take care of the ancestral temple of the late king and come back to command the people of the whole country! "
Feng Xuan reminded Meng Changjun: "I hope you can invite the sacrificial vessels handed down by the former king to the King of Qi to build a ancestral temple in Xuedi." When the ancestral temple was completed, Feng Xuan came back and reported to Meng Changjun: "The three caves have been chiseled. You can lie down with a high pillow and enjoy yourself!"
Meng Changjun has been a photographer for decades, and there is no evil at all. It's all (due to) Feng Xuan's stratagem.
Appreciation of the article
The full text is full of cadences and ups and downs, especially when it is used to introduce the facts in vain, trying to lure in the skills that are not available first, and making the characters stand out, which can be regarded as a masterpiece in writing characters.
The contrast technique of restraining before promoting, belittling before praising in this paper has even more amazing effect, adding a lot of extraordinary images of Feng Xuan. The beauty of the article is that this article is another landscape, not directly describing its talents, but after nine turns, it enters the scenic spot and enhances the drama of historical prose.
The characteristic of this article is to show the changes of characters' personalities through changing plots. Feng Xuan's hidden talents are not revealed, and his first attempt to show his talents contrasts with Meng Changjun's contempt, attention, doubt and admiration, and the plot is also full of waves and fascinating. In writing, this paper has characters, stories, plots, dramatic conflicts and detailed descriptions, and has the characteristics of biography, which is the first of its kind in the history books of later generations.