Operating system: CentOS 7
Memory: 4GB
Central processing unit: 2
Note: Resources are allocated according to each node's own server resources.
Install Java 8
Elasticsearch and Logstash need Java, so install it now. We will install the latest version of Oracle Java 8 because it is recommended by Elasticsearch.
Note: It is recommended to download the latest version of JDK locally and upload it to the /usr/local/src directory of the server.
# JDK download address:
/tech network/Java/Java se/downloads
123 123
Then use this yum command to install RPM (if you downloaded a different version, please replace the file name here):
yum-y local install JDK-8u 1 1 1-Linux-x64 . rpm
# Or
rpm-IVH JDK-8u 1 1 1-Linux-x64 . rpm 123 123
Now Java should be installed in/usr/Java/JDK1.8.0 _11/JRE/bin/Java and linked from /usr/bin/java.
Install Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch can be installed with the package manager by adding an elastic package repository.
Run the following command to import the Elasticsearch public gpg key into rpm:
echo '[nginx]
Name=nginx repurchase
base URL = http://nginx . org/packages/centos/$ release ver/$ base arch/
Enabled = 1
| sudo tee/etc/yum . repos . d/nginx . repo 12345678 12345678
Use yum to install nginx and httpd-tools.
yum install nginx httpd-tools-y 1 1
Use htpasswd to create an administrator user named "kibanaadmin" (you can use other names) who can access the Kibana Web interface:
[root @ Linux probe ~]# htpasswd-c/etc/nginx/htpasswd . users kibana admin
New Password: # Custom
Retype the new password:
Add password for user kiba na admin12341234.
Use vim to configure nginx configuration file
[root @ Linux probe ~]# egrep-v " #|^$ "/etc/nginx/conf . d/ki Bana . conf
Server {
Listen to 80;
Server name kibana.aniu.co;
access _ log/var/log/nginx/ki Bana . aniu . co . access . log main;
error _ log/var/log/nginx/ki Bana . aniu . co . access . log;
Auth_basic "restricted access";
auth _ basic _ user _ file/etc/nginx/htpasswd . users;
proxy _ pass http://localhost:560 1;
proxy _ http _ version 1. 1;
proxy _ set _ header Upgrade $ http _ Upgrade;
Proxy_set_header connection "upgrade";
proxy _ set _ header Host $ host
proxy _ cache _ bypass $ http _ upgrade;
} 123456789 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 123456789 10 1 / kloc-0/ 12 13 14 15 16 17